The CryptoRansom Epidemic
Which is worse? The growing epidemic of ransom-ware (Cryplocker, Cryptowall, Teslacrypt, etc...) hijacking computers around the world, and demanding payment to get files decrypted? Or is it the companies popping up left and right offering to "remove" the virus for a fee.
Many people, when face with any kind of virus, prefer not to take a chance themselves. They don't want the task of finding the right tools, removing the virus, and cleaning up the system afterwards, much less the additional task of having to find bitcoin, and purchasing a decryption tool from the same "reliable source" that infected [your] computer. That's understandable because all of the above, is less than favorable.
There is certainly merit to hiring a professional to take care of this, but at what cost?
Well, we found out, and this wasn't even a project or anything we were currently looking at either, we were working on research for another story when we simply needed a price quote on what people were paying to have this professionally removed. What we found was a little shocking.
The Basis For Inquiry
This week [June 24th, when this article was 1st drafted], the FBI released an advisory on Malware, referred to as "ransom-ware", which listed the current damages of over $18 Million. What they didn't provide, was a breakdown what all was entailed in that $18 Million, or disclose what portion of that may have been professional removal service fees.
We were curious to know what the average fees for this service were. In our experience, the cost was around $200, which seems a bit high, so we wanted to get a good cross-section of the rest of the United States on this.
The Good, The Bad, And The Geeks
FAIR We went to the secret searching appliance, known as code named "Google", and instantly notice a few paid advertisements list themselves, but not nearly as many as we expected. We checked out few going for as low as $40, which we felt was cheap, the removal process is annoying, but if your doing several per day, then perhaps. These were usually smaller shops, generally mom-and-pop type computer repair joints located in strip malls.
Likewise, these companies had less than desirable web pages (yet ironically offered web design services) and no chat technology to speak with a human instantly, but we could see from their web pages, that if we brought the bitcoin, we'd likely be out of there for under $100.
It didn't leave anyone with a warm fuzzy feeling however, there's no mention of cleaning the system afterwards, how they are going to get rid of it, and pretty much feel they are just going to send the bitcoin, run the tool, and that's it. Assuming they even knew what to do exactly.
Not to say that is what is going to happen but you get what you pay for. Still if there was one next door, and I had this issue, I would likely walk in and lay down $40 considering I'd be out $300 or $500 already for the bitcoins.
So the searching continued...
The Bad Apple
BAD There are several scams we ran across, and they were painfully obvious, we didn't even bother to explore them and many required downloading and installing something on your computer (tip: do not do this). We eventually ended up on a webpage from a company called Proven Data Recovery and it caught our attention. First of all they had one of the top ads on Google with a multi-star rating. Second, which some may consider a plus, you are instantly met with the BBB graphic when you hit their pages.
I have learned in the past that anyone that has to specifically put their BBB rating on their website may have had trouble in the past or something may be up. They are intentionally trying to prove why you should trust them without doing anything to gain your trust. Call me paranoid but that's just been my experience.
I couldn't have called this one better.
Looking around the website there were several things that caused some concern. They have testimonials plastered on their pages and "thousands of satisfied customers" generally synonymous of a less then perfect organization but they also had allot of credible things on the website such as some recognizable company logo's for their clients.
Upon closer examination most of these were actually close to their home (New York) and almost all of the "reviews" were in regards to recovering data from crashed disk drives. Only one was located that had anything to do with the Cryptowall virus and I couldn't find anything related to anything else regarding virus removal.
The only way I was going to get any answers was to contact them. I went into _stealth mode_ and the following is the transcript of that communication:
☎ Happy Support Person :
Greetings - I'm here to assist you if you have any questions. :)
❁ Cyndi, [formerly known as Happy Support Person] :
Hello Guest, my name is Cyndi [Last Name Omitted]. I'll be with you just in a moment.
Yeah hello, I'm wonder about the Crypto-virus Data Recovery service, what is it that you can recover? Or is it just the removal and paying the ransom thing it asks for?
❁ Cyndi :
Good afternoon! Is this for personal or business use?
✎ dinbits [stealth] :
❁ Cyndi :
Okay. We would charge based on the variant of the virus you have and complexity involved in decrypting the data. Our focus would be to decrypt the files and remove the virus. We have over a 90% success rate right now decrypting files from variance viruses.
[transmission paused]
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Stupid Hat |
Stupid Hat Application
Something smells, and at this point I suspect something is not right because she bypassed my initial question, I specifically asked her what they did and if they were just going to pay the ransom.
Secondly, in case you missed it, this lady just told me they can decrypt files with RSA-2048 encryption, and with a 90% success rate! Isn't that like, impossible?
It was time for the "Stupid Hat" to go on!
[transmission continued]✎ dinbits [stealth-stupid-hat-mode] :
Not sure what you mean by variant, this is asking me to register a wallet and purchase bitcoinz and send it to some long mix of letters and numbers then some other stuff, and that's about where I just stopped and decided to research.
❁ Cyndi :
Variant meaning which version of the virus you have. CTB Locker, CryptoWall 2.0, 3.0, etc.
[transmission paused]
The Second Chance
We knew what it meant, and we knew it had just given us the perfect opportunity to sounds as if we were really stuck and weren't sure what to do with an obvious lack of digital currency knowledge.
This was another shot at giving them a chance to tell us all we really needed to know in the first place, and answer the original question that they sidestepped.
Are these folks just going to deposit $300 and press go? Or do they have some magic beans that defy Moore's Law? Are they brilliant mathematicians who have discovered the efficient number field sieve for cracking RSA-2048? Perhaps an array of Quatum Computers in the back of the shop?
[transmission continued]
✎ dinbits [stealth-stupid-hat-mode] :
You have a picture of it on this page ... its the blue one CryptoWall 3.0
![]() |
The image on Proven Data's Website Referred to |
☣ Cyndi Demon :
The current cost to decrypt and remove the virus is $1,800 to $5,000 for a single disk hard drive depending on the variant of your infection and the level of complexity involved in the recovery.
We will first perform a free remote evaluation to determine the exact cost and provide you with a flat rate quote. If you are interested in the free remote evaluation I can provide you with the next steps.
[transmission paused]
Did she just say $5,000.00? For a single drive? Seriously?
This is coming after I had just told her that I was on a screen telling me to "send bitcoin". My exact words were:
The viruses range in price, usually around $300.00 or $500.00, doesn't she know this? Can she possibly be so out of the loop that she has no clue of the actual ransom demand?
Of course she knows this. She also knows that you don't know what to do else you would not be talking to her. She knows you have a clock ticking down. She knows you have likely spent hours searching for the answer and she knows you are likely in the high percentile of people that are going to look no further because you have found a seemingly reputable solution.
She is well aware of that screen, the costs it's asking for, and most of all she knows that if you were going to pay that ransom all by yourself you would have already done it.
She knows she has the sale and she knows how to milk it too.
[transmission continued]
Did she just say $5,000.00? For a single drive? Seriously?
This is coming after I had just told her that I was on a screen telling me to "send bitcoin". My exact words were:
"this is asking me to register a wallet and purchase bitcoinz and send it to some long mix of letters and numbers"
The viruses range in price, usually around $300.00 or $500.00, doesn't she know this? Can she possibly be so out of the loop that she has no clue of the actual ransom demand?
Of course she knows this. She also knows that you don't know what to do else you would not be talking to her. She knows you have a clock ticking down. She knows you have likely spent hours searching for the answer and she knows you are likely in the high percentile of people that are going to look no further because you have found a seemingly reputable solution.
She is well aware of that screen, the costs it's asking for, and most of all she knows that if you were going to pay that ransom all by yourself you would have already done it.
She knows she has the sale and she knows how to milk it too.
[transmission continued]
✎ dinbits [stealth-exit-mode] :
Is that each? Or for both? It's my home computer and my work laptop.
☣ Cyndi Demon :
Unfortunately that would just be for the business computer ...
[end of transmission]
The Legal Heist, A "Friendly Scam"
$15,000.00 for something I could have just done myself for as little as $300.00 (or to be fair: $900.00 @ (3 * 300 ea)). You can call the Cryptowall creator/designer guy whatever you want but this is the real heist. This women was about to have me pay up to $15,000.00 for this service and that's ridiculous. Unfortunately, it's completely legal. Nothing was done wrong here and had I paid the invoice that would have been legal too.
It is not illegal to overcharge folks. They can charge whatever they want to for this service. It may be unethical ... but its not illegal.
The possible illegal aspect of this is where are they getting the bitcoin and are they charging me for it in that excessive fee and are they paying it to the criminals? This is assuming that they are doing it this way and with a 97% success rate it's a fairly good assumption.
This is because this decryption is not possible... they are lying.
There are other ways to get your data back and I am not saying that they do not look at these options. For instance, you can attempt to restore from a shadow copy and reconstruct deleted files, but here's the thing, the latest Cryptowall 3.0 (the one mentioned in the transmission) already knows this can be done and takes measures to make this difficult, if not impossible, by disabling this service and destroying the files.
Secondly you can try and restore the deleted files themselves, but again, the virus takes measures to corrupt and destroy theses files as well. If you don't turn you computer off immediately the chances of this being successful decline rapidly. This is not %100 even on a normal uninfected computer.
Proven Data Recovery specializes, supposedly, in reconstructing deleted files and it's very possible that this method is one they use for recovery. We found at least one reference to turning your computer off immediately on there website which is a prerequisite for a chance of this actually working and even lend a greater chance to restore files from a shadow copy, however that's not the point here.
The point is that they are engaging in deceptive practices by preying on helpless unknowing victims in an effort to profit from criminal activity and that is wrong.
During this transmission it is made evident that there is a screen to pay to get back the files. At no point was it communicated that the easiest and cheapest method is going to be to send the bitcoin and purchase the decryption tool or that it was even an option. It was not communicated that decryption is impossible. In fact, they make it quite on the contrary stating they they them selves are capable of this decryption.
Furthermore, at no point did they communicate any actions other than letting them on my computer to assist in any of the aforementioned possible solutions which would actually make the matter worse and strengthen the requirement to pay the ransom ... or them ... or more likely both.
Had they instructed me to immediately turn the systems off, the chances of recovering data through available restoration methods already present on my system would have been greatly improved.
I spoke with a member of the team over at Fulcrum Technologies, a security and cloud computing solutions firm in Houston TX, earlier this year when the virus was first reported. I asked him what he thought the best course of action is and he said:
Outside of that, restoring from a backup, the other methods of deleted file reconstruction, or restoration from shadow-copies are about the only other options. None of which may be possible depending on the depth of the infection nor could they guarantee 100% recovery and that is if they can be utilized at all. The Cryptowall 3.0 takes precautions to prevent this.
Without the key, and paying the ransom to get it. You'd have to crack RSA-2048 bit encryption security. Lets take a look at that for a minute, and show Proven Data Recovery, some actual "proven data":
Based on on the 768-bit breakthrough (cracked 5 years ago), a 1024-bit encryption would take 1000 times longer than 768-bit encryption. 768-bit was broken in just under 2 years with 80 processor maxed, which would have been the equivalent to an estimated 1,500 years using a standard desktop computer. That means 1024-bit encryption would take roughly 1.5 Million years [years = 10^6(1.5)].
The "2048", in RSA-2048 encryption, refers to 2048-bit encryption, and "cracking" that would require factoring a 617-digit number that looks like this:
2048-bit encryption is an estimated 2^32 times harder (that's 4,294,967,296) to crack than 1024-bit encryption, using NFS method factoring. To put that into perspective; using a average desktop computer's computational speed to crack RSA-2048, it would take*:
*Roughly: 6.4 quadrillion years
Obviously server farms exist (some with GPU arrays) of various computational speed capabilities, and finding a more efficient NSF method is not impossible, but even using the computational speed of the 768-bit encryption crack you'd be looking at about 8.6 Trillion years:
Proven Data Recovery has no way of doing what they claim as far as decryption and what we have here is a company likely either paying the ransom themselves and cleaning up the system or attempting one of the other methods discussed above.
Most likely they are doing a combination of all of the above in order from "easiest and most profitable" to the "difficult and time consuming" and likely where that $5000.00 price tag comes in for their service. They are not performing decryption the files unless they are paying for the decryption tool, aka paying the ransom, because it's not possible.
What they are doing, is preying on the victims infected by these viruses excessively profiting from the criminal activity.
Is this illegal? This is a grey area.
Is it unethical? Let's just put it this way, you don't need a math equation to figure that one out...
If you find yourself with Cryptolocker, Cryptowall, or other related viruses, we certainly recommend you contact a viable professional service, if you are uncomfortable with the trying to do this alone. However, don't pay more than a couple hundred dollars for this (plus the bitcoin cost of course), because that is what this should really cost.
If you find yourself in a jam, or if your running out of time, then don't worry! Contact us at [email protected], and we'll be happy to walk you through the recovery for free.
The possible illegal aspect of this is where are they getting the bitcoin and are they charging me for it in that excessive fee and are they paying it to the criminals? This is assuming that they are doing it this way and with a 97% success rate it's a fairly good assumption.
This is because this decryption is not possible... they are lying.
There are other ways to get your data back and I am not saying that they do not look at these options. For instance, you can attempt to restore from a shadow copy and reconstruct deleted files, but here's the thing, the latest Cryptowall 3.0 (the one mentioned in the transmission) already knows this can be done and takes measures to make this difficult, if not impossible, by disabling this service and destroying the files.
Secondly you can try and restore the deleted files themselves, but again, the virus takes measures to corrupt and destroy theses files as well. If you don't turn you computer off immediately the chances of this being successful decline rapidly. This is not %100 even on a normal uninfected computer.
Proven Data Recovery specializes, supposedly, in reconstructing deleted files and it's very possible that this method is one they use for recovery. We found at least one reference to turning your computer off immediately on there website which is a prerequisite for a chance of this actually working and even lend a greater chance to restore files from a shadow copy, however that's not the point here.
The point is that they are engaging in deceptive practices by preying on helpless unknowing victims in an effort to profit from criminal activity and that is wrong.
During this transmission it is made evident that there is a screen to pay to get back the files. At no point was it communicated that the easiest and cheapest method is going to be to send the bitcoin and purchase the decryption tool or that it was even an option. It was not communicated that decryption is impossible. In fact, they make it quite on the contrary stating they they them selves are capable of this decryption.
Furthermore, at no point did they communicate any actions other than letting them on my computer to assist in any of the aforementioned possible solutions which would actually make the matter worse and strengthen the requirement to pay the ransom ... or them ... or more likely both.
Had they instructed me to immediately turn the systems off, the chances of recovering data through available restoration methods already present on my system would have been greatly improved.
Decryption Claims of Greatness
Proven Data Recovery claims to be able to decrypt files (with a success rate exceeding 90%, I might add) encrypted by the Cryptowall 3.0 virus and I have stated that they are lying about this claim. Without properly examining their tools and decryption methods one may wonder why I think they are lying? It's not that I don't think they can do it, it is because I know that they can't (unless of course, they are the ransom-ware makers themselves).I spoke with a member of the team over at Fulcrum Technologies, a security and cloud computing solutions firm in Houston TX, earlier this year when the virus was first reported. I asked him what he thought the best course of action is and he said:
Honestly, the only way to decrypt the files is to buy the tool. It uses state-of-the-art RSA-2048 encryption, there is nothing out there that currently exists for decryption, unless you have the key.
Outside of that, restoring from a backup, the other methods of deleted file reconstruction, or restoration from shadow-copies are about the only other options. None of which may be possible depending on the depth of the infection nor could they guarantee 100% recovery and that is if they can be utilized at all. The Cryptowall 3.0 takes precautions to prevent this.
The Math Behind RSA-2048 Decryption
Without the key, and paying the ransom to get it. You'd have to crack RSA-2048 bit encryption security. Lets take a look at that for a minute, and show Proven Data Recovery, some actual "proven data":
Based on on the 768-bit breakthrough (cracked 5 years ago), a 1024-bit encryption would take 1000 times longer than 768-bit encryption. 768-bit was broken in just under 2 years with 80 processor maxed, which would have been the equivalent to an estimated 1,500 years using a standard desktop computer. That means 1024-bit encryption would take roughly 1.5 Million years [years = 10^6(1.5)].
The "2048", in RSA-2048 encryption, refers to 2048-bit encryption, and "cracking" that would require factoring a 617-digit number that looks like this:
2048-bit encryption is an estimated 2^32 times harder (that's 4,294,967,296) to crack than 1024-bit encryption, using NFS method factoring. To put that into perspective; using a average desktop computer's computational speed to crack RSA-2048, it would take*:
*Roughly: 6.4 quadrillion years
Obviously server farms exist (some with GPU arrays) of various computational speed capabilities, and finding a more efficient NSF method is not impossible, but even using the computational speed of the 768-bit encryption crack you'd be looking at about 8.6 Trillion years:
The Geeks
GREAT We don't want this entire writing to reflect only the bad apples. During the quest, we found Geekatoo, and we were impressed. At first landing, the webpage was clean and modern, and considering how aggravated I was having just learned of the likes of Proven Data Recovery, the playfulness of the website was very much welcomed.
Welcomed also, was the gentlemen by the name of Joel, of whom I spoke with over the sites live-chat technology. Like the website, and the companies name, their staff is not without a playful attitude as well stating at one point in the conversation that:
"We have over 6,000 geeks across the country in ...."
There's little doubt this was a canned response used constantly, but it's a great one and one I did not expect. Joel also took the time to understand the problem and although I tried to get right to the point almost expecting a gouge, he took some time to explain the virus and what measures needed to be taken to ensure it really was gone, even getting technical discussing the registry entries that would require removal and how it was one of the smartest Malware viruses he'd ever seen.
Technically, he could have been talking about any of the family of that Malware and likely reading from a script for "best answers", but it was done in a way that won my attention and respect. Even after asking for a price more than once, he had asked for my zip code and even located a "geek". He found a time this afternoon that they could be here at my office to take care of the problem before price was finally discussed.
The most out of pocket (minus the bitcoin) was going to be $179.00 and that came with a support plan covering a year unlimited remote support, on multiple devices, and "as many tuneups and virus removals as you want.". Well, Joel, I don't want any virus removals because I don't want any viruses but that was a great answer. Had I really needed this service, I would have paid on the spot.
I had never heard of Geekatoo until this conversation but I would recommend giving them a try, if you ever have the need, just from that experience alone. Apparently they also have iPhone app which I also did not take a look at, but wanted to point out since they were so very helpful.
The best practice, of course, is not to click on stuff you don't know about (such as executable .EXE's) and have Virus protection installed and scheduled to scan your system periodically.
The Troublesome Summary
We spoke with a couple other reputable companies, of which I thought Proven Data Recovery was, I was told basically either "we'll do this for XX amount" or "either you pay the ransom and use the tool, or it's going to be difficult, expensive, and may not be possible at all" and they all offered to handle the dirty work for a small fee which averaged "about $200" plus the cost of the bitcoin of course and note that none of them tried to sell the bitcoin or even offer to acquire it outside of the "plus the cost of the bitcoin" statement and for the record neither did Proven Data Recovery.
Proven Data Recovery has no way of doing what they claim as far as decryption and what we have here is a company likely either paying the ransom themselves and cleaning up the system or attempting one of the other methods discussed above.
Most likely they are doing a combination of all of the above in order from "easiest and most profitable" to the "difficult and time consuming" and likely where that $5000.00 price tag comes in for their service. They are not performing decryption the files unless they are paying for the decryption tool, aka paying the ransom, because it's not possible.
What they are doing, is preying on the victims infected by these viruses excessively profiting from the criminal activity.
Is this illegal? This is a grey area.
Is it unethical? Let's just put it this way, you don't need a math equation to figure that one out...
Help Is Here
If you find yourself with Cryptolocker, Cryptowall, or other related viruses, we certainly recommend you contact a viable professional service, if you are uncomfortable with the trying to do this alone. However, don't pay more than a couple hundred dollars for this (plus the bitcoin cost of course), because that is what this should really cost.
If you find yourself in a jam, or if your running out of time, then don't worry! Contact us at [email protected], and we'll be happy to walk you through the recovery for free.
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I was beyond depressed as the cryptocurrency ecosystem lost over $90bn in total market capitalization under 24hrs as a result of the uncertainty the COVID-19 pandemic brought into the market. Bitcoin fell from $7,800 to $3,800 within 24 hours. I lost a little over $12,850 under 24hrs. I am quite proactive so instead of folding my arms sad and doing nothing I began looking for ways to make my money back and I opted for cloud mining with THEBTCHASH dot COM after doing an extensive research, the rest they say is history but to begin mining bitcoins, you'll need to acquire a significant number of bitcoin mining hardware components running into millions of dollars. In the early days of bitcoin, it was possible to mine with your computer CPU or high speed video processor card. Today that's no longer possible. Bitcoin mining with anything less will consume more in electricity than an average American will earn in 10 years. TheBTCHash Cloud Mining Software V3.0 bridges this gap. The software Is an advanced cloud-based mining software connected to strong physical mining plants for optimum bitcoin generation. With Speed: 79.14 quintillion hashes per second (EH/s) I was able to mine a total of 3.89 bitcoins ($19,380) under two hours. The process was seamless. Worth my time and resources expended. The bitcoin's crash in price affected me terribly but now I am back and even better! THEBTCHASH is such a life saver!
ReplyDeleteIf you’re a victim of stolen bitcoins or any other cryptocurrency, and you are trying for how to get your coins back, I recommend to visit prohacker2177@ gmail . com to help you recover them. he just assisted me in recovering the bitcoins I lost to some bitcoin scam cryptocurrency website. I am thankful to him and grateful for the support he rendered.
ReplyDeleteWhatsApp/SMS : +1(941) 241 0496
Trading Cyptocurrency is a good thing. i lost a lot before I got to where I am today. if you need assistance on how to trade and recover the money you have lost from your Cyptocurrency broker email me to get the new amazing strategy? If you are having problems withdrawing your fund from your Cyptocurrency trade broker even when you were given a bonus, just contact me, i have worked with a Cyptocurrency broker for 3years, i have helped a lot of people and i wont stop until i have helped as many as possible,here is my email flanmustelafu@gmail. com
ReplyDeleteHack Ethics is a Verified Experienced Binary Options Recovery Specialist and Professional Hacker that provides the experience, intelligence, expertise in Asset Recovery and successfully solve ANY DESIRED HACKING SERVICES YOU WANT with ease which includes BINARY OPTIONS FUNDS RECOVERY, CREDIT REPAIR, PHONE & SOCIAL MEDIA HACKS and so on.
ReplyDeletePeople have lost their hard earned money through this BINARY OPTIONS TRADINGS, yet they would go to meet FAKE HACKERS who are also scammers unknowingly to help them recover their money and they would end up losing more money in the process. These Scammers also tend to put Fake Testimonies out there just to steal more from you by giving you False hope. I understand how heartbreaking it is to be a BINARY OPTIONS SCAM VICTIM after you've been promised your fortune by Binary Companies and then they ignore your Emails or Calls after stealing from you. I'm taking every step to render solution to those innocent people affected and help them get every penny they lost. CONTACT EMAIL - [email protected]
It is crazy when exchanges like StoxMarket isn't taken down after cheating several hardworking individuals wanting to invest attain financial freedom. Personally, I invested $750,000 expecting 120% as promised. Since I deposited, I haven't been able to withdraw neither my capital nor profit. I reached out to my account manager but all effort was in vain.
ReplyDeleteWeeks went by before i stumbled on [email protected] after seeing their reviews on quora. They were able to recover my funds in less than a weeks. Thanks to Shaw for working me through all the processes and how to prevent getting scammed again. i hope this helps someone in similar situation i was.
Binary options may be used in theoretical asset pricing, they are prone to fraud in their applications and hence banned by regulators in many jurisdictions as a form of gambling. Many binary option outlets have been exposed as fraudulent in the U.S. The FBI is investigating binary option scams throughout the world, and the Israeli police have tied the industry to criminal syndicates. The European Union is publishing regulations that will ban binary options trading. ASIC considers binary options as a "high-risk" and "unpredictable" investment option. Most people have lost their hard earned money through this binary options $#*!, yet they would go to meet scammers unknowingly to help them recover their money and they would end up losing more money in the process. Do well to contact [email protected].
ReplyDeleteĐại lý vé máy bay Aivivu, tham khảo
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I got my already programmed and blanked ATM card to withdraw the maximum of $1,000 daily for a maximum of 20 days. I am so happy about this because i got mine last week and I have used it to get $20,000. Mike Fisher Hackers is giving out the card just to help the poor and needy though it is illegal but it is something nice and he is not like other scam pretending to have the blank ATM cards. And no one gets caught when using the card. get yours from Mike Fisher Hackers today! Just send an email to [email protected]
ReplyDeleteAivivu - đại lý chuyên vé máy bay, tham khảo
ReplyDeletevé máy bay đi Mỹ tháng nào rẻ nhất
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Lịch bay từ Seoul đến Hà Nội
ReplyDeletei invested in OPTIONSXO some months back . everything seemed okay because i kept on contacting them during the period i invested and in turn they replied to all my questions. i was promised profit in a short space of time this really got me going as i could see the profits in my account. i had a lot of plans for my funds because my mortgage will soon be due. i decided to add more funds into the platform and i made even more profit . Then i decided to withdraw all my funds, it got declined. i tried it more than once but the same thing occurred. i tried contacting the broker but he didn’t reply then all of a sudden i was logged out and couldn’t log in again. that’s when i realized i have been scammed. i asked people around how to go about it and i was referred to a recovery expert who got all my funds back. CYBERDEMONHACKER432 AT GMAIL DOT COM
If not for the help of [email protected] my wife would have taken my son away from me but I was quick to access her phone remotely and saw her conversations with her new man and also on how she planned on taking my child along with her.
ReplyDeleteFor options on how to get recovery of any funds lost to any of the options below;
ReplyDelete1. Binary option scam?
2. Forex trading?
3. Romance scam
4. ICO Scams
5. Online betting scams
6. Bitcoin scam
7. Phishing scam
or any other kind of scam?
If in any case you have lost funds to them or any other. I have a good news for you. scam rescue is currently recovering funds for all victims. Service delivery is top notch and second to none. Hurry and con ta ct them on info at +447548919371 Whats. app or scamsrescue AT aol DT com
Thank me later.
I lost my money to them few months ago in a bitcoin investment. I lost over $5,000, they denied my withdrawal request and and also left it pending. I reached out to them and they never responded back to my emails and calls. They eventually locked me out of my account. I had to reach out to a recovery expert cryptorefunder360 AT gmail DOT COM or whatsapp +18035702316 to help me recover all my money back. Thankfully I have gotten my money back.
ReplyDelete[email protected]
Asore Corp is a group of multinational Hacker's, an affiliate of Evil Corp. We make sure by all means necessary that our clients get the best of services on a🔐PAYMENT AFTER JOB IS DONE BASIS✅. Rather than send money and trust a criminal to fulfill your deal, you can make sure the job is done before WORKMANSHIP is paid for. You'll get excellent customer service.
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⚠️ BEWARE OF FRAUDSTARS looking to hoax.
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Here, it's always a win for you.
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DISCLAIMER: Asore Cyber Corp accepts no responsibility for any information,previously given to anybody by clients on as regarding the job. Asore Cyber Corp will not distribute contact information collected on any hacking job other than in the Asore corps Hacker's listings themselves, and will not sell contact information to third parties.
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[email protected]
Copyright ©️
Asore Cyber Corp 2021.
All rights reserved.
Never a time i sat to really think that internet could be this so much corrupt whereby scammers now end their living simply by taking away my hard earn money, was just only trying to invest into crypto-currency since i noticed that bitcoin keep going up but all this fake broker's online of whom i actually became one of their victim messed up my life and it was nothing else but full of laughter and shit, they made me monster my hard earn money and even when i tried a recovery agent she did the same until a friend who was an old school friend from Canada Ontario referred me to wizardharry (at) programmer (dot) net who has also helped him in the past and i reached him on email above and his WhatsApp also (+1-807-808-6168), he respond so quick and i explained to him in detailed and he actually got my funds all together a total sum of $78,290.00 USD back to my bitcoin wallet which i gave to him. I'm grateful that despite the internet being full of scammers, good people who have been destined are still out there to help such as Wizard Harry.
ReplyDeleteHacking is a way of looking at problems that no one thought of,that is what Anomalous hack is about.we see the solution to an unknown problem. We don't boast because we are the best and always get the job done.
ReplyDeleteI am top programmers from all over the world working to satisfy our client. I have a reputation for be the the best and ensuring our client job done, fast and untraceable and I'll like to keep it that way. Just tell me what you want and I will work it done.
I render all hack related services and beyond, such as:
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ReplyDeleteis the best recovery expert. This is a detailed guide on how to recover money lost to binary options, forex, bitcoin, cryptocurrency, investment, etc.
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Have you lost money, and you need help recovering it? Recover money from binary options, forex. Recover lost or stolen bitcoin or cryptocurrency and more. Recover money lost to investment, scam etc by simply sending an email to - FASTFUNDSRECOVERY @ PROTONMAIL . COM
One of the best decision i ever made was contacting Dr Otonokpo to help me get my lover back, I was life filled with happiness after i contacted Dr Otonokpo because he didn't just bring my lover back to me he also made our love for each other more unique and superb. If you need to spice your relationship with more love and attention contact Dr Otonokpo on his Email Address [email protected], call/whatsapp him via his contact +2348114129781 and be happy just like i am, thanks Dr Otonokpo for your great work.
ReplyDeleteOne of the best decision i ever made was contacting Dr Otonokpo to help me get my lover back, I was life filled with happiness after i contacted Dr Otonokpo because he didn't just bring my lover back to me he also made our love for each other more unique and superb. If you need to spice your relationship with more love and attention contact Dr Otonokpo on his Email Address [email protected], call/whatsapp him via his contact +2348114129781 and be happy just like i am, thanks Dr Otonokpo for your great work.
I just have to introduce this hacker that I have been working with him on getting my credit score been boosted across the Equifax, TransUnion and Experian report. He made a lot of good changes on my credit report by erasing all the past eviction, bad collections and DUI off my credit report history and also increased my FICO score above 876 across my three credit bureaus report you can contatc him for all kind of hacks . Email him here via Email him here via [email protected] or whatsapp Number: +1 213 295 1376.
ReplyDeleteCan lost Bitcoin be Found or Retrieved?
ReplyDeleteGenerally speaking, whether lost bitcoin can be found or not depends on how it was lost. Considering the quantity of missing cryptocurrency out there, people have begun offering services to help recover lost bitcoin. These include data recovery specialists, but you need a professional recovery expert like Mr Thomas to help you get back your lost bitcoin.
Contact them to recover lost bitcoin, bitcoin cash, as well as all other forms of cryptocurrency. And you can be sure that no matter how long it has been lost, you will still get your bitcoin worth.
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Thank me later.
Hello viewers I am glad to have met with the powerful herbal healer called
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Hello, everyone, my name is Susan Benson am from the United State Of American I was so happy to see a testimonial given by someone called Maria James about his cheating ex-husband that wanted her father's money so I have to contact the email of the man that helps her out in exposing him, for him to help me in my situation because I was already critical down with a lot of pressure because of the wrong investment of bitcoin scheme I did so I contacted him about and explain my problem to him he promised to help me and recover my lost funds to a wrong account with all pleasure he responds to me urgently and help me with the hacking of the account and I got my funds back he is best and good in his work contact him [email protected], contact him on WhatsApp with (+1- /807-23 ) 4-0428 ;) Immediately for your areas of Hacking services I have to share the Good news with everyone so u can be able to recover your lost funds, your Bitcoin, and other hacking services, now I have my funds back and am so happy
ReplyDeleteSubsequently my most recent encounter with an inauthentic e-commerce investment firm, when I laid down a total of $178,000.00 USD in BTC to be included in the firm's periodic earnings and earn some interest, I have been dealing with crooks. When it was time for me to make an expenditure, I was unable to do so even though I could still see my money on the instrument panel. I became so low over this that I nearly gave up on life because I thought it was finished and I was perishing inside. I reluctantly confided in an associate, who recommended me to a hacking team he said was capable of helping me get back my stolen funds. First of all, I wasn't sure about it since, as we all know, once your information is out there, there is no way to get your money back. In a nutshell, Wizard Web Recovery was able to surpass my expectations by obtaining the recovery of my assets. I'm so glad I confided in someone about my mistake. I am also grateful that Wizard web recovery was created for situations like mine, as I would not have been able to recover from this loss. Reach out to Wizard web recovery with contact information below.
ReplyDeleteWizardwebrecovery @ programmer . net
WhatsApp : +1 (573) 481-4135
Website: www . wizardwebrecovery . net
Let them know I recommend their services to you.
ReplyDeleteAs a 39-year-old computer scientist, I delved into freelance work to supplement my income. Seeking additional streams of revenue, I turned to cryptocurrency trading as a side hustle. Initially, it seemed promising, and I invested $100,000 in Bitcoin with an investor I trusted. After a few months of successful trading, I decided to escalate my investment to $270,500. However, my world came crashing down when the company abruptly went out of business, leaving me stranded with significant financial losses. It was a devastating blow, and I felt helpless and betrayed. In my quest for justice and restitution, I confided in a family friend, who recommended The Exner Hacker. I gave it some thought before deciding to get in touch with THE EXNER, whose work had great feedback and endorsements. Their professionalism and promptness really pleased me, and they offered me hope by thoroughly explaining the recuperation process. After he recovered, I Was more than willing to review the fantastic work he did. The Exner Hacker is a great resource for any fraud victim looking for assistance in recovering their lost cryptocurrency.
Contact details:
Email. TheexnerhackerATprotonmailDOTcom
Telephone: +1 917 384 3379
ReplyDeleteSeveral months ago, I fell victim to a scam involving a fake MT4 forex trading platform. Lured by promises of earning 10% profit daily, I invested a substantial amount of $84,000 USDT into the platform. Initially, everything seemed to be going well, but it soon became clear that the entire operation was a sophisticated scam designed to trick unsuspecting investors like myself. The platform was a fraud, and my investment vanished without a trace. This period was an incredibly challenging time for me. I struggled to cover basic expenses, including bills and daily necessities. The stress and frustration of losing such a significant amount of money took a severe toll on my well-being. I felt lost and unsure of how to proceed, which led me to confide in a close friend about my situation. Fortunately, my friend came to my rescue with a solution that I hadn't considered before. They introduced me to the best crypto recovery team, renowned for their expertise and effective recovery tools. The team was known as Spartan Tech Group Retrieval, and they specialized in recovering stolen digital assets through advanced technology and recovery methods. I reached out to Spartan Tech Group Retrieval with this email:[email protected] and from the very beginning, their professionalism and efficiency were apparent. They carefully assessed my case and employed their state-of-the-art recovery software to track down and retrieve my lost funds. The process, which I initially feared would be complex and lengthy, was handled with remarkable ease and precision by their skilled team. The results were nothing short of astounding. Thanks to Spartan Tech Group Retrieval tech prowess, my stolen digital assets were completely recovered. The relief and joy I felt upon retrieving my funds were indescribable. Their service was truly a beacon of hope during a dark period of my life. They restored not just my financial stability but also my faith in finding solutions to seemingly insurmountable problems. I cannot recommend Spartan Tech Group Retrieval highly enough. Their expertise and dedication made a significant difference in my situation, and they provided me with the best service I’ve encountered online. For anyone facing similar issues with investment or fund theft, I strongly urge you to consider reaching out to Spartan Tech Group Retrieval. Their genuine and effective solutions can help you avoid falling prey to fake recovery agents and ensure that your stolen assets are recovered with the utmost professionalism and efficiency with Spartan Tech Group Retrieval.
Here’s their Contact Information Below
WhatsApp:+1 (562) 270‑4565
When I, John from Chicago, found myself facing a staggering $158,000 loss, my initial reaction was one of despair and helplessness.
ReplyDeletecontact @ d i g i t a l t e c h g u a r d . c o m
website link : : h t t p s : / / d i g i t a l t e c h g u a r d . c o m
The situation was overwhelming, and it felt like there was no way out. I had been scammed by an online investment platform that promised high returns but ended up being nothing more than a sophisticated fraud. My attempts to recover the lost funds through traditional channels had proven futile, leaving me desperate for a solution. After countless hours of research and numerous consultations with various recovery firms, I stumbled upon DIGITAL TECH GUARD RECOVERY. Their reputation preceded them, and the positive testimonials from previous clients seemed to offer a glimmer of hope. Despite my skepticism, I decided to reach out and give them a try. From the very beginning, DIGITAL TECH GUARD RECOVERY demonstrated a level of professionalism and expertise that was immediately reassuring. The initial consultation was thorough, with their team taking the time to understand the specifics of my case and explain the steps they would take to attempt a recovery. They were transparent about the potential challenges and provided a realistic assessment of the chances of success. One of the most impressive aspects of their service was their communication. Throughout the entire process, DIGITAL TECH GUARD RECOVERY maintained regular contact, updating me on the progress of the case and addressing any concerns I had. This consistent communication was a relief, especially given the anxiety I was experiencing. After a few weeks of intensive work, the team at DIGITAL TECH GUARD RECOVERY managed to recover the lost funds. I was amazed at how quickly they were able to achieve this outcome, considering the complexity and scale of the situation. The entire process was handled with utmost professionalism, and the expertise of their team was evident in the results they delivered. The successful recovery of my $158,000 loss was a significant relief. It not only alleviated the financial burden but also restored my faith in the possibility of justice in such situations.
Here is Miss Susan Robert, a crypto scm victim who recovered her scmmd funds through the help of Alien Wizbot rECOVERY VIA (alienwizbot @ gmail com), I recommend their service for everyone who are looking for away to get back their funds to rush and have them contacted. (
ReplyDeleteWhatsapp: (+1-6262645164)
I genuinely hope this finds you well.
ReplyDeleteI wanted to share some wonderful news with you today: with the assistance of Century Web Recovery, I just recovered my lost Crypto worth $110,000 USD that was stolen by scammers. It all started earlier last month, when I received an email from a stranger advertising a bogus Bitcoin investment opportunity. I fell for his fake promises and invested with the company. Fortunately, with the assistance of Century Web Recovery, I was able to detect the fraud before it was too late. The Expert was able to retrieve the funds promptly and efficiently, and I am truly grateful for His knowledge and assistance. If you ever find yourself in a similar situation, you may find the contact details of the Century Web Recovery helpful, I highly suggest Century Web Recovery. The Expert's assistance was crucial.
Email. Email: [email protected]
WhatsApp +1 (386) (260)- (8052)
My purpose in writing is to educate the public about Recovery Nerd Agency. If you ever need hacking services, look no further. I found myself in a difficult situation after losing almost $310,000 USD in bitcoin. I was distraught and thought I had hit my lowest point, I had no chance of recovering my investment. When I came across Recovery Nerd Agency, everything changed completely. The business stepped in and quickly assisted me in receiving my entire refund. They guarantee their clients the highest level of happiness and their services are highly recommended. Contact customer service via whatsapp: (+ 61 488 893 280)
ReplyDeletePress Release: TheHackersPro Confirms $1.4 Billion Ethereum Security Breach
TheHackersPro, a leading forensic smart contract firm, has confirmed a significant security breach in which hackers exploited a masked transaction vulnerability to siphon over $1.4 billion in Ethereum (ETH) and staked Ethereum (stETH) from several cold wallets.
The breach, which was discovered during a routine security audit, involved sophisticated techniques to bypass multi-layered security protocols. The hackers exploited a vulnerability in the transaction masking process, allowing them to move funds undetected for a short period.
Vladimir Kolarov, Chief Forensic Analyst at TheHackersPro, stated, “This breach highlights the evolving sophistication of cybercriminals in the blockchain space. While we have implemented advanced security measures, this incident underscores the need for constant vigilance and innovation in cybersecurity.”
Key Details of the Breach:
Amount Stolen: Over $1.4 billion in Ethereum (ETH) and staked Ethereum (stETH).
Method: Exploitation of a masked transaction vulnerability.
Affected Wallets: Several high-value cold wallets.
Timeline: The breach occurred over a 72-hour period before being detected.
Immediate Actions Taken:
Freezing of Affected Wallets: All compromised wallets have been temporarily frozen to prevent further unauthorized transactions.
Blockchain Forensics: TheHackersPro’s forensic team is actively tracing the stolen funds across the blockchain.
Enhanced Security Protocols: Additional layers of encryption and transaction monitoring have been implemented to prevent future breaches.
Collaboration with Authorities: TheHackersPro is working closely with law enforcement agencies and cybersecurity experts to identify the perpetrators.
Advice for Affected Users:
If you believe your wallet may have been compromised, please contact TheHackersPro immediately at [email protected] or call +1 (310) 272-5326. the team is available 24/7 to assist with recovery efforts and provide guidance on securing your assets.