Roger Ver has filed a lawsuit against virtual currency exchange OKCoin in the amount of $570,000 for breach of contract.

Ver claims OKCoin violated the terms of a contract for work on the website of which OKCoin was responsible for redesign and SEO in 2014. In 2015 OKCoin announced it would no longer be supporting the domain. 

OKCoin allegedly forged Ver's signature on an alternate contract that allowed the company to terminate the contract within 6 months instead of the 5 year duration the original contract states. Something OKCoin's former CTO backed up in this Reddit post.

That equates to 570,000 at 10,000 per month for the remaining 57 months of the contract and the amount being sought in the lawsuit. OKCoin CEO, Xu Mingxing, is named individually as the defendant in the filing.


Image source: dinbits staff

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