So you got one of those really cool paper things that doesn't look like a gift card, and it doesn't look like money, but it says Bitcoin, has a neat logo and a tech-thing called a QR Code. So now what? Do you save it? Do you trade it? Do you hang it on the wall and throw darts at it?
Here's 8 really cool things to do with Bitcoin!
Here's 8 really cool things to do with Bitcoin!

8. Buy a car! Not just any car will do either, one Lamborgini Dealership in Orange County, California made headlines when they sold a Telsa in 2013 for 91.4 XBT. They buyer wasn't even in California either, the buyer resided in Florida. So not only can yo buy cars with coin, you can buy nice cars with coin, and you can be across the country when you do this. The real question is, if this was a Lamborgini Dealership, then why did Tesla get all the credit? Can you say "blown marketing opportunity"?
7. Buy some art, that's a wallet, that's art! Not exactly the best way to store Bitcoin in a "safe place", but it is unique. Houston, TX based,, offers Bitcoin related artwork that also serves as a Bitcoin wallet for cold storage. Sound a bit strange? We thought so too, but it's here, like it or not, and was featured on the cover of Bitcoin Magazine back in August and on display this month at the Houston George R. Brown Convention center. Obviously, securing (and I use that word losely) more that a few satoshi's for on this wallet, may not be the brightest idea, but if you want some original artwork that technically has a duel purpose, head over to and indulge.

6. Order a Pizza! How they get paid when they deliver is information we do not have, but it sure sounds cool. Rumor has it that Papa Johns accepts Bitcoin. I guess that just leaves one real question. How on earth do you tip the driver/delivery dude? Here's a tip, print out some small denomination Bitcoin Wallets and load them with 0.01 XBT or so, for tipping. Hand them out to reward good service. Not only can they be redeemed, but they certainly are cool.
5. Shop online and Overstock your place with stuff! accepts Bitcoin, sort of, For example, you actually cannot do this at, not exactly anyway. Only sellers who choose to accept Bitcoin on can be used for purchasing with Bitcoin. They have their one little slice of webspace here. I hear this is how PayPal and eBay are going to work, which seems a little more of a safer bet considering eBay sellers can't really sell anything unless they accept PayPal, although allot of sellers don't want to accept PayPal because PayPal can take up to 6 months to give sellers their money due, and without interest.
Wow, where do I sign up for that gig? Regardless, there will be sellers on eBay, as will be true with all online market places, as long as there are buyers to sell to, so it will be likely you will be able to find what you are looking for.
4. Get a room! Expedia will accept Bitcoin for Hotel bookings. The Washington based travel booking giant rolled out it's Bitcoin acceptance back in June and so far it's exceeded expectation. One of their executives said it rather well, stating that, Bitcoin is "no more anonymous than cash". This is a very true statement, but one we'd have to counter with "Why does it matter?". When you get to the hotel the first thing they ask you for is an ID and a credit card (for incidentals). So why the big fuss and internal turmoil over at the Expedia camp?
3. Re-gift or self-gift! Get just about any popular gift card over at Gyft has been accepting Bitcoin for a while, for which you can purchase electronic gift cards for over 200 different retailers including Best Buy, iTunes, Target, Game Stop, Home Depot, and over 195 more. This can be a great way to save additionally by buying and holding (waiting for Bitcoin to rise in value), then purchasing a gift card at to buy whatever you so desire from your favortie retail outlet.

2. Compute! As queitly as Dell exploded onto the market years ago, now the 3rd largest privately held company in America, they began excepting Bitcoin back in July of 2014. They implemented Bitcoin acceptance in a mere 14 days, and that was that. Which makes you wonder why PayPal and eBay struggle to implement over the course of months and months, or why Expedia and other companies have internal Visio wars over how, when, and at what stratigic strategy will be the perfectly pinpointed design of excellence to accept the what is simply, just another payment transaction method.
1. Blast off! Setting aside the fact that one of these things recently blew to bits (no pun intended), , it still remains as certainly one of the coolest ways on the planet, and off, is to spend Bitcoins. The top crypto-currencey can be used to reserve a spot on Virgin Galactic's, and the planets, first commercial space craft, that is up, coming, (over 600 folks have already signed their life away) and set to blast into outer space one of these days (currently slated for "sometime in 2015"). So if you have the $250,000.00 worth of Bitcoin (roughly 780.88 XBT), by all means. Hey, we didn't say it would be a good idea, or even safe for that matter, we just said it would be cool! It is, and it tops our list at number one.

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