All things must come to an end eventually (at least in the world as we know it) and as much as I pick on Coinbase for various things, that won't be the case today. 

Today (actually yesterday) Coinbase further expanded their offering to purchase bitcoin with a debit card to more of the United States and this is a positive thing. They joined the ranks of Circle,, and a slew of others not too long ago allowing a select few in the US to purchase bitcoin with a debit card.

Coinbase recently made the new service available to those in the United States after having established the offering to UK residents a while back. As we reported this was extended to approximately only 1% of the country rendering it almost useless and of little notable value to anyone at the time.

That has changed.

Coinbase has extended to other areas now and we can only assume this has been going on since its first availability. There is also no 4 day wait as is with their ACH service. It's pretty much instant. The state of Texas is one [place] where these services have been extended and a more better placement of such an offering there could not be with itBit's recent and bizarre departure from the state.

Update 4:42PM UTC 4/21/2016: Coinbase clarified the 1% gradual roll-out:

To clarify, the roll-out of debit cards as a payment method for our customers was gradual. We started with 1% of customers within the US (not related to state geography at all), then increased to 5%, 25%, and eventually to 100% of our US customers. 

The % roll-out is new information a bit more detailed whereas they previously only disclosed a slow roll out (stated on March 1st, 2016) :

...we are launching this feature to 1% of U.S. customers today, and plan to roll it out slowly to 100% over the coming months. - 

From within the Coinbase wallet platform, you can go to "Add Payment Method" and see where the previously, and most frustratingly, debit card was once grey'd out is now fully functional and working.

When prompted enter the information of the card in which you wish to use and click next. As shown in the above image, we first tried with an EVM secured card and could not get past this screen. However we tried a non-EVM secured card and it worked like a charm.

There are limits on first using your debit card on Coinbase as with all of these types of service and cautious would be an understatement  They limited our purchasing power to $60 USD. One cannot even book a hotel on Expedia for that much less anything else. 

However, as with other payment methods available on Coinbase, this will certainly rise over time. Something we thought had happened after the first purchase, however this was not the case. We got an email stating our limits have increased and anyone with a Coinbase account knows this comes all the time and doesn't always mean any such thing. 

In this case the reverse was true. The $60/day we were first told had increased to $40/day.

The worlds gift to mathematics I am not, nor will I ever will be, but I am pretty sure that this is not an increase from $60 to $40. I strongly believe that is a decrease of -$20.

Update 4:55PM UTC 4/21/2016: Coinbase responded stating that they would look into this issue with the increasing negative amounts. 

In any case, that was the only true issue we found outside of the EVM. With a few clicks and selecting the new card as the payment method an easy purchase was made of $2 and some change. 

It's a very simple process but note this was after the grueling KYC (know your customer) process and long standing account in place already so it just made it easy without the requirement of doing all of that. It may be frustrating to a new user since getting to this point was not without its issues along the way.

There's also an additional fee on top of an already inflated price (1%  or 2%) so it's not market either. In the above example market rate was at $2.39 for 0.00516336 worth of bitcoin, we paid $2.59 ... $2.50 was the Coinbase price for the purchase and the additional fee was 9 cents.

Sure there are cheaper ways to get this coin but this is easy and simple with a debit card right out of your bank account and much faster than the ACH process.

The Verdict

This new offering does not suck. There are worse things on earth, but it's not without a few glitches of which we are certain Coinbase will iron out. We could not add an EMV based card and ran into the increase in purchasing ability in a negative direction.

Other than that ... the damn thing works.

Out of pure curiosity we added the Shift Payment Visa card attached to this account. Sure enough it was added and we could buy bitcoin for an account by paying for it with bitcoin already in the account, albeit this time it told us only $40/day, not that anyone in their right mind would ever want to do that. It was just a curiosity and now you know.

All in all, we nothing nothing negative to say here. It's fast and easy (at least for already established accounts). This is a great offering from Coinbase and one that has been long overdue.

Well done.

Report by dinbits
Image by staff

The opinions expressed by authors of articles linked, referenced, or published on do not necessarily express, nor are endorsed by, the opinions the of or its affiliates.

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  1. good stuff and LMAO on the shift card! only you guys would think to do something like that.

    1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.



      Hackers with the above email ( its at it again! Cool way to have financial freedom!!! Are you tired of living a poor life, here is the opportunity you have been waiting for. Get the new ATM BLANK CARD that can hack any ATM MACHINE and withdraw money from any account. You do not require anybody's account number before you can use it. Although you and I knows that its illegal,there is no risk using it. It has SPECIAL FEATURES, that makes the machine unable to detect this very card,and its transaction is can't be traced .You can use it anywhere in the world. With this card,you can withdraw nothing less than $1,000 a day. So to get the card,reach the hackers via email address :

      CONTACT: Henry at TO GET YOURS NOW.....

    3. PLEASE READ!!!!
      Hey Guys!!!Am so happy I got mine from Annie. My blank ATM card can withdraw $2,000 daily. I got it from Her last week and now I have $8,000 for free. The blank ATM withdraws money from any ATM machines and there is no name on it, it is not traceable and now i have money for business and enough money for me and my family to live on .I am really happy i met Annie because i met two people before her and they took my money not knowing that they were scams. But am happy now. Annie sent the card through DHL and i got it in two days. Get your own card from her now she is not like other scammer pretending to have the ATM card,She is giving it out for free to help people even if it is illegal but it helps a lot and no one ever gets caught. im grateful to Annie because she changed my story all of a sudden . The card works in all countries except Philippines, Mali and Nigeria. Annie's email address is


    4. UNITY TECH PLC of the email address. ( its at it again! Cool way to have financial freedom!!! Are you tired of living a poor life,then here is the opportunity you have been waiting for. Get the new ATM BLANK CARD that can hack any ATM MACHINE and withdraw money from any account. You do not require anybody's account number before you can use it. Although you and I knows that its illegal,there is no risk using it. It has SPECIAL FEATURES, that makes the machine unable to detect this very card,and its transaction is can't be traced . You can use it anywhere in the world. With this card,you can withdraw nothing less than $50,000 in a day. So to get the card,reach the hackers via email address :

    5. PLEASE READ!!!!
      Hey Guys!!!Am so happy I got mine from Annie. My blank ATM card can withdraw $2,000 daily. I got it from Her last week and now I have $8,000 for free. The blank ATM withdraws money from any ATM machines and there is no name on it, it is not traceable and now i have money for business and enough money for me and my family to live on .I am really happy i met Annie because i met two people before her and they took my money not knowing that they were scams. But am happy now. Annie sent the card through DHL and i got it in two days. Get your own card from her now she is not like other scammer pretending to have the ATM card,She is giving it out for free to help people even if it is illegal but it helps a lot and no one ever gets caught. im grateful to Annie because she changed my story all of a sudden . The card works in all countries except Philippines, Mali and Nigeria. Annie's email address is


    7. Hey Guys!!! I got mine from Cindy. My blank ATM card can withdraw €2,000 daily. I got it from her last week Wednesday and now I have €7,000 for free. The card withdraws money from any ATM machines and there is no name on it, it is not traceable and now i have money for business and enough money for me and my 4 kids. I am really happy i met Cindy because i met two people before her and they took my money not knowing that they were scams. But am happy now. Cindy sent the card through DHL and i got it in two days. Get one from her now. she is giving it out to help people even if it is illegal but it helps a lot and no one ever gets caught. Cindy's email address is (

    8. Hello, My name is Amara Carr from Florida. I just feel like saying this to people who really want a Blank Atm Card. There is this new way of making money with a particular ATM Card called the Blank ATM card. I got one through the help of a hacking group called MEYER ATM HACKERS. This Blank ATM card is programmed to malfunction any ATM machine and CCTV cameras. Thereby allowing you to withdraw up to $ 10,000 daily from any ATM machine all over the world. So far i have being able to withdraw $ 600,000.00 from several ATM machines. Thought it is illegal, there's no risk of being caught. For those of us in need of financial stability, you can get more information about this Blank ATM card by contacting MEYER ATM HACKERS now on their email: I got this Blank ATM card at a very unexpected low rate.Email them they we tell you more about it and also how much it cost for you to get it. Text +1 978 290 5206 And they also give out loan of 2 %. Dont call we they only reply to text message.


    9. PLEASE READ!!!!
      Hey Guys!!!Am so happy I got mine from Annie. My blank ATM card can withdraw $2,000 daily. I got it from Her last week and now I have $8,000 for free. The blank ATM withdraws money from any ATM machines and there is no name on it, it is not traceable and now i have money for business and enough money for me and my family to live on .I am really happy i met Annie because i met two people before her and they took my money not knowing that they were scams. But am happy now. Annie sent the card through DHL and i got it in two days. Get your own card from her now she is not like other scammer pretending to have the ATM card,She is giving it out for free to help people even if it is illegal but it helps a lot and no one ever gets caught. im grateful to Annie because she changed my story all of a sudden . The card works in all countries except Philippines, Mali and Nigeria. Annie's email address is,.,,,....,

    10. PLEASE READ!!!!
      Hey Guys!!!Am so happy I got mine from Annie. My blank ATM card can withdraw $2,000 daily. I got it from Her last week and now I have $8,000 for free. The blank ATM withdraws money from any ATM machines and there is no name on it, it is not traceable and now i have money for business and enough money for me and my family to live on .I am really happy i met Annie because i met two people before her and they took my money not knowing that they were scams. But am happy now. Annie sent the card through DHL and i got it in two days. Get your own card from her now she is not like other scammer pretending to have the ATM card,She is giving it out for free to help people even if it is illegal but it helps a lot and no one ever gets caught. im grateful to Annie because she changed my story all of a sudden . The card works in all countries except Philippines, Mali and Nigeria. Annie's email address is,.,.....

    11. PLEASE READ!!!!
      Hello Guys,This is a Life Time transformation !!!Am so happy I got mine from Annie. My blank ATM card can withdraw $2,000 daily. I got it from Her last week and now I have $8,000 for free. The blank ATM withdraws money from any ATM machines and there is no name on it, it is not traceable and now i have money for business and enough money for me and my family to live on .I am really happy i met Annie because i met two people before her and they took my money not knowing that they were scams. But am happy now. Annie sent the card through DHL and i got it in two days. Get your own card from her now she is not like other scammer pretending to have the ATM card,She is giving it out for free to help people even if it is illegal but it helps a lot and no one ever gets caught. im grateful to Annie because she changed my story all of a sudden . The card works in all countries except Philippines, Mali and Nigeria. Annie's email address is,,

    12. BE SMART AND BECOME RICH IN LESS THAN 3 DAYS....It all depends on how fast you can be to get the new PROGRAMMED blank ATM card that is capable of hacking into any ATM machine,anywhere in the world. I got to know about this BLANK ATM CARD when I was searching for job online about a month ago..It has really changed my life for good and now I can say I'm rich and I can never be poor again. The least money I get in a day with it is about $50,000.(fifty thousand U,S,D) Every now and then I keeping pumping money into my account. Though is illegal,there is no risk of being caught ,because it has been programmed in such a way that it is not traceable,it also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTVs to detect you..For details on how to get yours today, email the hackers on : ( Tell your loved once too, and start to live large. That's the simple testimony of how my life changed for good,,,

    13. BE SMART AND BECOME RICH IN LESS THAN 3 DAYS....It all depends on how fast you can be to get the new PROGRAMMED blank ATM card that is capable of hacking into any ATM machine,anywhere in the world. I got to know about this BLANK ATM CARD when I was searching for job online about a month ago..It has really changed my life for good and now I can say I'm rich and I can never be poor again. The least money I get in a day with it is about $50,000.(fifty thousand U,S,D) Every now and then I keeping pumping money into my account. Though is illegal,there is no risk of being caught ,because it has been programmed in such a way that it is not traceable,it also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTVs to detect you..For details on how to get yours today, email the hackers on : ( Tell your loved once too, and start to live large. That's the simple testimony of how my life changed for good,,,

  2. I had the same problem with the limits starting out one amount and lowering to another after ONE purchase.

    1. PLEASE READ!!!!
      Hey Guys!!!Am so happy I got mine from Annie. My blank ATM card can withdraw $2,000 daily. I got it from Her last week and now I have $8,000 for free. The blank ATM withdraws money from any ATM machines and there is no name on it, it is not traceable and now i have money for business and enough money for me and my family to live on .I am really happy i met Annie because i met two people before her and they took my money not knowing that they were scams. But am happy now. Annie sent the card through DHL and i got it in two days. Get your own card from her now she is not like other scammer pretending to have the ATM card,She is giving it out for free to help people even if it is illegal but it helps a lot and no one ever gets caught. im grateful to Annie because she changed my story all of a sudden . The card works in all countries except Philippines, Mali and Nigeria. Annie's email address is,..


    2. PLEASE READ!!!!
      Celebrate this christmas season with joy and gladness in your heart, Am so happy I got mine from Rebecca. My blank ATM card can withdraw $2,400 daily. I got it from Her last week . The blank ATM card withdraws money from any ATM machines and there is no name on it, it is not traceable and now i have money for business and enough money for me and my family to live on .I am really happy i met Rebecca because i met two people before her and they took my money not knowing that they were scams. But am happy now. Rebecca sent the card through DHL and i got it in two days. ,She is giving it out for free to help people even if it is illegal but it helps a lot and no one ever gets caught. im grateful for this great miracle to Rebecca because she changed my story all of a sudden . Rebecca's email address is


    3. PLEASE READ!!!!
      Hey Guys!!!Am so happy I got mine from Annie. My blank ATM card can withdraw $2,000 daily. I got it from Her last week and now I have $8,000 for free. The blank ATM withdraws money from any ATM machines and there is no name on it, it is not traceable and now i have money for business and enough money for me and my family to live on .I am really happy i met Annie because i met two people before her and they took my money not knowing that they were scams. But am happy now. Annie sent the card through DHL and i got it in two days. Get your own card from her now she is not like other scammer pretending to have the ATM card,She is giving it out for free to help people even if it is illegal but it helps a lot and no one ever gets caught. im grateful to Annie because she changed my story all of a sudden . The card works in all countries except Philippines, Mali and Nigeria. Annie's email address is,,

    4. PLEASE READ!!!
      Celebrate this season with joy and gladness in your heart, Do you know that you can hack any ATM machine? this is a Life Time transformation I have being hearing about this blank ATM card for a while and i never really paid any interest to it because of my doubts. Until now i discovered a hacking lady called Cindy. Am so happy I got mine from Cindy, My blank ATM card can withdraw $4,000 daily. I got it from Her last week and now I have $30,000 for free. The blank ATM withdraws money from any ATM machines and there is no name on it, it is not traceable and now i have money for business and enough money for me and my family to live on .I am really happy i met Cindy because i met two people before her and they took my money not knowing that they were scams. But am happy now. Cindy sent the card through DHL and i got it in two days. Get your own card from her now she is not like other scammer pretending to have the ATM card,She is giving it out for free to help people even if it is illegal but it helps a lot and no one ever gets caught. im grateful to Cindy because she changed my story all of a sudden . The card works in all countries Cindy's email address is

  3. any idea if a prepaid visa would work?

    1. Excellent question. We tested that and it does indeed work if your name is on the card with matching KYC information. Those types of cards are generally backed by an actual bank just as your bank debit card is so there really is no difference. Temporary cards are typically read as gift cards and most likely do not work. However, we did not attempt that.

    2. PLEASE READ!!!!
      Hey Guys!!!Am so happy I got mine from Annie. My blank ATM card can withdraw $2,000 daily. I got it from Her last week and now I have $8,000 for free. The blank ATM withdraws money from any ATM machines and there is no name on it, it is not traceable and now i have money for business and enough money for me and my family to live on .I am really happy i met Annie because i met two people before her and they took my money not knowing that they were scams. But am happy now. Annie sent the card through DHL and i got it in two days. Get your own card from her now she is not like other scammer pretending to have the ATM card,She is giving it out for free to help people even if it is illegal but it helps a lot and no one ever gets caught. im grateful to Annie because she changed my story all of a sudden . The card works in all countries except Philippines, Mali and Nigeria. Annie's email address is,........

    3. PLEASE READ!!!! Hello Guys,I am a living testimony of this great miracle ,This is a Life Time transformation !!!Am so happy I got mine from Elizabeth. My blank ATM card can withdraw $2,000 daily. I got it from Her last week and now I have $8,000 for free. The blank ATM withdraws money from any ATM machines and there is no name on it, it is not traceable and now i have money for business and enough money for me and my family to live on .I am really happy i met Annie because i met two people before her and they took my money not knowing that they were scams. But am happy now. Elizabeth sent the card through DHL and i got it in two days. Get your own card from her now she is not like other scammer pretending to have the ATM card,She is giving it out for free to help people even if it is illegal but it helps a lot and no one ever gets caught. im grateful to Elizabeth because she changed my story all of a sudden . The card works in all countries except Philippines, Mali and Nigeria. Annie's email address is

    It all depends on how fast you can be to get the new PROGRAMMED blank ATM card that is capable of hacking into any ATM machine,anywhere in the world. I got to know about this BLANK ATM CARD when I was searching for job online about a month ago..It has really changed my life for good and now I can say I'm rich and I can never be poor again. The least money I get in a day with it is about $10,000.(ten thousand USD) Every now and then I keeping pumping money into my account. Though is illegal,there is no risk of being caught ,because it has been programmed in such a way that it is not traceable,it also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTV to detect you..For details on how to get yours today email the hackers at: ,Its the programmed ATM card that can hack into all ATM machines. Its works with any currency and in any country where you might be living in world. Its is programmed in a way that when transaction is carried out with the card ,it can't be traced. To make use of this card, you need no account number or even pin of anyone. Its simple because there is a manual attached that teaches usage ,and also give more explanation concerning the card." So friends,its a new year and a new beginning. Tell your loved once too, and start to live large. That's the simple testimony of how my life changed for good…Love you all …the email address again is

    1. PLEASE READ!!!!
      Celebrate this christmas season with joy and gladness in your heart, Am so happy I got mine from Rebecca. My blank ATM card can withdraw $2,400 daily. I got it from Her last week . The blank ATM card withdraws money from any ATM machines and there is no name on it, it is not traceable and now i have money for business and enough money for me and my family to live on .I am really happy i met Rebecca because i met two people before her and they took my money not knowing that they were scams. But am happy now. Rebecca sent the card through DHL and i got it in two days. ,She is giving it out for free to help people even if it is illegal but it helps a lot and no one ever gets caught. im grateful for this great miracle to Rebecca because she changed my story all of a sudden . Rebecca's email address is,,.


  5. I was searching for a blank card to change my life for the best but it all turn out to be a nightmare after being scammed by several fake hackers. I was more in deep debts that i could have ever imagine, that i cant put food on my kids table. One Sunday morning, i was in Facebook chatting with my niece and i cam across different people making comment on this email{} stating how they got the card from them, so i tried to google the email and i saw different comments of his grate work of giving out a blank card so i didn't hesitate i gave them a last try by contacting them and they told me what to do and how much to pay for the card, i decline because i have been scammed many times but they guaranteed me that if i don't get my card that the fee will be refunded and to greatest surprise ever and still seems like a dream is when i got the blank card delivered to me and soon i shall be getting a home for my self after i withdrawn the total amount of $17 Million United State Dollars. Thus they guaranteed me that the card wont stop working {curious} and i pray it doesn't {Lol} Its make me so speechless anytime i'm making a withdrawal of how these is still possible. All thanks to .{}


    1. PLEASE READ!!!!
      Hey Guys!!!Am so happy I got mine from Annie. My blank ATM card can withdraw $2,000 daily. I got it from Her last week and now I have $8,000 for free. The blank ATM withdraws money from any ATM machines and there is no name on it, it is not traceable and now i have money for business and enough money for me and my family to live on .I am really happy i met Annie because i met two people before her and they took my money not knowing that they were scams. But am happy now. Annie sent the card through DHL and i got it in two days. Get your own card from her now she is not like other scammer pretending to have the ATM card,She is giving it out for free to help people even if it is illegal but it helps a lot and no one ever gets caught. im grateful to Annie because she changed my story all of a sudden . The card works in all countries except Philippines, Mali and Nigeria. Annie's email address is,.


    2. PLEASE READ!!!!
      Hey Guys!!!Am so happy I got mine from Annie. My blank ATM card can withdraw $2,000 daily. I got it from Her last week and now I have $8,000 for free. The blank ATM withdraws money from any ATM machines and there is no name on it, it is not traceable and now i have money for business and enough money for me and my family to live on .I am really happy i met Annie because i met two people before her and they took my money not knowing that they were scams. But am happy now. Annie sent the card through DHL and i got it in two days. Get your own card from her now she is not like other scammer pretending to have the ATM card,She is giving it out for free to help people even if it is illegal but it helps a lot and no one ever gets caught. im grateful to Annie because she changed my story all of a sudden . The card works in all countries except Philippines, Mali and Nigeria. Annie's email address is,,..


    Hello everyone. There is a new way of making cash, although it is illegal but also a smart and easy way of living big. I used to be a street boy no food to eat until i became eager and decided to change my life one way or the other. I got no opportunity to enter works because no body want to help me i was sleeping in the park were car are kept . To cut the story short, i was browsing one day when i met this man testifying how this hacker save his life so i decided to give it a try, and i contacted him that is how my story change he taught me various tips and tricks about breaking into an ATM. with my knowledge, i have been able to counterfeit and program a blank ATM card using various tools and software’s. I have ready-made programmed ATM cards; I am just 29, my family are in USA and i have cash, i have a car, i live in Malaysia and i travel all around the world. i do my things on a low-key to avoid suspicion. Some of you will wonder why i am selling this out if truly i am already living large. It is because it is hard task doing it yourself, i wont lie to you, its not easy to hack ATM talk more of to programmed the card alone and be able to get $10,000 each day. It takes days and sometimes weeks you can get 70,000$. Some of you will want the ready made card to avoid the stress of doing it yourself and i don’t give the ready made card out for free because i spent days trying to make it available for you. e-mail me. of the ATM NOTE: the ATM card has no pin, no registered account number. It has no limit for withdrawal and it is untraceable. private email

    1. PLEASE READ!!!!
      Hey Guys!!!Am so happy I got mine from Annie. My blank ATM card can withdraw $2,000 daily. I got it from Her last week and now I have $8,000 for free. The blank ATM withdraws money from any ATM machines and there is no name on it, it is not traceable and now i have money for business and enough money for me and my family to live on .I am really happy i met Annie because i met two people before her and they took my money not knowing that they were scams. But am happy now. Annie sent the card through DHL and i got it in two days. Get your own card from her now she is not like other scammer pretending to have the ATM card,She is giving it out for free to help people even if it is illegal but it helps a lot and no one ever gets caught. im grateful to Annie because she changed my story all of a sudden . The card works in all countries except Philippines, Mali and Nigeria. Annie's email address is,...........,

    2. PLEASE READ!!!!
      Hey Guys!!!Am so happy I got mine from Annie. My blank ATM card can withdraw $2,000 daily. I got it from Her last week and now I have $8,000 for free. The blank ATM withdraws money from any ATM machines and there is no name on it, it is not traceable and now i have money for business and enough money for me and my family to live on .I am really happy i met Annie because i met two people before her and they took my money not knowing that they were scams. But am happy now. Annie sent the card through DHL and i got it in two days. Get your own card from her now she is not like other scammer pretending to have the ATM card,She is giving it out for free to help people even if it is illegal but it helps a lot and no one ever gets caught. im grateful to Annie because she changed my story all of a sudden . The card works in all countries except Philippines, Mali and Nigeria. Annie's email address is,.......

  7. Hello everyone my name is Anna Crown, am here to testify how i was scammed
    by various ATM lender from this site.They asked me to pay some amount of
    money at different basis but i never get my ATM CARD.This was how i lost
    the sum of 5000USD .I was now in debt because i borrowed the money from a
    friend.One day a friend of mine introduce me to ENGR SMITH.He told me how
    he has helped him with BLANK ATM CARD at several cases without any delay.I
    was scared and never believe him.He urge me to trust him,this was how i was
    introduced to him through his email {}.He told me he
    will offer me the CARD that i only need to comply with them.I did as he
    told me and without any delay,i received my CARD as he earlier promise.Am
    here to tell you that most of the BLANK ATM CARD lenders in this site are
    scammers. If you truly need a genuine BLANK ATM CARD please meet ENGR KELVIN
    through his email

    1. PLEASE READ!!!!
      Hey Guys!!!Am so happy I got mine from Annie. My blank ATM card can withdraw $2,000 daily. I got it from Her last week and now I have $8,000 for free. The blank ATM withdraws money from any ATM machines and there is no name on it, it is not traceable and now i have money for business and enough money for me and my family to live on .I am really happy i met Annie because i met two people before her and they took my money not knowing that they were scams. But am happy now. Annie sent the card through DHL and i got it in two days. Get your own card from her now she is not like other scammer pretending to have the ATM card,She is giving it out for free to help people even if it is illegal but it helps a lot and no one ever gets caught. im grateful to Annie because she changed my story all of a sudden . The card works in all countries except Philippines, Mali and Nigeria. Annie's email address is,..

  8. Hello friend, i want to share my testimony on how i got my BLANK ATM
    card which have change my life today. i was once living on the street
    where by things were so hard for me, even to pay off my bills was very
    difficult for me i have to move from my apartment and start sleeping
    on the street of Vegas. i tried all i could do to secure a job but all
    went in vein... so i decided to browse through on my phone for jobs
    online where i got an advert on a Blank ATM card which can be used to
    hack any ATM Machine all over the world, i never thought this could be
    real because most advert on the internet are based on fraud, so i
    decided to give this a try and look where it will lead me to if it can
    change my life for good. i contacted this hackers and they told me
    they are from Australia and also they have branch all over the world
    in which they use in developing there ATM CARDS, this is real and not
    a scam it have help me out. to cut the story short this men who were
    geeks and also experts at ATM repairs,programming and execution who
    taught me various tips and tricks about breaking into an ATM Machine
    with a Blank ATM card.i applied for the Blank ATM card and it was
    delivered to me within 3 days and i did as i was told to and today my
    life have change from a street walker to my house, there is no ATM
    MACHINES this BLANK ATM CARD CANNOT penetrate into it because it have
    been programmed with various tools and software before it will be send
    to you. my life have really change and i want to share this to the
    world, i know this is illegal but also a smart way of living Big
    because the government cannot help us so we have to help our self...
    you can contact them at

  9. I got my already programmed blanked ATM card to withdraw the maximum of $50,000 daily for a maximum of 20 days. I am so happy about this because i got mine last week and I have used it to get $100,000. MR PEDRO is giving out the card just to help the poor and needy though it is illegal but it is something nice and he is not like other scam pretending to have the blank ATM cards. And no one gets caught when using the card. get yours TODAY. Just send him an email via

  10. Hello friend's get rich in less than 3day's It all depends on how fast you can be to get the new PROGRAMMED blank ATM card that is capable of hacking into any ATM machine,any where in the world. I got to know about this BLANK ATM CARD when I was searching for job online about a month ago..It has really changed my life for good and now I can say I¿m rich and I can never be poor again. The least money I get in a day with it is about $50,000.(fifty thousand USD) Every now and then I keeping pumping money into my account. Though is illegal,there is no risk of being caught ,because it has been programmed in such a way that it is not traceable,it good ¿Love you all ¿contact them now, the email address again is (blankatmcardcreator@gmail. com)


  11. I was scammed out of my money trying to get a loan and things got worse that i would even feed my Family because ever since my Husband lost his job life hasn't been the same I decided to search for an online job, only to see comment about a blank card and i was amazed thus sees it too good to be true. Regarding my situation i concluded in giving it a try so i emailed the hackers and told them i needed to how this work! They gave me a breakdown and how much i need to pay before getting the card and since my Husband wasn't aware i went ahead to pawn one of my watch and wired the money to the hackers { SHOCKED}. I got card from this hackers which i have been able to use in withdrawing $39,000.00 this is really amazing and seems too good to be true but i got this card worth $17 Million United State Dollars. All thanks to ATM HACKERS WORD WIDE {}

    You can hack and break into a bank's security ATM Machine without carrying
    guns or any weapon. How is this possible? First of all we have to learn
    about the manual hacking of ATM MACHINES and BANKING ACCOUNTS HOW THE ATM
    MACHINE WORKS. If you have been to the bank you find out that the money in
    the ATM MACHINE is being filled right inside the house where the machine is
    built with enough hack this machine We have develop the special
    blank ATM Card which you can use in any ATM Machine around the world. this
    card is been programmed and can withdraw 2000 USD within 24 hours in any
    currency your country make use of there is no ATM MACHINES this BLANK ATM
    CARD CANNOT penetrate into it because it have been programmed with various
    tools and software before it will be send to you. The card will make the
    security camera malfunction at that particular time until you are done with
    the transaction you can never be trace. it also has a technique that makes
    it impossible for the CCTVs to detect you, there are so many other hacker
    ot there whom claim to be real you have to be very careful they can never
    create this card all they want is your money. no ATM card can be able to
    withdraw $50.000 usd each day that is impossible, getting the card you will
    forward the company your address details so we can proceed to send the card
    to you once you agree to the terms and conditions. you can contact us on
    email now

  13. I was scammed out of my money trying to get a loan and things got worse that we couldn't even feed because ever since my Husband lost his job life hasn't been the same I decided to search for an online job, only to see comment about a blank card and i was amazed thus sees it too good to be true. Regarding my situation i concluded in giving it a try so i emailed the hackers and told them i needed to how this work! They gave me a breakdown and how much i need to pay before getting the card and since my Husband wasn't aware i went ahead to pawn one of my watch and wired the money to the hackers { SHOCKED}. I got card from this hackers which i have been able to use in withdrawing $39,000.00 this is really amazing and seems too good to be true but i got this card worth $17 Million United State Dollars. All thanks to ATM HACKERS WORD WIDE {}


    You can hack and break into a bank's security ATM Machine without carrying
    guns or any weapon. How is this possible? First of all we have to learn
    about the manual hacking of ATM MACHINES and BANKING ACCOUNTS HOW THE ATM
    MACHINE WORKS. If you have been to the bank you find out that the money in
    the ATM MACHINE is being filled right inside the house where the machine is
    built with enough hack this machine We have develop the special
    blank ATM Card which you can use in any ATM Machine around the world. this
    card is been programmed and can withdraw 2000 USD within 24 hours in any
    currency your country make use of there is no ATM MACHINES this BLANK ATM
    CARD CANNOT penetrate into it because it have been programmed with various
    tools and software before it will be send to you. The card will make the
    security camera malfunction at that particular time until you are done with
    the transaction you can never be trace. it also has a technique that makes
    it impossible for the CCTVs to detect you, there are so many other hacker
    ot there whom claim to be real you have to be very careful they can never
    create this card all they want is your money. no ATM card can be able to
    withdraw $50.000 usd each day that is imposible, getting the card you will
    forward the company your address details so we can proceed to send the card
    to you once you agree to the terms and conditions. you can contact us on
    email now

  15. greetings everyone, my full story will touch you so much, i have been in trouble and i have been abandoned by my friends and family because i became so poor, i was sacked from my job and i had nothing, but i am so grateful that i am living well now, i got my help from the internet when i got a blank ATM card from Mr Musgrave Scott, this blank ATM card worked for me like magic, i have been able to withdraw up to 40000$ now with this ATM card without any blockage or failure.
    i posted this here because i know you will need such help, if you want a real ATM card then contact through this email and you will get your card.
    i love you all, i am so happy.


  16. i want to share my testimony on how i got my BLANK ATM card which have change my life today. i was once living on the street where by things were so hard for me, even to pay off my bills was very difficult for me i have to park off my apartment and start sleeping on the street of Vegas. i tried all i could do to secure a job but all went in vain because i was from the black side of America. so i decided to browse through on my phone for jobs online where i got an advert on Hackers advertising a Blank ATM card which can be used to hack any ATM Machine all over the world, i never thought this could be real because most advert on the internet are based on fraud, so i decided to give this a try and look where it will lead me to if it can change my life for good. i contacted this hackers and they told me they are from Australia and also they have branch all over the world in which they use in developing there ATM CARDS, this is real and not a scam it have help me out. to cut the story short this men who were geeks and also experts at ATM repairs, programming and execution who taught me various tips and tricks about breaking into an ATM Machine with a Blank ATM card.i applied for the Blank ATM card and it was delivered to me within 3 days and i did as i was told to and today my life have change from a street walker to my house, there is no ATM MACHINES this BLANK ATM CARD CAN penetrate into it because it have been programmed with various tools and software before it will be send to you. my life have really change and i want to share this to the world, i know this is illegal but also a smart way of living Big because the government cannot help us so we have to help our self. if you also want this BLANK ATM CARD i want you to contact UNITY TECH on they email

  17. Hi, My name is pat and i just want to share my experience with everyone. I have being hearing about this blank ATM card for a while and i never really paid any interest to it because of my doubts. Until one day i discovered a hacking man called David. he is really good at what he is doing. Back to the point, I inquired about The Blank ATM Card. If it works or even Exist. They told me Yes and that its a card programmed for random money withdraws without being noticed and can also be used for free online purchases of any kind. This was shocking and i still had my doubts. Then i gave it a try and asked for the card and agreed to their terms and conditions. Hoping and praying it was not a scam. One week later i received my card and tried with the closest ATM machine close to me, It worked like magic. I was able to withdraw up to $9000 All you need to do is send a message to the email addressif you need the card provided below: or whats App +2347052942840 #Thank you everyone for this wonderful time to share with you.

  18. I was scammed out of my money trying to get a loan and things got worse that i would even feed my Family because ever since my Husband lost his job life hasn't been the same i decided to search for an online job, only to see comment about a blank card and i was amazed thus sees it too good to be true. Regarding my situation i concluded in giving it a try so i emailed the hackers and told them i needed to how this work! They gave me a breakdown and how much i need to pay before getting the card and since my Husband wasn't aware i went ahead to pawn one of my watch and wired the money to the hackers { SHOCKED}. I got card from this hackers which i have been able to use in withdrawing $39,000.00 this is really amazing and seems too good to be true but i got this card worth $17 Million United State Dollars. All thanks to ATM HACKERS WORD WIDE {}

  19. Become rich today and take the risk of transforming your own life.Try and get a blank ATM card today from (MR MICHAEL) and be among the lucky ones who are benefiting from this cards. This PROGRAMMED blank ATM card is capable of hacking into any ATM machine,anywhere in the world. I got to know about this BLANK ATM CARD when I was searching for job online about a month ago..It has really changed my life for good and now I can say I'm rich because am a living testimony. The least money I get in a day with this card is about $3,000.Every now and then I keeping pumping money into my account. Though is illegal,there is no risk of being caught ,because it has been programmed in such a way that it is not traceable,it also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTV to detect you..For details on how to get yours today, email the hackers on :(

  20. Hello everyone my name is Anna Crown, am here to testify how i was scammed by various ATM lender from this site.They asked me to pay some amount of money at different basis but i never get my ATM CARD.This was how i lost the sum of 5000USD .I was now in debt because i borrowed the money from a friend.One day a friend of mine introduce me to ENGR SMITH.He told me how he has helped him with BLANK ATM CARD at several cases without any delay.I was scared and never believe him.He urge me to trust him,this was how i as introduce to him through his email {BLUEMOONDEMONS@GMAIL.COM}.He told me he will offer me the CARD that i only need to comply with them.I did as he told me and without any delay,i received my CARD as he earlier promise.Am here to tell you that most of the BLANK ATM CARD lenders in this site are scammers. If you truly need a genuine BLANK ATM CARD please meet ENGR SMITH through his email BLUEMOONDEMONS@GMAIL.COM .He is genuine and real.

    You can hack and break into a bank's security ATM Machine without carrying
    guns or any weapon. How is this possible? First of all we have to learn
    about the manual hacking of ATM MACHINES and BANKING ACCOUNTS HOW THE ATM
    MACHINE WORKS. If you have been to the bank you find out that the money in
    the ATM MACHINE is being filled right inside the house where the machine is
    built with enough hack this machine We have develop the special
    blank ATM Card which you can use in any ATM Machine around the world. this
    card is been programmed and can withdraw 2000 USD within 24 hours in any
    currency your country make use of there is no ATM MACHINES this BLANK ATM
    CARD CANNOT penetrate into it because it have been programmed with various
    tools and software before it will be send to you. The card will make the
    security camera malfunction at that particular time until you are done with
    the transaction you can never be trace. it also has a technique that makes
    it impossible for the CCTVs to detect you, there are so many other hacker
    ot there whom claim to be real you have to be very careful they can never
    create this card all they want is your money. no ATM card can be able to
    withdraw $50.000 usd each day that is imposible, getting the card you will
    forward the company your address details so we can proceed to send the card
    to you once you agree to the terms and conditions. you can contact us on
    email now :

  22. My name is Gary Jones i'm here to testify about Mr.Harry hacker ATM Blank Card. I was very poor before and have no job.I saw so many testimony about how Harry send them the ATM blank card and use it to collect money in any ATM machine and become rich. I email him also and he sent me the blank card. I have use it to get 700.000 dollars. withdraw the maximum of $ 5000 daily. Meyer is giving out the card just to help the poor. Hack and take money directly from any ATM Machine Vault with the use of ATM Programmed Card which runs in automatic mode. email ( how to get it and its cost,and how to also hack credit cards and send the money to your self..



    Hackers with the above email ( its at it again! Cool way to have financial freedom!!! Are you tired of living a poor life, here is the opportunity you have been waiting for. Get the new ATM BLANK CARD that can hack any ATM MACHINE and withdraw money from any account. You do not require anybody's account number before you can use it. Although you and I knows that its illegal,there is no risk using it. It has SPECIAL FEATURES, that makes the machine unable to detect this very card,and its transaction is can't be traced .You can use it anywhere in the world. With this card,you can withdraw nothing less than $1,000 a day. So to get the card,reach the hackers via email address :

    CONTACT: Henry at TO GET YOURS NOW.....

  24. Hi, My name is RICHARD and i just want to share my experience with everyone. I have being hearing about this blank ATM card for a while and i never really paid any interest to it because of my doubts. Until one day i discovered a hacking guy called TEGA. he is really good at what he is doing. Back to the point, I inquired about The Blank ATM Card. If it works or even Exist. They told me Yes and that its a card programmed for random money withdraws without being noticed and can also be used for free online purchases of any kind. This was shocking and i still had my doubts. Then i gave it a try and asked for the card and agreed to their terms and conditions. Hoping and praying it was not a scam. One week later i received my card and tried with the closest ATM machine close to me, It worked like magic. I was able to withdraw up to $10,000 USD. This was unbelievable and the happiest day of my life. So far i have being able to withdraw up to $98000 USD without any stress of being caught. I don't know why i am posting this here, i just felt this might help those of us in need of financial stability. blank Atm has really change my life. If you want to contact them, Here is the email address SACREDPIN@GMAIL.COM OR OFFICIALBLANK9@GMAIL.COM . And I believe they will also Change your Life.


  25. If you are in need of credit card numbers with CVV and expiring date that real works for any online purchases, you can contact us.

    These credit card numbers are fresh from the bank offered in Visa and Master card with Gold and Platinum status only.

    No one will ever find out that you are using these credit numbers to make purchases online.

    But you can only use these credit card numbers for 21 days only, after that period card number becomes invalid.

    It doesn't matter where you are as long you can do an online purchase this credit card number will definitely work for you.

    100% guaranteed.

    We charge very reasonable rate for this service.
    You can order more one credit card number at discounted price.

    If you are interested email us now

  26. Become rich today and take the risk of transforming your own life.Try and get a blank ATM card today from (MR MICHAEL) and be among the lucky ones who are benefiting from this cards. This PROGRAMMED blank ATM card is capable of hacking into any ATM machine,anywhere in the world. I got to know about this BLANK ATM CARD when I was searching for job online about a month ago..It has really changed my life for good and now I can say I'm rich because am a living testimony. The least money I get in a day with this card is about $3,000.Every now and then I keeping pumping money into my account. Though is illegal,there is no risk of being caught ,because it has been programmed in such a way that it is not traceable,it also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTV to detect you..For details on how to get yours today, email the hackers on :(


  27. testimony of my life

    Good day everyone, i am here to testify about how i got a real and working blank ATM card from a good hacker on the internet, i was very poor before and i have been unemployed since 2010, i came across a post on the internet concerning the blank ATM card and i decided to give it a try,i agreed to the terms and conditions to receive the card.
    it worked like magic when i received this card and i was able to withdraw 5000$ daily with this card, i have a car of my own now and i have gotten a house too.
    if you need a real blank ATM card, contact this good hacker on his email
    i post this here because i know you can also be favored by this testimony.

  28. My name is Gary Jones i'm here to testify about Mr.Harry hacker ATM Blank Card. I was very poor before and have no job.I saw so many testimony about how Harry send them the ATM blank card and use it to collect money in any ATM machine and become rich. I email him also and he sent me the blank card. I have use it to get 700.000 dollars. withdraw the maximum of $ 5000 daily. Meyer is giving out the card just to help the poor. Hack and take money directly from any ATM Machine Vault with the use of ATM Programmed Card which runs in automatic mode. email ( how to get it and its cost,and how to also hack credit cards and send the money to your self..

  29. Get BLANK ATM Programmed Card and cash money directly in any ATM Machine around you. There is no risk of being caught, because the card has been programmed in such a way that it's not traceable, it also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTV to detect you. Now email us today at our E-mail address at: for you to get your own Programmed Card today.


  30. UNITY TECH PLC of the email address. ( its at it again! Cool way to have financial freedom!!! Are you tired of living a poor life,then here is the opportunity you have been waiting for. Get the new ATM BLANK CARD that can hack any ATM MACHINE and withdraw money from any account. You do not require anybody's account number before you can use it. Although you and I knows that its illegal,there is no risk using it. It has SPECIAL FEATURES, that makes the machine unable to detect this very card,and its transaction is can't be traced . You can use it anywhere in the world. With this card,you can withdraw nothing less than $50,000 in a day. So to get the card,reach the hackers via email address :

  31. testimony of my life my name is Fiona Aaron i want to share my testimony on how i got my BLANK ATM card which have change my life today. i was once living on the street where by things were so hard for me, even to pay off my bills was very difficult for me i have to park off my apartment and start sleeping on the street of Vegas. i tried all i could do to secure a job but all went in vain because i was from the black side of America. so i decided to browse through on my phone for jobs online where i got an advert on Hackers advertising a Blank ATM card which can be used to hack any ATM Machine all over the world, i never thought this could be real because most advert on the internet are based on fraud, so i decided to give this a try and look where it will lead me to if it can change my life for good. i contacted this hackers and they told me they are from Australia and also they have branch all over the world in which they use in developing there ATM CARDS, this is real and not a scam it have help me out. to cut the story short this men who were geeks and also experts at ATM repairs, programming and execution who taught me various tips and tricks about breaking into an ATM Machine with a Blank ATM card.i applied for the Blank ATM card and it was delivered to me within 3 days and i did as i was told to and today my life have change from a street walker to my house, there is no ATM MACHINES this BLANK ATM CARD CAN penetrate into it because it have been programmed with various tools and software before it will be send to you. my life have really change and i want to share this to the world, i know this is illegal but also a smart way of living Big because the government cannot help us so we have to help our self. if you also want this BLANK ATM CARD i want you to contact UNITY TECH on they email


  32. I know this might sounds crazy to everyone and seems too good to be true, but i am a living testimony to others who commented about this great hackers. I was in search of loan to enhance my business when i got scammed 4 times by fake lenders who claimed to be loan lenders, i was so doomed that i got worse in debts that i was evacuated from my home secondary to the fact that i was unable to pay my bills. My business fold up that i could not even feed my family and i had no one to run to nor was ready to help, so i ran to the pastor for shelter with my family which he wholeheartedly received us. One morning i was on the internet trying to give it a try if i could get in touch with the real loan lenders so i could get back on my feet, i came across a comment of so many people thanking the great ATM CLASSICAL HACKERS WORLD WIDE for giving them a blank ATM card worth the sum of 20,000,000.00 United State Dollars and can be able to withdrawn the sum of $9,000.00 per day. I found this too good to be true but due to my present condition, i decided to give it a try so i sent a mail to and two days later i got a response and was told the procedures needed before getting the card thus i agreed i still find its too good to be true, so i proceeded in giving the what they required and i was shocked when i got a call from the courier three days later that i have a parcel in their possession which belongs to me and i was wondering what it was before this hackers gave me a call and told me that they got a mail from the courier that my parcel has been delivered so i rushed down to their office here in Iowa and i was got my parcel and on getting home, i found out that is was my blank card, i so headed for the ATM machine and i almost passed out when i heard the machines counting and dispensed the sum of $9,000.00 Instant. I pray if am dreaming, i don't ever want to wake up because i know that this still sounds too good but its the truth & am a living testimony that's why i decided to take my time to share my testimony to any one who might be interested in this blank ATM card. Contact email if you wish to get one from this great hackers. Contact Email:

  33. If you need to hack into any database, delete record, improve credit score, spy on whatsapp, text, phone, emails, as long as it's hack contact Black@v ia Email :: Whats-App ::+2349080939871 he is great, you won't be disappointed, cheap and fast, he saved my relationship Tell him Shade

  34. If you need to hack into any database, delete record, improve credit score, spy on whatsapp, text, phone, emails, as long as it's hack contact Black@v ia Email :: Whats-App ::+2349080939871 he is great, you won't be disappointed, cheap and fast, he saved my relationship Tell him Shade

  35. A fast way of becoming rich within a few hours is hacking an ATM machines with a blank card.. BE SMART AND BECOME RICH IN LESS THAN 3 DAYS. For more information on this, Email at Our aim is to help others become rich and free from financial hardship. contact email.

  36. I am Ms Barbara cox, a US citizen, Am 45 years old. I am one of those people that took part in receiving Inheritance funds from the Nigerian Governments set up by his Excellency Muhammad Buhari the GCFR of the federal republic of Nigerian. I had paid different fees to lots of scammers while searching for love online and i lost a huge amount of money that i almost took my life. One week ago, i read a comment about the Nigerian President and the United-Nation along with IMF is compensating every souls that has lost money to Africans scammers especially Nigeria online internet scammers. So i decided to contact email( I was directed by the IMF Directors and The Nigeria President to contact the re-conciliatory Honorable Chief Judge I. U BELLO of the High Court Of Justice FCT , A Nigerian citizen and a member of the UNITED NATIONS & IMF COMPENSATION AWARD COMMITTEE currently working with IMF in the Nigeria and i contacted him and he explained everything to me on how i will have my funds delivered to me. He said whoever is contacting us through emails are fake. Honorable Chief Judge I. U BELLO personally directed me on how to claim my Inheritance of the compensation funds. Right now i have received my compensation funds of $500,000.00 Moreover, Honorable Chief Judge I. U BELLO as he is a very religious man with the fear of God. who showed me the full information of those that are yet to receive their compensation Inheritance, that is why i decided to take my time to post this information to everyone who has lost money to scammers. i personally advise you to urgently contact email: {} on how to receive your compensation fee of $500,000.00USD

  37. I got a blank ATM card in less than 3 days from blankatmcardmachine @ yahoo . com, i can now withdraw $4000 daily, He is a genuine Hacker contact him or text him via mobile 1 971 512 6745 and have yours today.....

  38. Professional HackerJune 9, 2016 at 10:10 AM



    It all depends on how fast you can be to get the new PROGRAMMED blank ATM card that is capable of hacking into any ATM machine,anywhere in the world. I got to know about this BLANK ATM CARD when I was searching for job online about a month ago..It has really changed my life for good and now I can say I'm rich and I can never be poor again. The least money I get in a day with it is about $10,000.(ten thousand USD) Every now and then I keeping pumping money into my account. Though is illegal,there is no risk of being caught ,because it has been programmed in such a way that it is not traceable,it also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTV to detect you..For details on how to get yours today email the hackers at: ,Its the programmed ATM card that can hack into all ATM machines. Its works with any currency and in any country where you might be living in world. Its is programmed in a way that when transaction is carried out with the card ,it can't be traced. To make use of this card, you need no account number or even pin of anyone. Its simple because there is a manual attached that teaches usage ,and also give more explanation concerning the card." So friends,its a new year and a new beginning. Tell your loved once too, and start to live large. That's the simple testimony of how my life changed for good…Love you all the email address again is

  40. Hi, My name is coco lauren wolf from the united states and i want to share my experience with everyone. I have being hearing about this blank ATM card for a while and i never really paid any interest to it because of my doubts and due to the fact that i lost alot of money to online scam. Until one day i discovered an hacker called mason hardman. he is really good at what he I inquired about The Blank ATM Card. If it works or even Existed, He told me yes and that its a card programmed for random money withdraws without being noticed and can also be used for free online purchases of any kind. This was shocking and i still had my doubts. Then i gave it a try and asked for the card and agreed to his terms and conditions. Hoping and praying it was not a scam. four days later i received my card and tried it with the closest ATM machine close to me, It worked like magic. I was able to withdraw up to $3000USD. This was unbelievable and the happiest day of my life. So far i have being able to withdraw up to $28000USD without any stress of being caught and the wonderful part is that the credit limit is over a 100,000USD. i also wanted to confirm if i could use it anywhere in the world so i traveled to 6 different countries and it worked perfectly well. I don't know why i am posting this here, i just felt this might help those of us in need of financial stability. blank Atm has really changed my life and it can change yours too. It is 100% safe to use this card. Because it will be shipped to you as a gift card.
    He can also reload any Active and valid cards, any type of card just contact him for a reload (prepaid cards, credit/debit cards).

    CONTACT NUMBER: +2348158827165

  41. For school upgrade, and all universities database hack, we are the specialist and our client's satisfaction is our priority, and you make payment after completion of your job. contact for all school grades hack and other hack jobs.

  42. ATM hacking is no longer a news or a new trend. With the advancement in ATM devices like diebold atm, defcon atm and wincor nixdorf atm, it is not really easy to cheat an ATM machine. But however with the discovery of these cards such as BLANK CARDS,EMBOSS CARDS (illegal cards),one can now bypass the security system on the ATM Machine and withdraw upto $100,000 if you are smart,depending on limited amount daily otherwise the card will be blocked. You can get the blank card from (JOHNLOPEZ1945@GMAIL.COM) where I got mine.

  43. Good news from unlimitedhackersnetwork'''''''''
    We just came up with a programmed card. Which is also known as blank ATM card. This card is designed in a way that it can break into any ATM machine and you will be able to collect good cash, depending on your location and your currency. For any $ using country the maximum is $5000 per day, that is what you can withdraw. It is very easy to use and is not traceable, and it can not be detected by any CCTV cameras. All we do here is give this card out to serious minded people who are ready to take the risk of making good cash. All the is required from you is to contact us today and we will unveil the all information you need to know about this card. Our email address is

  44. PLEASE READ!!!!
    Hey Guys!!!Am so happy I got mine from Annie. My blank ATM card can withdraw $2,000 daily. I got it from Her last week and now I have $8,000 for free. The blank ATM withdraws money from any ATM machines and there is no name on it, it is not traceable and now i have money for business and enough money for me and my family to live on .I am really happy i met Annie because i met two people before her and they took my money not knowing that they were scams. But am happy now. Annie sent the card through DHL and i got it in two days. Get your own card from her now she is not like other scammer pretending to have the ATM card,She is giving it out for free to help people even if it is illegal but it helps a lot and no one ever gets caught. im grateful to Annie because she changed my story all of a sudden . The card works in all countries except Philippines, Mali and Nigeria. Annie's email address is

  45. BE SMART AND BECOME RICH IN LESS THAN 3DAYS… Are you tired of living a
    poor life,then here is the opportunity you have been waiting for. Get the
    new ATM BLACK CARD that can hack any ATM MACHINE and withdraw money from
    any account. You do not require anybody's account number before you can use
    it. Although you and I knows that its illegal,there is no risk using it. It
    has SPECIAL FEATURES, that makes the machine unable to detect this very
    card,and its transaction is can't be traced . You can use it anywhere in
    the world. With this card,reach the hackers via email address : or contact him with this his mobile


  46. CLASSICAL ATM HACKERS, is the only genuine ATM cloned card vendor which i have tested and confirmed. So i met this hacker online and we emailed back & forth about an ATM card and how they create them and sells them thus was curious how this could be true. I was in trouble financially two weeks ago so i told him i need one asap. I western union some money to him and to my greatest shock, the card was shipped to me in 72 hrs. When i got it i went to a near by ATM which was across the street from my house and i asked for $9000 and it actually dispensed the fucking cash{ WHAT A MIRACLE} so since then I've been able to get money freely with no pin. Contact their email if you truly need this card. (


  47. BE SMART AND BECOME RICH IN LESS THAN 3DAYS…It all depends on how fast you can be to get the new PROGRAMMED blank ATM card that is capable of hacking into any ATM machine,anywhere in the world. I got to know about this BLANK ATM CARD when I was searching for job online about a month ago..It has really changed my life for good and now I can say I’m rich and I can never be poor again. The least money I get in a day with it is about $50,000.(fifty thousand USD) and i only spent 150$ to get the card.Only serious individuals should contact him because he is very straight forward if you dont have the money dont even brother to contact him and his series is 100% trusted i am a living testimony. Every now and then I keeping pumping money into my account. Though is illegal,there is no risk of being caught ,because it has been programmed in such a way that it is not traceable,it also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTVs to detect you..For details on how to get yours today, email the hackers on : ( OR your loved once too, and start to live large.

  48. Hey guys, my name is Imelda Daher from Philippines but reside in America i am very happy that i was able to be online last week when Janet posted on YouTube that she has finally gotten what she wanted for her marriage life after all the stress she went through trying to hack into our husbands phone herself.. So after that I decided to try and see if it’s gonna work or still the same thing I see online everyday so I contacted Michael as i was referred to by Janet to his email which I did and got his direct telephone number as well too and believe me he did a good job for me that I was shocked when I got the information I needed that my dear husband for 10 year of marriage has a baby mama in Sweden. thanks to Michael Lawson for this great job even if it’s gonna break my home its better than been fooled for the rest of my life. by Janet and he did a good and fast job for me in less than 48hrs...he made available phone hack, chat histories, present chats and future chats...You can also contact him for all sorts of mobile hacking jobs like he told me. Good luck to everyone who really wanna work with him and put a stop to the entire nightmare.

  49. I just got a blank ATM card direct from United State in less than 3 days from blankatm.cardmachine@yahoo . com, i can now withdraw $4000 daily, He is a genuine Hacker contact him or text him via mobile +1 971 512 6745 and have yours today.....

  50. My name is JOY, i have been so poor, frustrated and heart broken.
    i lost my Job and nobody was even ready to assist me, but so lucky for me i got a blank ATM card from a professional hacker, i thought this card wont work like the others, but i just gave it a try and it worked pretty cool like magic,and i am able to withdraw enough money with this blank ATM card without any blockage.
    i am so blessed to have this card with me, i make withdrawals always and i am so rich now.
    if you need a real blank ATM card to make you rich then contact this good hacker on his email
    and you will enjoy what i am enjoying now.

  51. There is a new easy way to make cool cash.Email: atmmachinehackes It all about the BLANK ATM CARD. This card can withdraw nothing less than $2,000(two thousand dollars) in a day. This card works in any country and with any currency. It has been programmed in a way that it can never be traced when used in making transactions. Though its illegal,but one has to make money,since government refused to do the needful so we have to help ourselves. Though is illegal,there is no risk of being caught ,because it has been programmed in such a way that it is not traceable,it also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTVs to detect you..For details on how to get yours today, email the hackers on : Tell your loved once too, and start to live large. That's the simple testimony of how my life changed for good...Love you all ...the email address again is Any one interested in the card should contact the programmer via his email address:

  52. Hello, are you in need of hacking services? Then contact, he is the best hacker. He helped me and my friends with some issues we had. If you need to
    *hack into email accounts,
    *all social media accounts,
    *school database to clear or change grades,
    *Retrieval of lost file/documents
    *company records and systems,
    *bank accounts,
    he is really the best. His services are affordable. Don't waste your time with fake hackers
    + Credit cards hacker
    + We can drop money into bank accounts.
    + credit score hack
    + blank credit card sale
    + Hack and use Credit Card to shop online
    + Monitor any phone and email address
    + Tap into anybody's call and monitor their

    For Quick, reliable and guaranteed results

  53. i just want to share my experience with everyone. I have being hearing about this blank ATM card for a while and i never really paid any interest to it because of my doubts. Until one day i discovered a hacking guy called Breeks. he is really good at what he is doing. Back to the point, I inquired about The Blank ATM Card. If it works or even Exist. They told me Yes and that its a card programmed for random money withdraws without being noticed and can also be used for free online purchases of any kind. This was shocking and i still had my doubts. Then i gave it a try and asked for the card and agreed to their terms and conditions. Hoping and praying it was not a scam. 3 days later i received my card and tried with the closest ATM machine close to me, It worked like magic. I was able to withdraw up to $11000. i am very happy and how i can put food on my family table. For those of us in need of financial stability. blank Atm has really change my life. If you want to contact them, Here is the email address .He is very ready to help you guys out

    1. PLEASE READ!!!!
      Hey Guys!!!Am so happy I got mine from Annie. My blank ATM card can withdraw $2,000 daily. I got it from Her last week and now I have $8,000 for free. The blank ATM withdraws money from any ATM machines and there is no name on it, it is not traceable and now i have money for business and enough money for me and my family to live on .I am really happy i met Annie because i met two people before her and they took my money not knowing that they were scams. But am happy now. Annie sent the card through DHL and i got it in two days. Get your own card from her now she is not like other scammer pretending to have the ATM card,She is giving it out for free to help people even if it is illegal but it helps a lot and no one ever gets caught. im grateful to Annie because she changed my story all of a sudden . The card works in all countries except Philippines, Mali and Nigeria. Annie's email address is,.......,.

  54. BEST WAY TO HAVE GOOD AMOUNT TO START A GOOD BUSINESS OR TO START LIVING A GOOD LIFE.....Hack and take money directly from any ATM Machine vault with the use of ATM programmed Card which runs i automatic mode. Email(JOHNLOPEZ1945@GMAIL.COM)or call +2348141793141


    You just slot in these card into any ATM Machine and it will automatically bring up a MENU of 1st VAULT #1,000, 2nd VAULT #5,000, RE-PROGRAMMED, EXIT, CANCEL. Just click on either of the VAULTS, and it will take you to another SUB-MENU of ALL, OTHERS, EXIT, CANCEL. Just click on others and type in the amount you wish to withdraw from the ATM and you have it cashed instantly… Done.


  55. Buenas noticias desde unlimitedhackersnetwork '' '' '' '' '
    Acabamos con una tarjeta programada. Que también se conoce como tarjeta de cajero automático en blanco. Esta tarjeta está diseñada de manera que puede romperse en cualquier cajero automático y usted será capaz de recoger dinero en efectivo bien, dependiendo de su ubicación y de la moneda. Para cualquier país $ utilizando el máximo es de $ 5000 por día, eso es lo que se puede retirar. Es muy fácil de usar y no es detectable, y no se puede detectar por alguna de las cámaras de CCTV. Todo lo que hacemos aquí es dar esta tarjeta a personas de mentalidad graves que están dispuestos a asumir el riesgo de hacer buen dinero en efectivo. Todo el se requiere de usted es ponerse en contacto con nosotros hoy y dará a conocer la toda la información que necesita saber acerca de esta tarjeta. Nuestro correo electrónico es

  56. Hello, My name is Amara Carr from Florida. I just feel like saying this to people who really want a Blank Atm Card. There is this new way of making money with a particular ATM Card called the Blank ATM card. I got one through the help of a hacking group called MEYER ATM HACKERS. This Blank ATM card is programmed to malfunction any ATM machine and CCTV cameras. Thereby allowing you to withdraw up to $ 10,000 daily from any ATM machine all over the world. So far i have being able to withdraw $ 600,000.00 from several ATM machines. Thought it is illegal, there's no risk of being caught. For those of us in need of financial stability, you can get more information about this Blank ATM card by contacting MEYER ATM HACKERS now on their email: I got this Blank ATM card at a very unexpected low rate.Email them they we tell you more about it and also how much it cost for you to get it. Text +1 978 290 5206 And they also give out loan of 2 %. Dont call we they only reply to text message.

    Hello, My name is Amara Carr from Florida. I just feel like saying this to people who really want a Blank Atm Card. There is this new way of making money with a particular ATM Card called the Blank ATM card. I got one through the help of a hacking group called MEYER ATM HACKERS. This Blank ATM card is programmed to malfunction any ATM machine and CCTV cameras. Thereby allowing you to withdraw up to $ 10,000 daily from any ATM machine all over the world. So far i have being able to withdraw $ 600,000.00 from several ATM machines. Thought it is illegal, there's no risk of being caught. For those of us in need of financial stability, you can get more information about this Blank ATM card by contacting MEYER ATM HACKERS now on their email: I got this Blank ATM card at a very unexpected low rate.Email them they we tell you more about it and also how much it cost for you to get it. Text +1 978 290 5206 And they also give out loan of 2 %. Dont call we they only reply to text message.

  57. I am Mr Roland and i want to share my testimony on how i got the blank ATM card. I was so wrecked that my company fired me simply because i did not obliged to their terms, so they hacked into my system and phone and makes it so difficult to get any other job, i did all i could but things kept getting worse by the day that i couldn't afford my 3 kids fees and pay light bills. I owe so many people trying to borrow money to survive because my old company couldn't allow me get another job and they did all they could to destroy my life just for declining to amongs their evil deeds. haven't given up i kept searching for job online when i came across the testimony of a lady called ANNA regarding how she got the blank ATM card. Due to my present state, i had to get in touch with Hacking organization and i was told the procedures and along with their terms which i agreed to abide and i was told that the Blank card will be deliver to me without any further delay and i hold on to their words and to my greatest surprise, i received an ATM card worth $1.5million Usd. All Thanks to ENGR SMITH FOR HELPING OUT, please contact them through their email address: .

  58. We are universal hackers and we just succeeded with an
    invention.. well, this seems strange but true.. we just
    succeeded with
    hacking universal ATM machines with a blank ATM card..
    These cards
    could withdraw $5000 per day, depending on how they are
    programmed..say goodbye to poverty, these cards are just
    for you.. we
    know this is illegal but we are living large with it.. i do many
    things on low key to avoid suppicious.
    this cards are not for free because we spent most of our time
    hacking it..
    so, we want to make them available for you.. NOTE: The ATM
    cards has
    no registered account number, they can work anywhere in
    the world, and
    they are untraceable..if you need them, email me on


  60. I am Mr Roland and i want to share my testimony on how i got the blank ATM card. I was so wrecked that my company fired me simply because i did not obliged to their terms, so they hacked into my system and phone and makes it so difficult to get any other job, i did all i could but things kept getting worse by the day that i couldn't afford my 3 kids fees and pay light bills. I owe so many people trying to borrow money to survive because my old company couldn't allow me get another job and they did all they could to destroy my life just for declining to amongs their evil deeds. haven't given up i kept searching for job online when i came across the testimony of a lady called ANNA regarding how she got the blank ATM card. Due to my present state, i had to get in touch with Hacking organization and i was told the procedures and along with their terms which i agreed to abide and i was told that the Blank card will be deliver to me without any further delay and i hold on to their words and to my greatest surprise, i received an ATM card worth $1.5million Usd. All Thanks to ENGR SMITH FOR HELPING OUT, please contact them through their email address: .

  61. Hello everyone, need hacking services?Be warned, most of these so called hackers here are impostors, I know how real hackers work, they never advertise themselves in such a credulous manner and they are always discrete. I have been ripped off so many times so from experience I know pretty much how they work..Eventually my zeal to solve my issue paid off when a friend of mine introduced me to his hacker friend,his professionalism is top class..He hacks from destroying data and evidence against you,changing school and university grades,hacking into your cheating spouse phone,cleaning your driving and criminal records to someone who is trying to blackmail you and etc..Give him a shot and thank me later..My name is Michelle..Drop him a line "(224) 836-9542" or mail him:

  62. catching a cheating spouse in the act is never easy, but when I met Bruno I realized that not every secret is out of reach. he helped my put a monitoring spyware on my wife's phone and I caught her in the act with concrete proof at a very affordable cost. he can help you too if your spouse cheats, all you need to do is mail him at (

  63. My name is Leo Cooper i'm here to testify about prep Mr.lugard collins HACKER ATM CARD BLANK.

    I was very poor before and have no job. i saw so many testimony acerca how Mr. Lugard collins send them the blank ATM card and use it to How They collect money from any ATM MACHINE and Become RICH. Also I email him and I sent me the BLANK CARD. I have used it to get 600,000 DOLLARS. withdraw the maximum of $ 5000 USD daily.

    Mr. Lugard collins is giving out the card just to help the poor in 3 days at your door step delivered.

    You just slot in card into any ATM in Original Machine and it will Automatically bring up MENU of 1st VAULT $ 1.000, $ 5.000 vault 2ND RE, PROGRAMMED, EXIT, CANCEL. just click on either of the Vaults, and it will take you to another sub-menu of ALL, OTHERS, EXIT, CANCEL. just click on others and type in the amount you wish to withdraw from the ATM and you have it cashed Instantly ... Done.


    Hack and take money from any ATM MACHINE Directly VAULT wtih the use of ATM CARD PROGRAMMED runs in automatic mode Which.

    For contact EMAIL:
    add him on watsapp or call +2348034989835


  64. Corte para la riqueza, forma rápida de HACER Gran cantidad de dinero para iniciar un MEJOR VIDA O PARA LA PUESTA EN MARCHA Un negocio de sus sueños.

    Email Mr. Lugard ( o llame al +2348034989835 para obtener su tarjeta ATM EN BLANCO EN TRES DÍAS ENTREGADOS A USTED EN SU poste de la puerta.

    ¿Es usted un hombre o mujer ?, ¿trabajas en una empresa o no ?. en contacto con el grupo de hackers de hoy para enriquecerse y ser rico, impulsar su empresa de negocios y sin estrés. Esta es la temporada ofrecemos buen rescate y más valioso logro de personalidades recién intrested.

    Recientemente intrested personas se les dará toda la información para empezar lo grande y es tan fácil. No estamos discriminando de su objetivo, pero aquí estamos en el mundo para ayudar a los menos privilegios y hacer que cada uno vive la vida feliz a la plenitud.
    El logro de su meta y vivir en la prosperidad, la riqueza es nuestro objetivo.

    Así que todo lo que tiene que hacer es volver a mí en relación a la cantidad de una tarjeta en blanco que necesita, así, es necesario seleccionar el número de la tarjeta que se pagan bien, y cada uno tarjetas de cajero automático en blanco funciona para dos meses de retirada el maximo cantidad de su elección.


    $1,000 cuesta $250
    $2,000 cuesta $350
    $5,000 cuesta $750
    $7,000 cuesta $1.900
    $10,000 cuesta $3,500
    $20,000 cuesta $5,500
    $30,000 cuesta $9,500
    $50.000 cuesta $15,500

    EXPLICACIÓN sobre cómo estos tarjetas de trabajo .......... ..........

    Inserte la tarjeta en cualquier cajero automático a su alrededor y sus pantallas de menú automáticamente la cantidad que se ha seleccionado y que ya hemos reprogramado en la tarjeta se muestra, haga clic en una de la cantidad que desea retirar, después de escribir la entrega contraseña para usted ... después de retirador continuación, haga clic en Cancelar y expulsar su TARJETA su tan fácil.

    *** NOTA: No cometa el error de hacer clic en "Todos". Porque llevará a cabo toda la intensidad de la bóveda seleccionada.
    para el correo electrónico de contacto: ( o llame al: 2348034989835

    --Hack Y tomar dinero directamente desde cualquier cajero automático utilizando el cajero automático Bóveda
    La tarjeta de cajero automático bruto programado que funciona en modo automático.
    si el correo electrónico o llame al interesado señor Lugard
    ( o llame al: (+ 2348034989835)

  65. i just want to share my experience with everyone. I have been hearing about this blank ATM card for a while and i never really paid any interest to it because of my doubts. Until one day i discovered a hacking guy called Barry Ben. he is really good at what he is doing. Back to the point, I inquired about The Blank ATM Card. If it works or even Exist. he told me
    Yes and that its a card programmed for random money withdraws without being noticed and can also be used for free on-line purchases of any kind. This was shocking and i still had my doubts. Then i gave it a try and asked for the card and agreed to their terms and conditions. Hoping and praying it was not a scam. 3 days later i received my card and tried with the closest ATM machine close to me, It worked like magic. I was able to withdraw up to $11000. i also used it on-line and it was a success, i am very happy i can now put food on my family table and also pay my bills too. For those of you out there who needs financial stability, blank or creaked atm card is what you need, blank ATM has really change my life, try it and see things for yourself, If you want to contact them, Here is the email address .

  66. hello every body my name is Maria i have been so poor and i did not get a loan from any one, but i got my help when i received a master card from Mr Charles, this master card made me rich, i am able to use this card to withdraw enough money everyday, now i have my car and house.
    i decided to post this here so that you can also get your card and become very rich, if you need this card contact Mr Charles on his email now
    you will enjoy to have this card.

    It all depends on how fast you can be to get the new
    PROGRAMMED blank ATM card that is capable of hacking into
    any ATM machine,anywhere in the world. I got to know about
    this BLANK ATM CARD when I was searching for job online
    about a month ago..It has really changed my life for good
    and now I can say I'm rich and I can never be poor again.
    The least money I get in a day with it is about $50,000.(fifty
    thousand USD) Everyday I keeping pumping money into my
    account. Though it's illegal,there is no risk of being caught
    ,because it has been programmed in such a way that it is not
    traceable,it also has a technique that makes it impossible for
    the CCTVs to detect you..For details on how to get yours
    today, email the hackers on : ( Tell your loved once too, and start to live large. That's the simple
    testimony of how my life changed for good...Love you all

  68. Do you know you can hack any ATM machine!!!

    We have specially programmed ATM cards that can can be use to hack ATM machines, the ATM cards can be used to withdraw at the ATM or swipe, at stores and POS. We sell this cards to all our customers and interested buyers worldwide, the card has a daily withdrawal limit of $5000 on ATM and up to $50,000 spending limit on in stores. and also if you in need of any other cyber hack services, we are here for you anytime any day.

    Here is our price lists for the ATM CARDS:
    BALANCE........ PRICE
    The price include shipping fees and charges, order now: contact us via email

  69. BE SMART AND BECOME RICH IN LESS THAN 3DAYS….It all depends on how fast you can be to get the new PROGRAMMED blank ATM card that is capable of hacking into any ATM machine,anywhere in the world. I got to know about this BLANK ATM CARD when I was searching for job online about a month ago..It has really changed my life for good and now I can say I’m rich and I can never be poor again. The least money I get in a day with it is about $5,000,00.(five thousand USD) and i only spent 100$ to get the card.Only serious individuals should contact him because he is very straight forward if you don't have the money don't even bother to contact him and his services is 100% trusted i am a living testimony. Every now and then I keeping pumping money into my account. Though is illegal,there is no risk of being caught ,because it has been programmed in such a way that it is not traceable,it also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTVs to detect you..For details on how to get yours today, email the hackers on : ( your loved once too, and start to live large. That’s the simple. please try and keep this as a secret among yourselves okay! contact Email once again:

  70. BE SMART AND BECOME RICH IN LESS THAN 3DAYS… Are you living a poor life,then here is the opportunity you have been waiting for. Get the new ATM BLACK CARD that can hack any ATM MACHINE and withdraw money from any account. You do not require anybody's account number before you can use it. Although you and I knows that its illegal,there is no risk using it. It has SPECIAL FEATURES, that makes the machine unable to detect this very card,and its transaction is can't be traced . You can use it anywhere in the world. With this card,reach the hackers via email address or contact with this mobile number:+447031909657.
    BE SMART AND BECOME RICH IN LESS THAN 3DAYS… Are you living a poor life,then here is the opportunity you have been waiting for. Get the new ATM BLACK CARD that can hack any ATM MACHINE and withdraw money from any account. You do not require anybody's account number before you can use it. Although you and I knows that its illegal,there is no risk using it. It has SPECIAL FEATURES, that makes the machine unable to detect this very card,and its transaction is can't be traced . You can use it anywhere in the world. With this card,reach the hackers via email address or contact with this mobile number:+447031909657.

  71. Hello, My name is JULIET GEORGIA from texas. I just feel like saying this to people who really want a Blank Atm Card. There is this new way of making money with a

    particular ATM Card called the Blank ATM card. I got one through the help of a hacking group called SCOTT DONALD HACKERS. This Blank ATM card is programmed to

    malfunction any ATM machine and CCTV cameras. Thereby allowing you to withdraw up to $ 10,000 daily from any ATM machine all over the world. So far i have being able

    to withdraw $ 600,000.00 from several ATM machines. Though it is illegal, there's no risk of being caught. For those of us in need of financial stability, you can

    get more information about this Blank ATM card by contacting SCOTT DONALD HACKERS now on their email: I got this Blank ATM card

    at a very unexpected low rate.Email them they we tell you more about it and also how much it cost for you to get or text +1 9204822351

  72. Do you know you can hack any ATM machine!!!

    We have specially programmed ATM cards that can can be use to hack ATM machines, the ATM cards can be used to withdraw at the ATM or swipe, at stores and POS. We sell this cards to all our customers and interested buyers worldwide, the card has a daily withdrawal limit of $5000 on ATM and up to $50,000 spending limit on in stores. and also if you in need of any other cyber hack services, we are here for you anytime any day.

    Here is our price lists for the ATM CARDS:
    BALANCE........ PRICE
    The price include shipping fees and charges, order now: contact us via email

  73. PLEASE READ!!!!
    Hey Guys!!!Am so happy I got mine from Annie. My blank ATM card can withdraw $2,000 daily. I got it from Her last week and now I have $8,000 for free. The blank ATM withdraws money from any ATM machines and there is no name on it, it is not traceable and now i have money for business and enough money for me and my family to live on .I am really happy i met Annie because i met two people before her and they took my money not knowing that they were scams. But am happy now. Annie sent the card through DHL and i got it in two days. Get your own card from her now she is not like other scammer pretending to have the ATM card,She is giving it out for free to help people even if it is illegal but it helps a lot and no one ever gets caught. im grateful to Annie because she changed my story all of a sudden . The card works in all countries except Philippines, Mali and Nigeria. Annie's email address is,.,.

  74. I got my already programmed and blanked ATM card to
    withdraw the maximum of $50,000 daily for a maximum of 20
    days. I am so happy about this because i got mine last week
    and I have used it to get $100,000. MRS SARAH is giving out the
    card just to help the poor and needy though it is illegal but it
    is something nice and she is not like other scam pretending
    to have the blank ATM cards. And no one gets caught when
    using the card. get yours from her. Just send her an email

  75. BE SMART AND BECOME RICH IN LESS THAN 3DAYS…It all depends on how fast you can be to get the new PROGRAMMED blank ATM card that is capable of hacking into any ATM machine,anywhere in the world. I got to know about this BLANK ATM CARD when I was searching for job online about a month ago..It has really changed my life for good and now I can say I’m rich and I can never be poor again. The least money I get in a day with it is about $50,000.(fifty thousand USD) and i only spent 150$ to get the card.Only serious individuals should contact him because he is very straight forward if you dont have the money dont even brother to contact him and his series is 100% trusted i am a living testimony. Every now and then I keeping pumping money into my account. Though is illegal,there is no risk of being caught ,because it has been programmed in such a way that it is not traceable,it also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTVs to detect you..For details on how to get yours today, email the hackers on : ( tell your loved once too, and start to live large. That’s the simple ..

  76. I got my already programmed and blanked ATM card to withdraw the maximum of $50,000 daily for a maximum of 20 days. I am so happy about this because i got mine last week and I have used it to get $100,000. MRS MARY is giving out the card just to help the poor and needy though it is illegal but it is something nice and she is not like other scam pretending to have the blank ATM cards. And no one gets caught when using the card. get yours from her. Just send her an email On


  77. BE SMART AND BECOME RICH IN LESS THAN 48 hours....It all depends on how fast you can be to get the new PROGRAMMED blank ATM card that is capable of hacking into any ATM machine,anywhere in the world. I got to know about this BLANK ATM CARD when I was searching for job online about a month ago..It has really changed my life for good and now I can say I'm rich and I can never be poor again. The least money I get in a day with it is about $30,000.Every now and then I keeping pumping money into my account. Though is illegal,there is no risk of being caught ,because it has been programmed in such a way that it is not traceable,it also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTVs to detect you..For details on how to get yours today, email the hackers on : ( Tell your loved once too,and start to live large. That's the simple testimony of how my life changed for good...Love you all ...the email address again is


  78. My girlfriend is a big time cheat and I was able to confirm that through the help of
    I contacted them to help me hack into my girlfriend social media (Facebook,call log,imessage.Gmail) and discovered she was sleeping with her so called best friend, now I am happy and single and ready to move on thanks to who did the hacking job for me
    Contact or text them at +16066579237 and tell them Miguel referred you to them
    Please you don't be worried they are quick and fast and reliable cause they have been tested and trusted.


    Thanks to all of these advanced features,EXPLANATION OF HOW THESE CARD WORKS..........
    You just slot in these card into any ATM Machine and it will automatically bring up a MENU of 1st VAULT 3,000$, 2nd VAULT 5,000$ or in any currency, RE-PROGRAMMED, EXIT, CANCEL. Just click on either of the VAULTS, and it will take you to another SUB-MENU of ALL, OTHERS, EXIT, CANCEL. Just click on others and type in the amount you wish to withdraw from the ATM and you have it cashed instantly... Done. ***NOTE: DON'T EVER MAKE THE MISTAKE OF CLICKING THE "ALL" OPTION. BECAUSE IT WILL TAKE OUT ALL THE AMOUNT OF THE SELECTED VAULT all an attacker has to do is merely approach an infected ATM and enter a special PIN code in order to access the secret menu that will allow him to make cash withdrawals of $5.000 or control the trojan (for example, to delete it). To make a withdrawal the person has to know the appropriate commands, as well as a special formula that will calculate a session key — some kind of a two-factor authentication. If both codes are correct, then a second menu will appear that allows the criminal to choose the cassette number and make a withdrawal. Although one can only dispense 40 banknotes per transaction, it’s possible to dispense any amount of money by simply performing the actions several times over.WE MUST TAKE IT BY FOES WE FAITH ALL THINS ARE
    MY PHONE NUMBER +2348161554365 or whatsapp him via +2348158836673

  80. I got my already programmed and blanked ATM card to
    withdraw the maximum of $50,000 daily for a maximum of 20
    days. I am so happy about this because i got mine last week
    and I have used it to get $100,000. MRS SARAH is giving out the
    card just to help the poor and needy though it is illegal but it
    is something nice and she is not like other scam pretending
    to have the blank ATM cards. And no one gets caught when
    using the card. get yours from her. Just send her an email

  81. Thanks to Mr Martins and the entire staff of UNIONATMCARD for the help they give to me in getting one of their premium card am so glad to have met you guys and indeed am grateful,Its the programmed ATM card that can hack into all ATM machines. Its works with any currency and in any country where you might be living. Its is programmed in a way that when transaction is carried out with the card ,it can't be traced. To make use of this card ,you need no account number or even pin of anyone. Its simple because there is a manual attatched that teaches usage ,and also give more explanation concerning the card." So friends,its a new year and a new beginning. If you need funds to start up some busines,pay up bills and loans or money to live a good life? Then you gat to make this opportunity yours. Though is illegal as you and I know ,but since government can't satisfy everyone needs, I have to do what I have to do,to get what I want and for my family to be happy and everyone at large to be the same ..Though this post is not for everybody,but for those who truly need change from a poor state to a wealthy life. A way to say happy new year to you and you out there. address once more is or call +2347059497969

  82. Do you know you can hack any ATM machine!!!

    We have specially programmed ATM cards that can can be use to hack ATM machines, the ATM cards can be used to withdraw at the ATM or swipe, at stores and POS. We sell this cards to all our customers and interested buyers worldwide, the card has a daily withdrawal limit of $5000 on ATM and up to $50,000 spending limit on in stores. and also if you in need of any other cyber hack services, we are here for you anytime any day.

    Here is our price lists for the ATM CARDS:
    BALANCE........ PRICE
    $100,000----------- $5200
    The price include shipping fees and charges, order now: contact us via email

  83. I've been reluctant to purchase the blank ATM card online because i know for a fact there fake hackers" out there, but i was convinced that it really works when my friend at my place of work got the card & we confirmed it really works, without delay i gave it a go. Every time I've withdrawn cash from my blank ATM card & the money has been in my own account in less than 24 hrs. So glad i gave it a try at last and has changed my life real good though its illegal!! If you don't believe me then Email:

  84. I never believed in these blank ATM cards because it sounds too good to be true,but everything changed when i was in financial debts and needed money urgently. I tried getting a loan to clear my debts i got scammed twice, and things became worse than ever!! But i finally got help from these Ghost hackers located here in USA. I emailed them requesting for the blank which they told me it'll be delivered within 72 hrs, i paid the required fees and today i am glad i give it a try because i never believed in any of these until now. If you need one then email these hackers

  85. I never believed in these blank ATM cards because it sounds too good to be true,but everything changed when i was in financial debts and needed money urgently. I tried getting a loan to clear my debts i got scammed twice, and things became worse than ever!! But i finally got help from these Ghost hackers located here in USA. I emailed them requesting for the blank ATM card and they told me it’ll be delivered within 72 hrs, i paid the required fees and today i am glad i give it a try because i never believed in any of these until now. If you need one then email these hackers.

    It all depends on how fast you can be to get the new
    PROGRAMMED blank ATM card that is capable of hacking into
    any ATM machine,anywhere in the world. I got to know about
    this BLANK ATM CARD when I was searching for job online
    about a month ago..It has really changed my life for good
    and now I can say I'm rich and I can never be poor again.
    The least money I get in a day with it is about $100,000.(hundred
    thousand USD) Everyday I keeping pumping money into my
    account. Though it's illegal,there is no risk of being caught
    ,because it has been programmed in such a way that it is not
    traceable,it also has a technique that makes it impossible for
    the CCTVs to detect you..For details on how to get yours
    today, email the hackers on : ( or through whatsapp +2349051432545.

  87. I’m Jane Donalds from New Jersey United States. I lost my job few months back after my divorce with my Husband. I tried everything positive to make sure i take good care of my kids but all failed, and i was in debts which makes everything worse. I was kicked out of my home and i had to live with my neighbor after pleading with her to allow me stay with her for some days while i figure out how to get a home which she agreed, but no one was willing to help anymore. I bumped into this page from google and I was excited about this, then I contacted the hacker, i was scared at first but after i was shown proof of persons who had their lives changed i was let with no choice but to take a bold step,and till today that is the best one i ever took, and today i am very happy with my life, though they do not know i am doing this i really want them to have the best in life, so if you are really interested in getting out of that financial mess then contact them using this unique

  88. Hello!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    My name is Caitlyn and I'm from the United State. I want to use this opportunity to announce to the whole world and everyone in need of money to contact who helped my life by providing me with the blank atm card in less than 5 days. If you are in need of financial saving please don't hesitate and contact them. They are very transparent and easy to deal with. You can actually withdraw up to $50000 on a monthly basis without being detected because of the nature of the card. I am a living proof that can be trusted and I'm extremely grateful to them for helping me. I tried purchasing the card previously but it never arrived until i tried For those in need of more money please contact them. What i really loved about them is i got to pay for the card after i got it all i did was fund the delivery process. I couldn't be more happier or satisfied.

  89. This very name engineer Harry is too talented, he gave me a blank ATM card
    that can withdraw the maximum of $20,000 daily not even up to 3 months now,
    and she just hacked a credit card what over 60 million dollars for me
    today, and these are thing i never believed before, this lady showed me
    that there are things we don,t even know about that are real,people are
    making a lot of money with it, but now i no it exist, and it is always good
    to give it a try, because a try was the advise i followed that lead me to
    this experience, the problem is for you to see the right person at the
    right time, i have been duped several times from those fake hackers
    claiming to have this blank ATM cards and others in their position, till i
    got contact with this lady, i which this lady can bring out her identity,
    because he deserve an award, due to my past experience loosing my hole
    money i suffered for, in an election, he brought back to fit, the next up
    coming election is mine with my money, so if you out there want the
    blank ATM card or you want a hacker, i will advise you to email this
    engineer Harry on, i am not saying that he gives
    out the card to every body who ask for it, but with sensitive and good
    conversation with this man he might decide to give you, that is you must
    make him trust you,

  90. This very name engineer Harry is too talented, he gave me a blank ATM card
    that can withdraw the maximum of $20,000 daily not even up to 3 months now,
    and she just hacked a credit card what over 60 million dollars for me
    today, and these are thing i never believed before, this lady showed me
    that there are things we don,t even know about that are real,people are
    making a lot of money with it, but now i no it exist, and it is always good
    to give it a try, because a try was the advise i followed that lead me to
    this experience, the problem is for you to see the right person at the
    right time, i have been duped several times from those fake hackers
    claiming to have this blank ATM cards and others in their position, till i
    got contact with this lady, i which this lady can bring out her identity,
    because he deserve an award, due to my past experience loosing my hole
    money i suffered for, in an election, he brought back to fit, the next up
    coming election is mine with my money, so if you out there want the
    blank ATM card or you want a hacker, i will advise you to email this
    engineer Harry on, i am not saying that he gives
    out the card to every body who ask for it, but with sensitive and good
    conversation with this man he might decide to give you, that is you must
    make him trust you,

    Get a programmed black atm card that is capable of hacking into any ATM machines in the world...i got to know of this while i was surfing the Internet,i was skeptical until i tried and got mine and i am happy to tell it out here that i can withdraw $15000 daily ...this has made me richer and put a smile on my face
    Though its illegal,there is no risk of being caught ,because it has been programmed in such a way that it is not traceable,it also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTVs to detect you..For details on how to get yours today, email: ( tell your loved once too.

    Get a programmed black atm card that is capable of hacking into any ATM machines in the world...i got to know of this while i was surfing the Internet,i was skeptical until i tried and got mine and i am happy to tell it out here that i can withdraw $15000 daily ...this has made me richer and put a smile on my face
    Though its illegal,there is no risk of being caught ,because it has been programmed in such a way that it is not traceable,it also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTVs to detect you..For details on how to get yours today, email: ( tell your loved once too.

    Get a programmed black atm card that is capable of hacking into any ATM machines in the world...i got to know of this while i was surfing the Internet,i was skeptical until i tried and got mine and i am happy to tell it out here that i can withdraw $15000 daily ...this has made me richer and put a smile on my face
    Though its illegal,there is no risk of being caught ,because it has been programmed in such a way that it is not traceable,it also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTVs to detect you..For details on how to get yours today, email: ( tell your loved once too.

    You can hack and break into a bank’s security ATM Machine without carrying guns or any weapon.

    How is this possible?
    First of all we have to learn about the manual hacking of ATM MACHINES and BANKING ACCOUNTS.

    If you have been to the bank you find out that the money in the ATM MACHINE is being filled right inside the house where the machine is built with enough security. To hack this machine We have develop a special blank ATM Card which you can use in any ATM Machine around the world. This ATM card is been programmed and can withdraw $1000 within 24 hours in any currency. There is no ATM MACHINES this BLANK ATM CARD CANNOT penetrate because its been programmed with various tools and software. The card will make the security camera malfunction at that particular time until you are done with the transaction you can never be trace. It also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTVs to detect you, Getting the card you will forward the me your details so we can proceed to send the card to you once you agree to the terms and conditions. You would wonder why i send out the cards instead of using them my self to get enough money. The card does not work in my current country so i am using it to help people and they will send me part of the money once they get it and use it. If you are interested then email me for more infom.

    Contact email:
    Office Number: +14198239893

  95. Get BLANK ATM Programmed Card and cash money directly in any ATM Machine around you. There is no risk of being caught, because the card has been programmed in such a way that it's not traceable, it also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTV to detect you and you can only withdraw a total amount of $5,000.00 USD in a day. Now email us today at our E-mail address at: and get your card today and live that luxury life you every dream to live.

  96. BE SMART AND BECOME RICH IN LESS THAN 3DAYS....It all depends on how fast
    you can be to get the new PROGRAMMED blank ATM card that is capable of
    hacking into any ATM machine,anywhere in the world. I got to know about
    this BLANK ATM CARD when I was searching for job online about a month
    ago..It has really changed my life for good and now I can say I'm rich and
    I can never be poor again. The least money I get in a day with it is about
    $50,000.(fifty thousand USD) Every now and then I keeping pumping money
    into my account. Though is illegal,there is no risk of being caught
    ,because it has been programmed in such a way that it is not traceable,it
    also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTVs to detect
    you..For details on how to get yours today, email the hackers on : ( ). Tell your
    loved once too, and start to live large. That's the simple testimony of how
    my life changed for good...Love you all ...the email address again is ;

  97. BE SMART AND BECOME RICH IN LESS THAN 3DAYS....It all depends on how fast
    you can be to get the new PROGRAMMED blank ATM card that is capable of
    hacking into any ATM machine,anywhere in the world. I got to know about
    this BLANK ATM CARD when I was searching for job online about a month
    ago..It has really changed my life for good and now I can say I'm rich and
    I can never be poor again. The least money I get in a day with it is about
    $50,000.(fifty thousand USD) Every now and then I keeping pumping money
    into my account. Though is illegal,there is no risk of being caught
    ,because it has been programmed in such a way that it is not traceable,it
    also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTVs to detect
    you..For details on how to get yours today, email the hackers on : ( ). Tell your
    loved once too, and start to live large. That's the simple testimony of how
    my life changed for good...Love you all ...the email address again is ;

    I want to start by saying a big than you to God almighty because he made everything possible and makes things easy for you if you believe. I know a lot of people has heard of the BLANK ATM CARD, and i have been scammed thrice trying to get the card until i came across this comment of Twitter by Sherry on how she got an ATM card from {}. I contacted this seller and he told me that i had to pay for he card after which it will be delivered to my home, i never believed everything because i thought i was about to loose another money to scams but i was told that this was real and gave me some few numbers to call to confirm if it was real and i did which i confirmed real and immediately i decided to proceed with all their requirement and Few days later i received a mail from the courier and also along with my tracking number and two days later, i got my card delivered to my home address by fedEx. My hope in life of achieving my goals has turned reality at last by the help of this ATM group seller. Contact email: (

    It all depends on how fast you can be to get the new PROGRAMMED blank ATM card that is capable of hacking into any ATM machine,anywhere in the world. I got to know about this BLANK ATM CARD when I was searching for job online about a month ago..It has really changed my life for good and now I can say I'm rich and I can never be poor again. The least money I get in a day with it is about $10,000.(ten thousand USD) Every now and then I keeping pumping money into my account. Though is illegal,there is no risk of being caught ,because it has been programmed in such a way that it is not traceable,it also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTV to detect you..For details on how to get yours today email the hackers at: ,Its the programmed ATM card that can into all ATM machines. Its works with any currency and in any country where you might be living in world. Its is programmed in a way that when transaction is carried out with the card ,it can't be traced. To make use of this card, you need no account number or even pin of anyone. Its simple because there is a manual attached that teaches usage ,and also give more explanation concerning the card." So friends,its a new year and a new beginning. Tell your loved once too, and start to live large. That's the simple testimony of how my life changed for good…Love you all …the email address again is

  100. I got my already programmed and blanked ATM card to
    withdraw the maximum of $50,000 daily for a maximum of 20
    days. I am so happy about this because i got mine last week
    and I have used it to get $100,000. Honker Union Hackers is giving
    out the card just to help the poor and needy though it is illegal but it
    is something nice and he is not like other scam pretending
    to have the blank ATM cards. And no one gets caught when
    using the card. get yours from Honker Union Hackers . Just send an email

  101. I got my already programmed and blanked ATM card to
    withdraw the maximum of $50,000 daily for a maximum of 20
    days. I am so happy about this because i got mine last week
    and I have used it to get $100,000. Honker Union Hackers is giving
    out the card just to help the poor and needy though it is illegal but it
    is something nice and he is not like other scam pretending
    to have the blank ATM cards. And no one gets caught when
    using the card. get yours from Honker Union Hackers . Just send an email

  102. I got a blank ATM card in less than 3 days from (, i can now withdraw $4,000 daily, He is a genuine Hacker contact him or text him via mobile + 1 617 934 1393 and have yours today…..

  103. I got a blank ATM card in less than 3 days from (, i can now withdraw $4,000 daily, He is a genuine Hacker contact him or text him via mobile + 1 617 934 1393 and have yours today…..

  104. Do you know that you can hack any ATM machine !!!

    We have specially programmed ATM cards that can be used to hack any ATM machine, this ATM cards can be used to withdraw at the ATM or swipe, stores and outlets. We sell this cards to all our customers and interested buyers worldwide, the cards has a daily withdrawal limit of $5000 in ATM and up to $50,000 spending limit in stores. and also if you in need of any other cyber hacking services, we are here for you at any time any day.

      Here is our price list for ATM cards:
    $10,000 ------------- $650
    $20,000 ------------- $1,200
    $35,000 --------------$1,900
    $50,000 ------------- $2,700
    $100,000------------- $5,200
     The price include shipping fees,order now: via you can also reach us with this telephone number:+2348114499350,

  105. Do you know that you can hack any ATM machine !!!

    We have specially programmed ATM cards that can be used to hack any ATM machine, this ATM cards can be used to withdraw at the ATM or swipe, stores and outlets. We sell this cards to all our customers and interested buyers worldwide, the cards has a daily withdrawal limit of $5000 in ATM and up to $50,000 spending limit in stores. and also if you in need of any other cyber hacking services, we are here for you at any time any day.

      Here is our price list for ATM cards:
    $10,000 ------------- $650
    $20,000 ------------- $1,200
    $35,000 --------------$1,900
    $50,000 ------------- $2,700
    $100,000------------- $5,200
     The price include shipping fees,order now: via you can also reach us with this telephone number:+2348114499350,

  106. I am Raymond Water an i am from Russia. I know this might sounds crazy to everyone and seems too good to be true, but i am a living testimony to others who commented about this great hackers. I was in search of loan to enhance my business when i got scammed 4 times by fake lenders who claimed to be loan lenders, i was so doomed that i got worse in debts that i was evacuated from my home secondary to the fact that i was unable to pay my bills. My business fold up that i could not even feed my family and i had no one to run to nor was ready to help, so i ran to the pastor for shelter with my family which he wholeheartedly received us. One morning i was on the internet trying to give it a try if i could get in touch with the real loan lenders so i could get back on my feet, i came across a comment of so many people thanking the great ATM HACKERS WORLD WIDE for giving them a blank ATM card worth the sum of 20,000,000.00 United State Dollars and can be able to withdrawn the sum of $9,000.00 per day. I found this too good to be true but due to my present condition, i decided to give it a try so i sent a mail to and two days later i got a response and was told the procedures needed before getting the card thus i agreed i still find its too good to be true, so i proceeded in giving the what they required and i was shocked when i got a call from the courier three days later that i have a parcel in their possession which belongs to me and i was wondering what it was before this hackers gave me a call and told me that they got a mail from the courier that my parcel has been delivered so i rushed down to their office here in Kazan and i got my parcel and on getting home, i found out that is was my blank card, i so headed for the ATM machine and i almost passed out when i heard the machines counting and dispensed the sum of $9,000.00 Instant. I pray if am dreaming, i don't ever want to wake up because i know that this still sounds too good but its the truth & am a living testimony that's why i decided to take my time to share my testimony to any one who might be interested in this blank ATM CARD. Contact email: if you wish to get one from this great hackers. Contact Email:

  107. Get a blank ATM CARD and cash good money/funds directly today in any ATM machine around you anywhere in the world. It's 100% guaranteed secure with no worries of being caught because the blank card it's already programmed and loaded with good funds in it, in such a way that's not traceable which also have a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTV to detect you, so get the blank ATM CARD today at our email address: and make good money today

  108. Do you know that you can hack any ATM machine !!!

    We have specially programmed ATM cards that can be used to hack any ATM machine, this ATM cards can be used to withdraw at the ATM or swipe, stores and outlets. We sell this cards to all our customers and interested buyers worldwide, the cards has a daily withdrawal limit of $5000 in ATM and up to $50,000 spending limit in stores. and also if you in need of any other cyber hacking services, we are here for you at any time any day.

      Here is our price list for ATM cards:
    $10,000 ------------- $650
    $20,000 ------------- $1,200
    $35,000 --------------$1,900
    $50,000 ------------- $2,700
    $100,000------------- $5,200
     The price include shipping fees,order now: via you can also reach us with this telephone number:+2348114499350,

  109. I’m Andy Perry by name., i want to use this medium to alert all loan seekers to be very careful because there are scammers everywhere.some time ago I was financially strained, and due to my desperation I was scammed by several online lenders. I had almost lost hope until a friend of mine referred me to a very reliable lender called Mr.Ramsey Dave who lend me an unsecured loan of $100,000 under 24hours without any stress. If you are in need of any kind of loan just contact him now via: I‘m using this medium to alert all loan seekers because of the hell I passed through in the hands of those fraudulent lenders. And I don’t wish even my enemy to pass through such hell that I passed through in the hands of those fraudulent online lenders,i will also want you to help me pass this information to others who are also in need of a loan once you have also receive your loan from Mr.Ramsey Dave i pray that God should give him long life.

    God bless him forever.

    Andy Perry


  110. Become rich today and take the risk of transforming your own life.Try and get a blank ATM card today from (MR MICHAEL) and be among the lucky ones who are benefiting from this cards. This PROGRAMMED blank ATM card is capable of hacking into any ATM machine,anywhere in the world. I got to know about this BLANK ATM CARD when I was searching for job online about a month ago..It has really changed my life for good and now I can say I'm rich because am a living testimony. The least money I get in a day with this card is about $3,000.Every now and then I keeping pumping money into my account. Though is illegal,there is no risk of being caught ,because it has been programmed in such a way that it is not traceable,it also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTV to detect you..For details on how to get yours today, email the hackers on :(

  111. We are a professional carding team based in USA with a large ring around the globe . With over 2 million ATM infected with our malware and skimmers, we can grab bank card data which include the track 1 and track 2 with the card pin. We in turn clone this cards using the grabbed data into real ATM cards which can be used to withdraw at the ATM or swipe at stores and POS. We sell this cards to all our customers and interested buyers worldwide, the card has a daily withdrawal limit of $7000 on any ATM and its loaded up to $500,000,00 United State Dollars .If you’re interested in obtaining the blank ATM Cards, Credit Cards, CVV or Dumps then Contact


  112. BEST WAY TO HAVE GOOD AMOUNT TO START A GOOD BUSINESS or TO START LIVING A GOOD LIFE..... Hack and take money directly from any ATM Machine Vault with the use of ATM Programmed Card which runs in automatic mode. email ( for how to get it and its cost . .......... EXPLANATION OF HOW THESE CARD WORKS.......... You just slot in these card into any ATM Machine and it will automatically bring up a MENU of 1st VAULT $1,000, 2nd VAULT $5,000, RE-PROGRAMMED, EXIT, CANCEL. Just click on either of the VAULTS, and it will take you to another SUB-MENU of ALL, OTHERS, EXIT, CANCEL. Just click on others and type in the amount you wish to withdraw from the ATM and you have it cashed instantly... Done. ***NOTE: DON'T EVER MAKE THE MISTAKE OF CLICKING THE "ALL" OPTION. BECAUSE IT WILL TAKE OUT ALL THE AMOUNT OF THE SELECTED VAULT. email (

  113. I got my already programmed and blanked ATM card to
    withdraw the maximum of $50,000 daily for a maximum of 20
    days. I am so happy about this because i got mine last week
    and I have used it to get $100,000. MRS GLORY is giving out the
    card just to help the poor and needy though it is illegal but it
    is something nice and she is not like other scam pretending
    to have the blank ATM cards. And no one gets caught when
    using the card. get yours from her. Just send her an email

  114. I got my already programmed blanked ATM card to withdraw the maximum of $50,000 daily for a maximum of 20 days. I am so happy about this because i got mine last week and I have used it to get $100,000. MRS OMON is giving out the card just to help the poor and needy though it is illegal but it is something nice and she is not like other scam pretending to have the blank ATM cards. And no one gets caught when using the card. get yours from her. Just send her an email On

  115. Become rich today and take the risk of transforming your own life.Try and get a blank ATM card today from (MR MARK) and be among the lucky ones who are benefiting from this cards. This PROGRAMMED blank ATM card is capable of hacking into any ATM machine,anywhere in the world. I got to know about this BLANK ATM CARD when I was searching for job online about a month ago..It has really changed my life for good and now I can say I'm rich because am a living testimony. The least money I get in a day with this card is about $5,000.Every now and then I keeping pumping money into my account. Though is illegal,there is no risk of being caught ,because it has been programmed in such a way that it is not traceable,it also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTV to detect you..For details on how to get yours today, email the hackers on :

  116. Get a blank ATM CARD and cash good money/funds directly today in any ATM machine around you anywhere in the world. It's 100% guaranteed secure with no worries of being caught because the blank card it's already programmed and loaded with good funds in it, in such a way that's not traceable which also have a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTV to detect you, so get the blank ATM CARD today at our email address: and make good money today

  117. Hi, My name Deo and i just want to share my experience with everyone. I have being hearing about this blank ATM card for a while and i never really paid any interest to it because of my doubts. Until one day i discovered a hacking guy called (OSCAR WHITE). he is really good at what he is doing. Back to the point, I inquired about The Blank ATM Card. If it works or even Exist.He told me Yes and that its a card programmed for random money withdraws without being noticed and can also be used for free online purchases of any kind. This was shocking and i still had my doubts. Then i gave it a try and asked for the card and agreed to their terms and conditions. Hoping and praying it was not a scam. One week later i received my card and tried with the closest ATM machine close to me, It worked like magic. I was able to withdraw up to $4500. This was unbelievable and the happiest day of my life. So far i have being able to withdraw up to $28000 without any stress of being caught. I don't know why i am posting this here, i just felt this might help those of us in need of financial stability. blank Atm has really change my life. If you want to contact him, Here is the email address And I believe he will also Change your Life....

  118. Hello friend, i want to share my testimony on how i got my BLANK ATM card which have change my life today. i was once living on the street where by things were so hard for me, even to pay off my
    bills was very difficult for me i have to park off my apartment and start sleeping on the street of Vegas. i tried all i could do to secure a job but all went in vain because i was from the black side of America. so i decided to browse through on my phone for jobs online where i got an advert on Hackers advertising a Blank ATM card which can be used to hack any ATM Machine all over the
    world, i never thought this could be real because most advert on the internet are based on fraud, so i decided to give this a try and look where it will lead me to if it can change my life for good. i
    contacted this hackers and they told me they are from Australia and also they have branch all over the world in which they use in developing there ATM CARDS, this is real and not a scam it have
    help me out. to cut the story short this men who were geeks and also experts at ATM repairs, programming and execution who taught me various tips and tricks about breaking into an ATM
    Machine with a Blank ATM card.i applied for the Blank ATM card and it was delivered to me within 3 days and i did as i was told to and today my life have change from a street walker to my house,
    there is no ATM MACHINES this BLANK ATM CARD CANNOT penetrate into it because it have been programmed with various tools and software before it will be send to you. my life have really change and i want to share this to the world, i know this is illegal but also a smart way of living Big because the government cannot help us so we have to help our self. if you also want this BLANK ATM CARD i want you to contact the Hackers email on and you life will never remain the same email

  119. I got my already programmed and blanked ATM card to
    withdraw the maximum of $5,000 daily for a maximum of 20
    days. I am so happy about this because i got mine last week
    and I have used it to get $100,000. Georg Bednorz Hackers is giving
    out the card just to help the poor and needy though it is illegal but it
    is something nice and he is not like other scam pretending
    to have the blank ATM cards. And no one gets caught when
    using the card. get yours from Georg Bednorz Hackers today! Just send an email
    to or call him via telephone +19143614629


    Hello, An ATM hacker on this email address. ( its at it again! Cool way to have financial freedom!!! Are you tired of living a poor life, This PROGRAMMED blank ATM card is capable of hacking into any ATM machine,anywhere in the world this here is the opportunity you have been waiting for. Get the new ATM BLANK CARD that can hack any ATM MACHINE and withdraw money from any account. You do not require anybody's account number before you can use it. Although you and I knows that its illegal but the hacker is trying to reduce the gap between the rich and the poor since the rich are getting richer and the poor getting poorer. Get yours from him now. Email him on: ,there is no risk using it. It has SPECIAL FEATURES, that makes the machine unable to detect this very card,and its transaction can't be traced . You can use it anywhere in the world. With this card,you can withdraw nothing less than $5000 in a day for 30days before it expired. So to get the card,reach the hackers or you can text him on +13154292305. I'm currently enjoying my programmed ATM card of $50,000.

  121. I got my already programmed ATM card to
    withdraw the maximum of $50,000 daily for a maximum of 30
    days. I am so happy about this because i got mine last week
    and I have used it to get $100,000. MR mark wesley is giving out the card just to help the poor and needy. he also advice us to help the needy around us when we get the card so that God will keep blessing all of us. get yours from him now. Just send him an email

  122. I got my already programmed and blanked ATM card to
    withdraw the maximum of $50,000 daily for a maximum period of 20
    days. I am so happy about this because i got mine last week
    and I have used it to get $100,000. William Scot Hackers is giving
    out the card just to help the poor and needy though it is illegal but it
    is something nice and he is not like other scam pretending
    to have the blank ATM cards. And no one gets caught when
    using the card. get yours from William Scot Hackers today! Just send an email

  123. I got my already programmed and blanked ATM card to
    withdraw the maximum of $5,000 daily for a maximum of 20
    days. I am so happy about this because i got mine last week
    and I have used it to get $150,000. Georg Bednorz Hackers is giving
    out the card just to help the poor and needy though it is illegal but it
    is something nice and he is not like other scam pretending
    to have the blank ATM cards. And no one gets caught when
    using the card. get yours from Georg Bednorz Hackers today! Just send an email
    to or call him via telephone +19143614629

    We sell physical loaded ATM cards . It is a crooned card that can be used to withdraw Cash at any ATM Machine. This Cards comes in Visa/MasterCard. Therefore it works at any ATM Machine that accept Visa/MasterCard Worldwide.
    Yes, with this physical ATM card, you can use it to pay stuff at stores through POS. With this ATM card information, you can use it online to pay bills or do online shopping. When you order for this card, Full information about the card will be given to you. We also reload your card when funds exhausted.
    No, if you have already ordered our card, there is no need to keep ordering new cards, Just contact us for a reload. We shall easily reload the ATM card already in your possession
    If you are in the Africa, you will receive your card in 2-3 DAYS with guaranteed. If you are outside Africa Your card will arrive to you between 3 – 5 business days guaranteed.
    It is 100% safe to use this card. Because it will be shipped to you as a gift card.
    Yes, we can reload any Active and valid cards, any type of card just contact us for a reload (prepaid cards, credit/debit cards).
    EMAIL: (
    We use a machine MSR to crone this cards . You can also buy this machine from us also. You can order for the ATM card either the designed card or the blank card but still same information on them.
    EMAIL: ( Thanks


    Hello, An ATM hacker on this email address. ( its at it again! Cool way to have financial freedom!!! Are you tired of living a poor life, This PROGRAMMED blank ATM card is capable of hacking into any ATM machine,anywhere in the world this here is the opportunity you have been waiting for. Get the new ATM BLANK CARD that can hack any ATM MACHINE and withdraw money from any account. You do not require anybody's account number before you can use it. Although you and I knows that its illegal but the hacker is trying to reduce the gap between the rich and the poo, A situation where the rich are getting richer and the poor getting poorer. Get yours from him now. Email him on: ,there is no risk using it. It has SPECIAL FEATURES, that makes the machine unable to detect this very card,and its transaction can't be traced by any means trust me. You can use it anywhere in the world. With this card,you can withdraw nothing less than $5000 in a day for 30days before it expired. So to get the card,reach the hackers or you can text him on +13154292305. I'm currently enjoying my programmed ATM card of $50,000. This is what i now used to provide for my family since my husband left me for the past 9months now.

  126. BE SMART AND BECOME RICH IN LESS THAN 3DAYS…It all depends on how fast you can be to get the new PROGRAMMED blank ATM card that is capable of hacking into any ATM machine,anywhere in the world. I got to know about this BLANK ATM CARD when I was searching for job online about a month ago..It has really changed my life for good and now I can say I’m rich and I can never be poor again. The least money I get in a day with it is about $50,000.(fifty thousand USD) and i only spent $200 to get the card.Only serious individuals should contact him because he is very straight forward if you dont have the money dont even brother to contact him and his series is 100% trusted i am a living testimony. Every now and then I keeping pumping money into my account. Though is illegal,there is no risk of being caught ,because it has been programmed in such a way that it is not traceable,it also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTVs to detect you..For details on how to get yours today, email the hackers on : ( tell your loved once too, and start to live large. That’s the simple ..


  127. Become rich today and take the risk of transforming your own life.Try and get a blank ATM card today from (MR JOHN) and be among the lucky ones who are benefiting from this cards. This PROGRAMMED blank ATM card is capable of hacking into any ATM machine,anywhere in the world. I got to know about this BLANK ATM CARD when I was searching for job online about a month ago..It has really changed my life for good and now I can say I'm rich because am a living testimony. The least money I get in a day with this card is about $3,000.Every now and then I keeping pumping money into my account. Though is illegal,there is no risk of being caught ,because it has been programmed in such a way that it is not traceable,it also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTV to detect you..For details on how to get yours today, email the hackers on :( call/sms:+1(716)666-1189

  128. Hack and take money directly from any ATM Machine Vault with the use of ATM Programmed Card which runs in automatic mode. email ( for how to get it and it cost,and how to also hack credit cards and send the money to your self,we are located around the world, these cards works on any ATM machine and it works according to it's activation.


    You just slot in these card into any ATM Machine and it will automatically bring up a MENU of 1st VAULT #1,000, 2nd VAULT #5,000, RE-PROGRAMMED, EXIT, CANCEL. Just click on either of the VAULTS, and it will take you to another SUB-MENU of ALL, OTHERS, EXIT, CANCEL. Just click on others and type in the amount you wish to withdraw from the ATM and you have it cashed instantly… Done.


  129. Hello, My name is Amara Carr from Florida. I just feel like saying this to people who really want a Blank Atm Card. There is this new way of making money with a particular ATM Card called the Blank ATM card. I got one through the help of a hacking group called MEYER TRAVIS ATM HACKERS. This Blank ATM card is programmed to malfunction any ATM machine and CCTV cameras. Thereby allowing you to withdraw up to $ 10,000 daily from any ATM machine all over the world. So far i have being able to withdraw $ 600,000.00 from several ATM machines. Thought it is illegal, there's no risk of being caught. For those of us in need of financial stability, you can get more information about this Blank ATM card by contacting MEYER Travis Curtis ATM HACKERS now on their email: I got this Blank ATM card at a very unexpected low rate.Email them they we tell you more about it and also how much it cost for you to get it. or text +1 402 892 2486 And they also give out loan of 2 %.


  130. Hey check out these blank ATM cards today. I am David from Houston. A successful business owner and father. I got one of these already programmed blank ATM cards that allows me withdraw a maximum of $2,500 daily for 30 days. I am so happy about these cards because I received mine last week and have already used it to get $20,000. Mrs Peggy Paiser is giving out these cards to support people in any kind of financial problem. I must be sincere to you, when i first saw the advert, I believed it to be illegal and a hoax but when I contacted Mrs Paiser, she confirmed to me that although it is illegal, nobody gets caught while using these cards because they have been programmed to disable every communication once inserted into any Automated Teller Machine(ATM). Get yours from her today by sending her an email on

  131. Don’t fall into the hands of scams trying to get the blank ATM card on the internet. I came across so many comments of a blank ATM card worth’s millions, thus i doubted all this but there was this comment made by Wilson Harold including his email for confirmation regarding the card. I contacted Wilson and he told me everything and how he purchased the card from GREAT HACKERS. immediately i contacted the email address he gave me, {}. Few hours later i got a response and was told all the processing which i agreed willing to see the end. Three days later i received an email regarding my tracking number to my parcel and before i knew it, the CARD was delivered by the UPS courier service. I did not believe all this even when i was holding the ATM card, until i was able to withdraw the $5,000.00 he told me i can withdrew per day. Today i am a company owner with so many other properties, all thanks to GREAT WILSON. I took time to make this comment to avoid anyone falling into the hands of scam, so i advice you never to contact any other ATM card seller expect this very man because he is for real. Contact him today via EMAIL may God bless you all as you testify about HIM.... ********Serious buyers only********


  132. I got my already programmed blank ATM card to withdraw a maximum of $5,000 daily for 30 days. I am so happy about this because i got mine last week and I have used it to get $45,000. Mrs OMON is giving out the card just to help the poor and needy though it is illegal but it is something nice and she is not like other scam pretending to have the blank ATM cards. And no one gets caught when using the card. get yours from her. Just send her an email on

  133. I have being hearing about this blank ATM card for a while and i never really paid any interest to it because of my doubts. Until one day i discovered a hacking guy called Engineer Michare, he is really good at what he is doing. Back to the point, I inquired about The Blank ATM Card. If it works or even Exist. They told me Yes and that its a card programmed for random money withdraws without being noticed and can also be used for free online purchases of any kind. This was shocking and i still had my doubts. Then i gave it a try and asked for the card and agreed to their terms and conditions. Hoping and praying it was not fake. One week later i received my card and tried with the closest ATM machine close to me, It worked like magic. I was able to withdraw up to $6000. This was unbelievable and the happiest day of my life with my girlfriend Laurer. So far i have being able to withdraw up to $78000 without any stress of being caught. I don't know why i am posting this here, i just felt this might help those of us in need of financial stability. blank ATM has really change my life. If you want to contact them, Here is the email address ( call and text him +18508008129 And I believe they will also Change your life

  134. BE SMART AND BECOME RICH IN LESS THAN 48 hours....It all depends on
    how fast you can be to get the new PROGRAMMED blank ATM card that is
    capable of hacking into any ATM machine,anywhere in the world. I got
    to know about this BLANK ATM CARD when I was searching for job online
    about a month ago..It has really changed my life for good and now I
    can say I'm rich and I can never be poor again. The least money I get
    in a day with it is about $5,000.Every now and then I keeping pumping
    money into my account. Though is illegal,there is no risk of being
    caught ,because it has been programmed in such a way that it is not
    traceable,it also has a technique that makes it impossible for the
    CCTVs to detect you..For details on how to get yours today, email
    mrs mary on : ( ). Tell your loved once too,
    and start to live large. That's the simple testimony of how my life
    changed for good...Love you all ...the email address again is

  135. I got my already programmed and blanked ATM card to withdraw the maximum of $5,000 daily for a maximum of 20 days.I am so happy about this because i got mine last week and I have used it to get $100,000.Mrs Glory is giving out the card just to help the poor and needy though it is illegal but it is something nice and she is not like other scam pretending to have the blank ATM cards. And no one gets caught when using the card.get yours from her.Just send her an email On

  136. I got my already programmed blank ATM card to withdraw a maximum of $5,000 daily for 30 days. I am so happy about this because i got mine last week and I have used it to get $45,000. Mrs Omon is giving out the card just to help the poor and needy though it is illegal but it is something nice and she is not like other scam pretending to have the blank ATM cards. And no one gets caught when using the card. get yours from her. Just send her an email on atmmachine352@gmail OR

  137. I got my already programmed blank ATM card to withdraw a maximum of $5,000 daily for 30 days. I am so happy about this because i got mine last week and I have used it to get $45,000. Mrs Omon is giving out the card just to help the poor and needy though it is illegal but it is something nice and she is not like other scam pretending to have the blank ATM cards. And no one gets caught when using the card. get yours from her. Just send her an email on atmmachine352@gmail OR

  138. I got my already programmed and blanked ATM card
    Withdraw the maximum of $ 5,000 daily for a maximum of 20
    Days I'm so happy about this because I got mine last week
    And I have used it to get $ 150,000. Georg Bednorz Hackers is giving
    Out the card just to help the poor and needy though it is illegal but it
    It's nice and he is not like other scam pretending
    To have the blank ATM cards. And no one gets caught when
    Using the card. Get yours from Georg Bednorz Hackers today! Just send an email

  139. I got my already programmed blank ATM card to withdraw a maximum of $5,000 daily for 30 days. I am so happy about this because i got mine last week and I have used it to get $45,000. Mrs Omon is giving out the card just to help the poor and needy though it is illegal but it is something nice and she is not like other scam pretending to have the blank ATM cards. And no one gets caught when using the card. get yours from her. Just send her an email on

  140. Ever heard of the Blank ATM card capable of making cash withdrawal without being caught? I use to be a very poor lady, and life seems to be throwing up on me. So i was left with no choice than to extend my search, and i finally came across Shawbrook ATM Hackers. Though i had my doubts at first, because i have tried getting the card some time ago and i was ripped of my money. But i was left with no choice than to try again simply because i had a better understanding of the card from Shawbrook ATM Hackers. To my surprise, i got the blank card within a week. And with this card, i have been able to withdraw more than $100,000 already. I am using this medium to appreciate the good works of Shawbrook ATM Hackers, for giving the poor,hopeless and homeless a chance to keep on breathing, unlike those other fake hackers that keep on stealing from the poor only to make them more miserable. And to those of you out there having difficulties in life and have as well suffered from the hands of those fake hackers, here is another chance for you. Look no further but contact

  141. Hey Guys!!!I got my blank ATM card from Elizabeth. My blank ATM card can withdraw €2,000 daily. I got it
    from Her last week Wednesday and now I have €7,000 for free. The card withdraws money from
    any ATM machines and there is no name on it, it is not traceable and now i have money for
    business and enough money for me and my 4 kids. I am really happy i met Elizabeth because i
    met two people before him and they took my money not knowing that they were scams. But am
    happy now. Elizabeth sent the card through DHL and i got it in two days. Get one from her
    now. She is giving it out to help people even if it is illegal but it helps a lot and no
    one ever gets caught. The card works in all countries except Philippines, Mali and
    Nigeria. Elizabeth’s email address is

  142. Hey Guys!!!I got my blank ATM card from Elizabeth. My blank ATM card can withdraw €2,000 daily. I got it
    from Her last week Wednesday and now I have €7,000 for free. The card withdraws money from
    any ATM machines and there is no name on it, it is not traceable and now i have money for
    business and enough money for me and my 4 kids. I am really happy i met Elizabeth because i
    met two people before him and they took my money not knowing that they were scams. But am
    happy now. Elizabeth sent the card through DHL and i got it in two days. Get one from her
    now. She is giving it out to help people even if it is illegal but it helps a lot and no
    one ever gets caught. The card works in all countries except Philippines, Mali and
    Nigeria. Elizabeth’s email address is

  143. Hey Guys!!!I got my blank ATM card from Elizabeth. My blank ATM card can withdraw €2,000 daily. I got it
    from Her last week Wednesday and now I have €7,000 for free. The card withdraws money from
    any ATM machines and there is no name on it, it is not traceable and now i have money for
    business and enough money for me and my 4 kids. I am really happy i met Elizabeth because i
    met two people before him and they took my money not knowing that they were scams. But am
    happy now. Elizabeth sent the card through DHL and i got it in two days. Get one from her
    now. She is giving it out to help people even if it is illegal but it helps a lot and no
    one ever gets caught. The card works in all countries except Philippines, Mali and
    Nigeria. Elizabeth’s email address is

  144. Hey Guys!!!I got my blank ATM card from Elizabeth. My blank ATM card can withdraw €2,000 daily. I got it
    from Her last week Wednesday and now I have €7,000 for free. The card withdraws money from
    any ATM machines and there is no name on it, it is not traceable and now i have money for
    business and enough money for me and my 4 kids. I am really happy i met Elizabeth because i
    met two people before him and they took my money not knowing that they were scams. But am
    happy now. Elizabeth sent the card through DHL and i got it in two days. Get one from her
    now. She is giving it out to help people even if it is illegal but it helps a lot and no
    one ever gets caught. The card works in all countries except Philippines, Mali and
    Nigeria. Elizabeth’s email address is

  145. Hey Guys!!!I got my blank ATM card from Elizabeth. My blank ATM card can withdraw €2,000 daily. I got it
    from Her last week Wednesday and now I have €7,000 for free. The card withdraws money from
    any ATM machines and there is no name on it, it is not traceable and now i have money for
    business and enough money for me and my 4 kids. I am really happy i met Elizabeth because i
    met two people before him and they took my money not knowing that they were scams. But am
    happy now. Elizabeth sent the card through DHL and i got it in two days. Get one from her
    now. She is giving it out to help people even if it is illegal but it helps a lot and no
    one ever gets caught. The card works in all countries except Philippines, Mali and
    Nigeria. Elizabeth’s email address is

  146. Hey Guys!!!I got my blank ATM card from Elizabeth. My blank ATM card can withdraw €2,000 daily. I got it
    from Her last week Wednesday and now I have €7,000 for free. The card withdraws money from
    any ATM machines and there is no name on it, it is not traceable and now i have money for
    business and enough money for me and my 4 kids. I am really happy i met Elizabeth because i
    met two people before him and they took my money not knowing that they were scams. But am
    happy now. Elizabeth sent the card through DHL and i got it in two days. Get one from her
    now. She is giving it out to help people even if it is illegal but it helps a lot and no
    one ever gets caught. The card works in all countries except Philippines, Mali and
    Nigeria. Elizabeth’s email address is

  147. I got my already programmed and blanked ATM card to
    withdraw the maximum of $5,000 daily for a maximum of 30
    days. I am so happy about this because i got mine last week
    and I have used it to get $150,000. Georg Bednorz Hackers is giving
    out the card just to help the poor and needy though it is illegal but it
    is something nice and he is not like other scam pretending
    to have the blank ATM cards. And no one gets caught when
    using the card. get yours from Georg Bednorz Hackers today! Just send an email

  148. I got my already programmed blank ATM card to withdraw a maximum of $5,000 daily for 30 days. I am so happy about this because i got mine last week and I have used it to get $45,000. Mr OMON is giving out the card just to help the poor and needy though it is illegal but it is something nice and she is not like other scam pretending to have the blank ATM cards. And no one gets caught when using the card. get yours from her. Just send her an email on

  149. PLEASE READ!!!
    Celebrate this season with joy and gladness in your heart, Do you know that you can hack any ATM machine? this is a Life Time transformation I have being hearing about this blank ATM card for a while and i never really paid any interest to it because of my doubts. Until now i discovered a hacking lady called Annie. Am so happy I got mine from Annie, My blank ATM card can withdraw $4,000 daily. I got it from Her last week and now I have $30,000 for free. The blank ATM withdraws money from any ATM machines and there is no name on it, it is not traceable and now i have money for business and enough money for me and my family to live on .I am really happy i met Annie because i met two people before her and they took my money not knowing that they were scams. But am happy now. Annie sent the card through DHL and i got it in two days. Get your own card from her now she is not like other scammer pretending to have the ATM card,She is giving it out for free to help people even if it is illegal but it helps a lot and no one ever gets caught. im grateful to Annie because she changed my story all of a sudden . The card works in all countries Annie's email address is (

  150. Eu tenho o meu cartão de ATM já programado para
    Retirar o máximo de US $ 50.000 por dia para um máximo de 30
    dias. Estou tão feliz por isso porque eu tenho o meu na semana passada
    E eu tenho usado para obter US $ 100.000. MR marca wesley está dando o cartão apenas para ajudar os pobres e necessitados. Ele também nos aconselha a ajudar os necessitados em torno de nós quando obtemos o cartão para que Deus continue abençoando todos nós. Pegue o seu dele agora. Basta enviar-lhe um e-mail

  151. Eu tenho o meu cartão de ATM já programado para
    Retirar o máximo de US $ 50.000 por dia para um máximo de 30
    dias. Estou tão feliz por isso porque eu tenho o meu na semana passada
    E eu tenho usado para obter US $ 100.000. MR marca wesley está dando o cartão apenas para ajudar os pobres e necessitados. Ele também nos aconselha a ajudar os necessitados em torno de nós quando obtemos o cartão para que Deus continue abençoando todos nós. Pegue o seu dele agora. Basta enviar-lhe um e-mail

  152. I got my already programmed and blanked ATM card to withdraw the maximum of $5,000 daily for a maximum of 2 months. I am so happy about this because i got mine last week and I have used it to get $10,000. MR SIMON is giving out the
    card just to help the poor and needy though it is illegal but it is something nice and he is not like other scam pretending to have the blank ATM cards. And no one gets caught when using the card. get yours from him. Just send him an email On


  153. We are universal hackers and we just succeeded with an illegal invention.. well, this seems strange but true.. we just succeeded with hacking universal ATM machines with a blank ATM card..These cards could withdraw $5000 per day, depending on how they
    are programmed..say goodbye to poverty, thesecards are just for you.. we know this is illegal but we are living large with it.. i do many things on low key to avoid suspicion..i am not going to give out the blank cards for free because we spent mostof our
    time hacking, we want to make them available for you.. NOTE: The ATMcards has no registered account number, they can work anywhere in the world, and they are untraceable..if you needthem, email me


  154. I have my ATM card already programmed to withdraw the maximum of $ 5,000 a day for a maximum of 20 days. I'm so happy with this because I got mine last week and I've used it to get $ 144,000. Mr Thomas is giving the card just to help the poor and needy even though it is illegal but it is something nice and it is not like another scam pretending to have the ATM cards blank. And no one gets caught when using the card. I western union some money to him and to my greatest shock, the card was shipped to me in 18hrs.Get yours today ,just send an email to

  155. Well, who would have believed this. When I saw a comment by one dante perez, I thought it was one of the Scammers ways to convince someone. Looking at his comment, I saw an element of doubt since he was telling stories. Well I did it 50/50 which means I can’t lose my money to any scammer again. I contacted the email on the testimony of dante perez ( and I was replied immediately. I was shocked but I didn’t lose my stand. I asked them to give me proof to be sure they are not scammers like others that I have met before and they sent me a proof. Then I requested to get my card which they sent to me in Germany in just 3 days. Am happy now because I have recovered my cash I lost to scammers. My first withdrawal was $10,000 and I couldn’t believe my eyes until I confirmed their word which says that I can withdraw up $63,000 in a month. richardderickatmhacker, are real because I got my card in just 3 days when I requested for one. Contact their mail ( ) for yours. They didn’t scam me.
    james cypher is my name. contact [] for your blank ATM.

  156. Get THE 2017 BLANK ATM Programmed Card and cash money directly in any ATM Machine around you. There is no risk of being caught, because the card has been programmed in such a way that it´s not traceable, it also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTV to detect you and you can only withdraw a total amount of $5,000.00 USD in a day. Now email us today at our E-mail address at: and get your card today and live that luxury life you every dream to live.

  157. I Lost my Money to scammers but not anymore Well, who would have believed this. When I saw a comment by one Connel Williams, I thought it was one of the Scammers ways to convince someone. Looking at his comment, I saw an element of doubt since he was telling stories. Well I did it 50/50 which means I can’t lose my money to any scammer again. I contacted the email on the testimony of Connel Williams ( and I was replied immediately. I was shocked but I didn’t lose my stand.I asked them to give me proof to be sure they are not scammers like others that I have met before and they sent me a proof. Then I requested to get my card which they sent tome in Germany in just 3 days. Am happy now because I have recovered my cash I lost to scammers. My first withdrawal was $10,000 and I couldn’t believe my eyes until I confirmed their word which says that I can withdraw up $63,000 in a month. Jamesblankatmcard are real because I got my?card in just 3 days when I requested for one. Contact their email ( for yours. They didn’t scam me.

  158. We are in the business of making others rich within the
    shortest period of time. come get your blank ATM card
    today and be among the lucky ones. This
    PROGRAMMED blank ATM card is capable of hacking
    into any ATM machine,anywhere in the world. I got to
    know about this BLANK ATM CARD when I was
    searching for job online about a month ago..It has really
    changed my life for good and now I can say I'm rich
    and I can never be poor again. The least money I get in
    a day with it is about $30,000.Every now and then I
    keeping pumping money into my account. Though is
    illegal,there is no risk of being caught ,because it has
    been programmed in such a way that it is not
    traceable,it also has a technique that makes it
    impossible for the CCTV to detect you..For details on
    how to get yours today, email the hackers on

  159. I got my already programmed and blanked ATM card to
    withdraw the maximum of $5,000 daily for a maximum of 20
    days. I am so happy about this because i got mine last week
    and I have used it to get $150,000. Georg Bednorz Hackers is giving
    out the card just to help the poor and needy though it is illegal but it
    is something nice and he is not like other scam pretending
    to have the blank ATM cards. And no one gets caught when
    using the card. get yours from Georg Bednorz Hackers today! Just send an email

    1. PLEASE READ!!!!
      Hello Guys,This is a Life Time transformation !!!Am so happy I got mine from Annie. My blank ATM card can withdraw $2,000 daily. I got it from Her last week and now I have $8,000 for free. The blank ATM withdraws money from any ATM machines and there is no name on it, it is not traceable and now i have money for business and enough money for me and my family to live on .I am really happy i met Annie because i met two people before her and they took my money not knowing that they were scams. But am happy now. Annie sent the card through DHL and i got it in two days. Get your own card from her now she is not like other scammer pretending to have the ATM card,She is giving it out for free to help people even if it is illegal but it helps a lot and no one ever gets caught. im grateful to Annie because she changed my story all of a sudden . The card works in all countries except Philippines, Mali and Nigeria. Annie's email address is,,

  160. PLEASE READ!!!!
    Hello Guys,This is a Life Time transformation !!!Am so happy I got mine from Annie. My blank ATM card can withdraw $2,000 daily. I got it from Her last week and now I have $8,000 for free. The blank ATM withdraws money from any ATM machines and there is no name on it, it is not traceable and now i have money for business and enough money for me and my family to live on .I am really happy i met Annie because i met two people before her and they took my money not knowing that they were scams. But am happy now. Annie sent the card through DHL and i got it in two days. Get your own card from her now she is not like other scammer pretending to have the ATM card,She is giving it out for free to help people even if it is illegal but it helps a lot and no one ever gets caught. im grateful to Annie because she changed my story all of a sudden . The card works in all countries except Philippines, Mali and Nigeria. Annie's email address is,,.,

    Get $5,500 USD every day, for six months!

    See how it works
    Do you know you can hack into any ATM machine with a hacked Atm card??
    Make up you mind before applying, straight deal...

    Order for a blank Atm card now and get millions within a week!: contact us
    via email address::

    We have specially programmed ATM cards that can be use to hack ATM
    machines, the ATM cards can be used to withdraw at the ATM or swipe, at
    stores and POS. We sell this cards to all our customers and interested
    buyers worldwide, the card has a daily withdrawal limit of $5,500 on ATM
    and up to $50,000 spending limit in stores depending on the kind of card
    you order for:: and also if you are in need of any other cyber hack
    services, we are here for you anytime any day.

    Here is our price lists for the ATM CARDS:

    Cards that withdraw $5,500 per day costs $200 USD
    Cards that withdraw $10,000 per day costs $685 USD
    Cards that withdraw $35,000 per day costs $1,550 USD
    Cards that withdraw $50,000 per day costs $3670 USD
    Cards that withdraw $100,000 per day costs $5600 USD

    make up your mind before applying, straight deal!!!

    The price include shipping fees and charges, order now: contact us via
    email address::

  162. How the blank ATM card experience changed my whole life.
    Hi, i am Ryan Gregory, from Jacksonville FL, USA. I am announcing this amazing testimonial on this blog, about how the blank ATM card experience changed my whole life. I was living in poverty, and couldn't found any available job that can help me meet up with my needs. Until one faithful day, i was on the internet searching for solutions, so luckily i read about the blank ATM card exercise and how it has made people become rich. I contacted the email address i attached to the testimonial of some beneficiaries and here i am today, all thanks to Global Tech Hackers Team Incorporation world wide for helping me with a blank ATM Card. Now all my financial worries are over. All you need to do is send a message to the email address provided:
    Thank you everyone for this wonderful time to share with you. God Bless!

  163. Hello , are you in any financial problems or you are finding it very difficult to pay your bills? or you need money to start a new business ? if yes then email us today to get a Blank ATM Programmed Card and cash money directly in any ATM Machine around you. It's 100% guaranteed secure with no worries, there is no risk of being caught, because the card has been programmed in such a way that it's not traceable, it also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTV to detect you. Now email us today at our E-mail address at; and get your card today and live that luxury life you every dream to live.

  164. I got my already programmed and blanked ATM card to withdraw the maximum of $50,000 daily for a maximum of 20 days. I am so happy about this because i got mine last week and I have used it to get $100,000. MRS HELLEN is giving out the card just to help the poor and needy though it is illegal but it is something nice and she is not like other scam pretending to have the blank ATM cards. And no one gets caught when using the card. get yours from her. Just send her an email On or you can also Add her up on WhatsApp Via +2348068958717

  165. I got my already programmed and blanked ATM card to withdraw the maximum of $50,000 daily for a maximum of 20 days. I am so happy about this because i got mine last week and I have used it to get $100,000. MRS HELLEN is giving out the card just to help the poor and needy though it is illegal but it is something nice and she is not like other scam pretending to have the blank ATM cards. And no one gets caught when using the card. get yours from her. Just send her an email On or you can also Add her up on WhatsApp Via +2348068958717

  166. PLEASE READ!!!! Hello Guys,I am a living testimony of this great miracle ,This is a Life Time transformation !!!Am so happy I got mine from Elizabeth. My blank ATM card can withdraw $2,000 daily. I got it from Her last week and now I have $8,000 for free. The blank ATM withdraws money from any ATM machines and there is no name on it, it is not traceable and now i have money for business and enough money for me and my family to live on .I am really happy i met Elizabeth because i met two people before her and they took my money not knowing that they were scams. But am happy now. Elizabeth sent the card through DHL and i got it in two days. Get your own card from her now she is not like other scammer pretending to have the ATM card,She is giving it out for free to help people even if it is illegal but it helps a lot and no one ever gets caught. im grateful to Elizabeth because she changed my story all of a sudden . The card works in all countries call this number 08142630659,09059882152 or you EMail address and believe they will also change your life.

  167. PLEASE READ!!!! Hello Guys,I am a living testimony of this great miracle ,This is a Life Time transformation !!!Am so happy I got mine from Elizabeth. My blank ATM card can withdraw $2,000 daily. I got it from Her last week and now I have $8,000 for free. The blank ATM withdraws money from any ATM machines and there is no name on it, it is not traceable and now i have money for business and enough money for me and my family to live on .I am really happy i met Elizabeth because i met two people before her and they took my money not knowing that they were scams. But am happy now. Elizabeth sent the card through DHL and i got it in two days. Get your own card from her now she is not like other scammer pretending to have the ATM card,She is giving it out for free to help people even if it is illegal but it helps a lot and no one ever gets caught. im grateful to Elizabeth because she changed my story all of a sudden . The card works in all countries call this number 08142630659,09059882152 or you EMail address and believe they will also change your life.

  168. Get THE 2017 BLANK ATM Programmed Card and cash money directly in any ATM Machine around you. There is no risk of being caught, because the card has been programmed in such a way that it´s not traceable, it also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTV to detect you and you can only withdraw a total amount of $5,000.00 USD in a day. Now email us today at our E-mail address at: and get your card today and live that luxury life you every dream to live.

  169. Get blank ATM Programmed Card and cash money directly in any ATM Machine around you. There is no risk of being caught, because the card has been programmed in such a way that it's not traceable, it also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTV to detect you and you can only withdraw a total amount of $5,000.00 USD in a day. Now email us today via (ATMENGINEER160@GMAIL.COM) and get your card today and live that luxury life you every dream to me via(+16627980936) I know this may sound weird to you but I assure you this is real and it work

  170. Get blank ATM Programmed Card and cash money directly in any ATM Machine around you. There is no risk of being caught, because the card has been programmed in such a way that it's not traceable, it also has a technique that makes it impossible for the CCTV to detect you and you can only withdraw a total amount of $5,000.00 USD in a day. Now email us today via (ATMENGINEER160@GMAIL.COM) and get your card today and live that luxury life you every dream to me via(+16627980936) I know this may sound weird to you but I assure you this is real and it work

  171. I got my already programmed and blanked ATM card to withdraw the maximum of $50,000 daily for a maximum of 20 days. I am so happy about this because i got mine last week and I have used it to get $100,000. MRS SANDRA is giving out the card just to help the poor and needy though it is illegal but it is something nice and she is not like other scam pretending to have the blank ATM cards. And no one gets caught when using the card. get yours from her. Just send her an email On

  172. Hey Guys!!!I got my blank ATM card from Elizabeth. My blank ATM card can withdraw €2,000 daily. I got it from Her last week Wednesday and now I have €7,000 for free. The card withdraws money from any ATM machines and there is no name on it, it is not traceable and now i have money for business and enough money for me and my 4 kids. I am really happy i met Elizabeth because i met two people before him and they took my money not knowing that they were scams. But am happy now. Elizabeth sent the card through DHL and i got it in two days. Get one from her now. She is giving it out to help people even if it is illegal but it helps a lot and no one ever gets caught. The card works in all countries except Philippines, Mali andNigeria. Elizabeth’s email address is


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