As we reported back in April, Shaun Bridges was arrested for "allegedly" swiping $800,000 worth of Bitcoin for his own person gain, or auction, or to gamble away, we really have no clue of his intent, nor do we really care.

The FBI pilfered the rest and sold allot of it at auction, but that's OK because they had a pass called civil forfeiture. It's only alright when the collaborative brain cell says that it is alright.

In other words, a Federal Agent can steal your Bitcoins and sell them at auction, just not this particular Federal Agent because he didn't have the proper paperwork, or maybe he did and they just decided to ruin his day and say he didn't.

It appears as if Shaun Bridges has plead guilty to stealing the 800K worth of Bitcoins. Shocker there!

He didn't act alone either, there's another guy. Carl Force (cop was certainly in this mans future from birth). That name sounds like a bad B-Movie.


As with anything bad for Bitcoin, it has to do with GAW Miners, Silk Road, Butterfly Labs, or Mt. Gox (to name a few), and this tale goes no journey astray, it goes right smack down the middle of Silk Road.

The Definition Of Idiot

Here's a tip to all of you aspiring Federal Agents: Don't shit where you eat.

In other words, if you are undercover trying to take down an illegal website such as Silk Road, remember that there's a fine line between "collect evidence" and stealing.

Both of these idiots have plead guilty to money laundering, obstruction of justice, extortion, and all around bad things that the good guys shouldn't be guilty of in the first place, but often are, unless they are not, and that part is still confusing because this is only the theft of 800K ... where's the rest?

Oh yeah! Other Federal Agents stole those. They swiped 144,000 (28 Million at the time) worth of bitcoins for themselves, started auctioning it off and keeping the change as well. Not a problem. 

I would like to see proof that not a single Agent profited from that in the way of a bonus, a promotion, an ice cream sandwich, or a small pin of some sort.

Let Us Review

So the breakdown goes something like this:

1. Shaun Bridges.......................................................................................IDIOT
2. Carl Force.............................................................................................IDIOT B
3. $800,000 is stolen Federal Agent Idiot and Idiot B..............................THIS IS BAD
4. $28,500,000 is stolen by Federal Agents..............................................THIS IS OK!

Are we clear now? That's civil forfeiture in action for you folks.

Sentencing is later this year and I am going to guess that they may have a chance to reunite with their old pal Ross Ulbricht. Perhaps we can rally Japan, and get Karpeles over this direction.

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