Coinbase hosted an internal "hackathon" according to their blog. It states:

"Teams of Coinbase engineers, designers and business ops people came together to work on a variety of different projects; the only requirement was that we had to do work outside the bounds of our normal work. After a couple sleepless nights and lots of caffeine and Soylent, we gathered together and presented our projects. Here are a few of the most interesting projects that emerged:"

  • Slack-Tipbot: A Slack bot that makes it easy to reward coworkers with bits and is simple for any team to setup
  • Refraction: An implementation of the Xim bitcoin exchange protocol
  • Wave: A visualization tool for examining local wifi networks
  • Electrum for Android: An Android implementation of the Electrum bitcoin wallet
Nothing earth-shattering , but it's always nice to see people thinking about news things to implement on the blockchain, thus a commendable workshop. 

You can read the entire blog on the matter here:

Reported by dinbits staff

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