There were some reports yesterday in regards to a hacked database available on the dark-web of the Localbitcoins peer-to-peer trading platform. We have confirmed that this is false. spoke with Max, Localbitcoin's Community Manager, who confirmed that they had no indication of any such attempt and that it was likely an attempt to sell a fake database of some sort. 

It's not true, someone was trying to sell a fake database in order to earn a few Satoshi's. We have had no one reporting any abnormal activity on their LocalBitcoins accounts after the user posted the fake database for sale, there's no need for worry. 

He also offered some word of advice to all users of the P2P platform:

It's always a good idea to enable Two-factor authentication (2FA) for your account on LocalBitcoins and any other online service that supports it, as 2FA will keep your account secure even in the case your password gets stolen. 

Scammer Scamming Scam

The story appears to have originated from the news site yesterday morning. The problem with the story is that it had no facts, all of the evidence was circumstantial. Additionally the explanation provided a "might work" method of brute force decryption with no details and no proof other than a "I did it and got in!". It doesn't take a rocket scientist to realize that there is no merit here and if this idiot worked so hard to actually hack LBC then why on earth is he giving it to everyone else instead of ripping people off? 

This is because what you have actually is a list of known usernames and a list of bogus passwords that'll never work assuming you get them decrypted in the first place. 

What you have is a scammer scamming scammers so scammers can scam. 

This is something you might consider a service to the community, however, the purpose of this article is for notification so that there is no further false alarm. Unfortunately, this may inadvertently help some scammers avert getting scammed themselves, but its important to report that this was bullshit. 

There was no hack. All accounts are safe. 

Report by dinbits
Image by staff

The opinions expressed by authors of articles linked, referenced, or published on do not necessarily express, nor are endorsed by, the opinions the of or its affiliates.

Post a Comment

  1. It doesn't hurt to change your password though every 45 days to a complex non dictionary password which is used only on localbitcoins. Don't share passwords between web sites, use 2 and 3 factor auth, and keep your pc free of spyware/adware/viruses.

    1. hi what mean by non dictionary? thnx for advice

    2. A password that does not contain words just random numbers, letters, and special characters. Case variation (uppercase/lowercase) is also a good idea.

    3. Be warned most of these so called hackers are imposters, I have been ripped off twice already, thankfully my friend gave me a reliable contact, they work with discretion and deliver, they do all sort of hacking, (unrestricted and unnoticeable access to your partner/spouse phone and PC). i will prefer to let their services speak for itself. you can contact them through their mail account ( they will also help you to hack and change university grades. that easy.

    4. Hello Guys

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      Support 24/7


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    6. Hello world
      We Only Make - The boss

      Reseller :- Hacking Tools & Hacking services, Also Teach Hacking Methods Via teem weaver or Anydesk,
      Each Method Take minimum 1 hour to learn with vedio Tutorial And Hacking Tools ,

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    7. Hello all
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  2. If you need to hack into any database, delete record, improve credit score, spy on whatsapp, text, phone, emails, as long as it's hack contact via Email :: he is great, you won't be disappointed, cheap and fast, he saved my relationships

  3. I am so blessed to have known you are god sent.i really appreciate working with you after you helped me discover my husband was cheating on me and all he asked for was his email and phone number, that way I was able to access all the information I needed .i am not ashame to tell because i know alot of people need this can hit him up on his email or text him on

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    you can also text him on +14246441109

  5. I am so blessed to have known you are god sent.i really appreciate working with you after you helped me discover my husband was cheating on me and all he asked for was his email and phone number, that way I was able to access all the information I needed .i am not ashame to tell because i know alot of people need this can hit him up on his email

  6. I am so blessed to have known you are god sent.i really appreciate working with you after you helped me discover my husband was cheating on me and all he asked for was his email and phone number, that way I was able to access all the information I needed .i am not ashame to tell because i know alot of people need this can hit him up on his email

  7. Do you think your girlfriend/boyfriend is cheating on you? or you want to boost your grades you can contact you can also contact for all sort of hacking.. fast and reliable.

  8. For your hacking services, i recommend cyberapphack. This hacker helped change my son's school grades and also helped me out in hacking my wife's phone and made to realize that she was cheating on me , he can bypass any phone, social media such as facebook, whatsapp, snapchat, kik, viber, skype, tango and others and he also sells cloned phones all he wiil need is just the number and your cloned phone is ready. contact at or text +1 848-200-1097

  9. I am so blessed to have known you are god sent.i really appreciate working with you after you helped me discover my husband was cheating on me and all he asked for was his email and phone number, that way I was able to access all the information I needed .i am not ashame to tell because i know alot of people need this can hit him up on his email

  10. Hello, are you in need of hacking services? Then contact , he is the best hacker. He helped me and my friends with some issues we had. If you need to
    *hack into email accounts,
    *all social media accounts,
    *school database to clear or change grades,
    *Retrieval of lost file/documents
    *company records and systems,
    *bank accounts,
    he is really the best. His services are affordable. Don't waste your time with fake hackers
    + Credit cards hacker
    + We can drop money into bank accounts.
    + credit score hack
    + blank credit card sale
    + Hack and use Credit Card to shop online
    + Monitor any phone and email address
    + Tap into anybody's call and monitor their

    For Quick, reliable and guaranteed results

  11. well I've been seeing scams everywhere about hacking!
    A friend referred to me a hacker that helped me with hacking my boyfriend whatsapp and a friend's Facebook, don't ask me why, hahaha! is your man! he is cheap and reliable... just buzz him!!

  12. well I've been seeing scams everywhere about hacking!
    A friend referred to me a hacker that helped me with hacking my boyfriend whatsapp and a friend's Facebook, don't ask me why, hahaha! is your man! he is cheap and reliable... just buzz him!!

  13. For:
    Email and social media hacking (twitter, facebook, instagram, snapchat)
    Hacking into school networks and for grade changes
    Access to bank information, records clearing and general PI services
    Western union and money gram trades and Bitcoin trading
    Small loans
    Contact me:

    1. I've lost thousands to these fake hackers, please don't fall for any of them, it's taken me months to find a genuine
      hacker. Thank you james! you and your crew are the bomb ,the work you did on my wife's accounts was simply
      phenomenal! and i aint talking about just facebook ;) turns out he shows you valid proof before payment. Hey if you ever need to get into your spouse's account, improve credit points, clear criminal records,tax, protection from spyware or simply have a score to settle or any other issues that need addressing, completely secure and fast!! contact by

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  19. If you need a professional hacker probably for hack into email accounts (Gmail, Yahoomail, Hotmail), bank accounts, blogs, database hack, keylogging, blank card, professional hacking into Institutional servers, firewall breaches, change of University grades, hack iPhones, Admin(staff) account hack -Access/Password (Facebook, Instagram, BBM, Skype, Snapchat, Twitter, Word Press, iCloud accounts etc.), credit cards for online transactions, tap into your spouse's phone to monitor calls and text message interception; then you should contact ; this is for those who actually require the services of a good hacker, I can definitely attest to how good and efficient they are, I owe my life right now to this team. They are very reliable and you can count on them. Glad to be of help.

  20. you are the best,i really appreciate working with you after you helped me reveal my cheating husband with just his email and phone number,and giving me access to all the information I needed,
    he also helped me to track the fake hacker that scammed me earlier,I am indeed grateful to you and I am proud of you because i got the result of what i paid for,You can contact him up on his email

  21. It is not so typical of me to refer professionals online but I feel like I owe a lot to cyberlaser who helped me track my cheating husband when he was having an affair, I got to find out that he has been lying to me for the past 5 months and seeing two other women. I was able to get direct access to his text messages, phone conversations and all social networks
    on his phone: what was most amazing was that his recently deleted messages were retrieved by cyberlaser. If you are getting less than you deserve in your relationship and want to be sure
    Contact :
    SMS/call: (+1) 917-563-8226

  22. Do you suspect your spouse is cheating on you? Contact to help spy remotely on their cell phone or computer. Don't forget to say Kimberly referred you, I'm sure he'll help.


  23. I was lost with no hope for my husband was cheating and had always got away with it because i did not know how or always too scared to pin anything on him. with the help a friend who recommended me to Cyberpros who help hack his phone,all his social applications, email, chat, sms and expose him for a cheater he is. I just want to say a big thank you to you need help with hacking any phone or account or other jobs contact him via email/phone (CYBERHACKPROS@GMAIL.COM) or +1 916 378 4978 Tell him i reffered you.He will help you

  24. Should you ever require the services of a hacker, i implore you to try your very best to hire only professionals. CYBERPHONEHACKER GMAIL COM will increase your chances of getting your job completed. i was able to hire the services of an elite, asides the fact that i was provided a permanent solution to the service he rendered me but he gave a very efficient customer experience. he carried me along with every process and didnt leave me in the dark.
    contact; CYBERPHONEHACKER GMAIL COM or +1 916 302 2234

  25. Should you ever require the services of a hacker, i implore you to try your very best to hire only professionals. CYBERPHONEHACKER GMAIL COM will increase your chances of getting your job completed. i was able to hire the services of an elite, asides the fact that i was provided a permanent solution to the service he rendered me but he gave a very efficient customer experience. he carried me along with every process and didnt leave me in the dark.
    contact; CYBERPHONEHACKER GMAIL COM or +1 916 302 2234

  26. Should you ever require the services of a hacker, i implore you to try your very best to hire only professionals. CYBERPHONEHACKER GMAIL COM will increase your chances of getting your job completed. i was able to hire the services of an elite, asides the fact that i was provided a permanent solution to the service he rendered me but he gave a very efficient customer experience. he carried me along with every process and didnt leave me in the dark.
    contact; CYBERPHONEHACKER GMAIL COM or +1 916 302 2234

  27. Thanks Ben for recommending HYPERHACKTIVE1@GMAIL.COM to me. His work rate is exceptional and above all very polite. Thank you for the email hack. I know he operates on upgrades of credit
    score,hack or crash a website,database and other petty hacking services. just in case you want to get a job done.. i am recommending him to you just as Ben did to me. GOODLUCK.

  28. I was lost with no hope for my husband was cheating and had always got away with it because i did not know how or always too scared to pin anything on him. with the help a friend who recommended me to Cyberpros who help hack his phone,all his social applications, email, chat, sms and expose him for a cheater he is. I just want to say a big thank you to you need help with hacking any phone or account or other jobs contact him via email/phone (CYBERHACKPROS@GMAIL.COM) or +1 916 378 4978 Tell him i reffered you.He will help you

    If you are looking for a professional hacker that is specialised in SCHOOL GRADE CHANGE. Contact me ASAP, I do over four school grade hack a everyday. My jobs are secured and without trace. I have worked for students in Asia, America, Europe, Australia. You don’t have to make any upfront payment. I believe in proves,not talks
    Only serious clients should contact me for urgent jobs

    contact me

  30. Do you need hackers for hire? Do you need to keep an eye on your spouse by gaining access to their emails? As a parent do you want to know what your kids do on a daily basis on social networks ( This includes facebook, twitter , instagram, whatsapp, WeChat and others to make sure they're not getting into trouble? Whatever it is, Ranging from Bank Jobs, Flipping cash, Criminal records, DMV, Taxes, Name it,he will get the job done.He's a professional hacker with 20 Years+ experience. Contact him at ... Send an email and Its done. Its that easy, Daura referred you

  31. I was lost with no hope for my husband was cheating and had always got away with it because i did not know how or always too scared to pin anything on him. with the help a friend who recommended me to Cyberpros who help hack his phone,all his social applications, email, chat, sms and expose him for a cheater he is. I just want to say a big thank you to you need help with hacking any phone or account or other jobs contact him via email/phone (CYBERHACKPROS@GMAIL.COM) or +1 916 378 4978 Tell him i reffered you.He will help you

  32. I basically think we all dont have to face all these deceit and lies from our spouse…in a case of mine when i got sick and tired of all the lies and deceit i had to contact a friend of mine to get me the contact of one of the best hackers in the states ..then i met { saved me from the lies of my cheating girlfriend by hacking her phone.. In case you need help with hacking any phone or account, Hack into any hack websites, Hack into any company website, Hack into any database system and grant your admin priviledge, Hack paypal account, Hack word press blogs Server crashed hack bank account hacking , smartphone and social network hacks, Unlocking , Access to any icloud account , Keylogging , credit card hacks and grade change other jobs..You're guaranteed a smooth job with no traces they are kinda selective so make sure you tell them Royce referred you, Contact {}.

  33. I was lost with no hope for my husband was cheating and had always got away with it because i did not know how or always too scared to pin anything on him. with the help a friend who recommended me to Cyberpros who help hack his phone,all his social applications, email, chat, sms and expose him for a cheater he is. I just want to say a big thank you to you need help with hacking any phone or account or other jobs contact him via email/phone (CYBERHACKPROS@GMAIL.COM) or +1 916 378 4978 Tell him i reffered you.He will help you

  34. Hello friends U Need Any Help on hacking for the following try i have used him so many times and he never fails me he is the best hacker i have ever employed . Thank me later.

    *Cheating Spouse *University grades changing *Bank accounts hack *Twitters hack *email accounts hack *Grade Changes hack *Website crashed hack *server crashed hack *Retrieval of lost file/documents *Erase criminal records hack *Databases hack *Sales of Dumps cards of all kinds *Untraceable Ip *Individual computers hack *Websites hack *Facebook hack *Control devices remotely hack *Burner Numbers hack *Verified Paypal Accounts hack *Any social media account hack *Android & iPhone Hack *Word Press Blogs hack *Text message interception hack *email interception hack


  35. Should you ever require the services of a hacker, i implore you to try your very best to hire only professionals. will increase your chances of getting your job completed. i was able to hire the services of an elite, asides the fact that i was provided a permanent solution to the service he rendered me but he gave a very efficient customer experience. he carried me along with every process and didnt leave me in the dark. contact him via email/phone

  36. I have been with a cheating spouse before and trust me I know how it feels, those suspicions are not mere paranoia.
    If you suspect that he is cheating, he definitely is..
    I hired a PI who helped me install monitoring bugs on his phone with a cheap price that diverted allhis messages( facebook, whatsapp, text messages, and even phone calls) to my phone
    the man for the job with a very high level of professionalism and highly reliable.
    I really enjoyed working with him and the few friends I told have been nothing but thankful to me for the referral or text.+13212968496

  37. My life was falling apart, I was being cheated and abused, I had to know the truth and needed proof. I contacted a private investigator that linked me with who took care of the hack job. He hacked her iphone,facebook,instagram, Whatsapp, twitter and email account. I got all I wanted as proof . I'm glad i had a proven truth she was cheating . Contact him for any hack job. Tell him i referred you to him, he will surely meet your hack need. Contact: he will be glad to help you.

  38. help me thank hackintechnology after being scammed of $1500 he helped me find my cheating wife he helped hack her whatsapp gmail and kik and i got to know that she was cheating on me , in less than 24 hours he helped me out with everything systemhacksolutions is trust worthy and affordable contact +19274415166 IF U Need Any Help ? *University grades changing *Bank accounts hack *Twitters hack *email accounts hack *Grade Changes hack * load bank account any amounts *Website crashed hack *server crashed hack *Retrieval of lost file/documents *Erase criminal records hack *Databases hack *Sales of Dumps cards of all kinds *Untraceable Ip *Individual computers hack *Websites hack *Facebook hack *Control devices remotely hack *Burner Numbers hack *Verified Paypal Accounts hack *Any social media account hack *Android & iPhone Hack *Word Press Blogs hack *Text message interception hack *email interception hack - See more at +19274415166

  39. When people say hackers are not reliable I laugh at them aloud. I was introduced to a competent hacker. when I had marital issues with my husband,he help me hack into his facebook account. I couldn’t believe it when he did it in 4 hours. he is very good and trustworthy.He offer other facebook, whatsapp instagram hacks.I want to fully recommed for helping me .He saved my life literally, at least I owe him publicity

  40. I am yet to believe how it is possible But it feels so good.There is a qualified and ethical hacker ( ),who can help hack into any firewall,Facebook hacks,viber,text messages,whatsapp,icloud,bank hacks.He can also help you check and catch your cheating husband or your cheating wife.just contact him on he is 100% …I guarantee he is for real..Tell him Seth referred you.Hed respond promptly.

  41. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  42. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  43. My life was falling apart, I was being cheated and abused, I had to know the truth and needed proof. I contacted a private investigator that linked me with who took care of the hack job. He hacked her iphone,facebook,instagram, Whatsapp, twitter and email account. I got all I wanted as proof . I'm glad i had a proven truth she was cheating . Contact him for any hack job. Tell him i referred you to him, he will surely meet your hack need. Contact: he will be glad to help you.

  44. Hello everyone, are you in need of hacking services?
    Then contact>>> NOBLEHACKER284@GMAIL.COM for best hacking services.
    Be warned, most of these so called hackers here are impostors,
    I know how real hackers work, they never advertise themselves in such a credulous manners and they are always discrete.
    I have been scammed so many times out of desperation trying to find urgent help to change my school grades,
    finally my friend introduced me to a group of reliable hackers who work with discretion and delivers promptly,
    they do all kinds of hackings ranging from;
    -Sales of Blank ATM cards.
    -hack into email accounts and trace email location
    -all social media accounts,
    -school database to clear or change grades,
    -Retrieval of lost file/documents
    -company records and systems,
    -Bank accounts,Paypal accounts
    -Credit cards hacker
    -Credit score hack
    -Monitor any phone and email address
    -hack IP address
    + Tap into anybody's call and monitor their conversation

  45. if you are in need of hacker, i strongly recommend you to

  46. Hello, are you in need of hacking services? Then contact, he is the best hacker. He helped me and my friends with some issues we had. If you need to
    -hack into email accounts,
    -all social media accounts(facebook, twitter, whatsapp, instagram),
    -school database to clear or change grades,
    -Retrieval of lost file/documents
    -company records and systems,
    -bank accounts
    - Credit cards hack
    - We can drop money into bank accounts.
    - credit score hack
    - blank credit card sale
    - Hack and use Credit Card to shop online
    - Monitor any phone and email address
    he is really the best.


  47. Hello everyone, Need hacking services? contact
    Be warned, most of these so called hackers here are impostors, I know how real hackers work, they never advertise themselves in such a credulous manners and they are always discrete. I’ve been scammed so many times out of desperation trying to find urgent help to change my school grades, finally my friend introduced me to a group of reliable hackers who work with discretion and delivers promptly, they do all kinds of hackings ranging from;
    - Sales of Blank ATM cards.
    - University or school grades changing
    - Bank accounts hack and funds transfer
    - Erase criminal records hack
    - Facebook hack, Twitters hack
    - email accounts hack, gmail, yahoomail, hotmail etc.
    - Skype hack
    - Databases hack
    - Word Press Blogs hack
    - Individual computers hack
    - Control devices remotely hack
    - Verified Paypal Accounts hack
    - Android & iPhone Hack etc.
    - Sales and supply of Hacking software.
    But they helped me;
    - Changed my school grades
    - Hacked my cheating ass girlfriend email facebook
    - The most of it all, they helped me with Western union money transfer and i tracked and confirm the money before i paid him their fees. I have made them my permanent hackers and you can as well enjoy their services.
    You can contact them at for any hacking services and also endeavor to spread the good news on how they helped you.THEY DESERVE MY PUBLICITY..

  48. My life was falling apart, I was being cheated and abused, I had to know the truth and needed proof. I contacted a private investigator that linked me with who took care of the hack job. He hacked her iphone,facebook,instagram, Whatsapp, twitter and email account. I got all I wanted as proof . I'm glad i had a proven truth she was cheating . Contact him for any hack job. Tell him i referred you to him, he will surely meet your hack need. Contact: he will be glad to help you.

  49. Hello.
    Are you in need of a Private Investigator or a Hacker,i recommend you try ( He helped me with my problems,My wife has been cheating on me and i wanted proof, he gave me all i wanted.He hacked her Facebook,Gmail and her Phone conversations,he was reliable and trustworthy. Contact him via (

  50. Smooth hacker, do you need any assistance to hack the following contact me on this email:

    * Computer hacking
    * web hacking
    * Email hacking {gmail, yahoo, hotmail, aol, facebook etc.}
    * mobile hacking
    * network hacking
    * Universities upgrade
    . ATM Blank card Order
    * remover of name from driving record.
    * online banking hacking
    * password hacking
    * online bank hacking
    * sale credit card
    * sales of bank login
    * sales and hacking of PayPal
    contact him on this email.
    reach us on here :

  51. Hello friends U Need Any Help on hacking for the following try i have used him so many times and he never fails me he is the best hacker i have ever employed . Thank me later.*Cheating Spouse *University grades changing *Bank accounts hack *Twitters hack *email accounts hack *Grade Changes hack *Website crashed hack *server crashed hack *Retrieval of lost file/documents *Erase criminal records hack *Databases hack *Sales of Dumps cards of all kinds *Untraceable Ip *Individual computers hack *Websites hack *Facebook hack *Control devices remotely hack *Burner Numbers hack *Verified Paypal Accounts hack *Any social media account hack *Android & iPhone Hack *Word Press Blogs hack *Text message interception hack *email interception hack contact: contact:+16066579237

  52. I always doubted in the comments i see about hacking until i got introduced to Abraham Shaw who helped me with my
    credit score he is surely going to do a good job at an affordable price
    I was in some serious credit issues and he fixed it,he also does hacking of phones,emails,social media,taxes Upgrade University Grades, Hack Your School Grades, Hack Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp, Skype Spouse Phone, Hack Bank Accounts, Apps Hacking, MasterCard, Paypal, Bitcoin, WU, Money Gram with untraceable credit card i also referred him to a friend who he helped hack into her husbands whatapp now i do know that hackers are real he hacks alot more also you can contact him on or text him on +1(413)-994-0230 tell him micheal referred you.

  53. I always doubted in the comments i see about hacking until i got introduced to Abraham Shaw who helped me with my
    credit score he is surely going to do a good job at an affordable price
    I was in some serious credit issues and he fixed it,he also does hacking of phones,emails,social media,taxes
    Upgrade University Grades, Hack Your School Grades, Hack Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Whatsapp, Skype
    Spouse Phone, Hack Bank Accounts, Apps Hacking, MasterCard, Paypal, Bitcoin, WU, Money Gram with untraceable
    credit card i also referred him to a friend who he helped hack into her husbands
    whatapp now i do know that hackers are real he hacks alot more also you can contact him on or
    text him on +1(413)-994-0230 tell him micheal referred you.

  54. Should you ever require the services of a hacker, i implore you to try your very best to hire only professionals. will increase your chances of getting your job completed. i was able to hire the services of an elite, asides the fact that i was provided a permanent solution to the service he rendered me but he gave a very efficient customer experience. he carried me along with every process and didnt leave me in the dark. contact him via email/phone


  55. I never thought I will ever physically get to see my husband chat with his lover and get to use the evidence against him in court , and guess what, I won the case. All these credits goes to . They were able to help me hack into my ex-husband phone just by providing them his phone details. Contact cyberphoneways@gmail. com today and have your hacking job done effectively and discreetly for you
    Please let them know I refer you.
    Thanks cyberphoneways

  56. Hello everyone,i have come across a lot of hackers not one closed to is a real professional and efficient .I now have access to intercepting text,messages,cloning phones,website hack.I got detailed info about my spouse secret datings,Call logs,Whatsapp,Facebook Hack,Emails,Old delected msg all this done without physical access to his phone.. you can contact him he is 100 guaranteed

  57. Hello. i have been living with my wife for some years now,she has been keeping late nights and also receiving calls late at night,i was afraid she has been cheating on me and a friend of mine introduced me to a private investigator who specializes in exposing cheating spouse and every other hacking related issues,He helped me and gave me the password to her Facebook and Gmail account and also linked all her phone conversations to me.He saved me from all her lies and infidelity,he gave me all i wanted during our divorce and helped me with evidence in court.He showed me proof of work and his services was cheap.Contact him via( tell him i referred you he will help you

  58. I never thought I will ever physically get to see my husband chat with his lover and get to use the evidence against him in court , and guess what, I won the case. All these credits goes to . They were able to help me hack into my ex-husband phone just by providing them his phone details. Contact cyberphoneways@gmail. com TEXT: +13214067641 today and have your hacking job done effectively and discreetly for you And there services are highly affordable.
    Please let them know I refer you.
    Thanks cyberphoneways

  59. i strongly recommend, last year he helped me spy on my wife when he was cheating of me, he served as a personal investigator to me by helping me spy on my wife's phone activities like facebook, email, whatsapp, calls, skype and others. am sure someone out there is looking for how to solve his relationship problems, contact him

  60. Do you need hackers for hire? Do you need to keep an eye on your spouse by gaining access to their emails? As a parent do you want to know what your kids do on a daily basis on social networks ( This includes facebook, twitter , instagram, whatsapp, WeChat and others to make sure they're not getting into trouble? Whatever it is, Ranging from Bank Jobs, Flipping cash, Criminal records, DMV, Taxes, Name it,he will get the job done.He's a professional hacker with 20 Years+ experience. Contact him at ... Send an email and Its done. Its that easy, Daura referred you

  61. Do you need hackers for hire? Do you need to keep an eye on your spouse by gaining access to their emails? As a parent do you want to know what your kids do on a daily basis on social networks ( This includes facebook, twitter , instagram, whatsapp, WeChat and others to make sure they’re not getting into trouble? Whatever it is, Ranging from Bank Jobs, Flipping cash, Criminal records, DMV, Taxes, Name it,i can get the job done. Accesshacking a professional hacker with 10 Years+ experience.Contact

  62. Just have a glimpse at this link and you will read information about tracking software that are very useful when you have some doubts about your relationship with friends or spouse.


  63. Should you ever require the services of a hacker, i implore you to try your very best to hire only professionals. will increase your chances of getting your job completed. i was able to hire the services of an elite, asides the fact that i was provided a permanent solution to the service he rendered me but he gave a very efficient customer experience. he carried me along with every process and didnt leave me in the him via email/phone CYBERHACKPROS@GMAIL.COM or +1 916 378 4978 Tell him i reffered you.He will help you

  64. Hi everyone,
    If you have concerns over your partner’s fidelity, improving your credit score, grade change or doubt your employee’s sincerity I am certain deephacking17 can help you get direct access into their phones and computers easily without their knowledge and within a specified time frame.
    This team of certified grayhat hackers helped me when I desperately needed to get evidence of my cheating husband’s extra-marital affairs. I was tired of being lied to and wanted a divorce, all thanks to them for their reliable services else I would never have been able to confront him with proof of his escapades

    If you need help don’t hesitate to reach them through their email (deephacking17-at-gmail-com)

  65. I was lost with no hope for my husband was cheating and had always got away with it because i did not know how or always too scared to pin anything on him. with the help a friend who recommended me to Cyberpros who help hack his phone,all his social applications, email, chat, sms and expose him for a cheater he is. I just want to say a big thank you to you need help with hacking any phone or account or other jobs contact him via email/phone (CYBERHACKPROS@GMAIL.COM) or +1 916 378 4978 Tell him i reffered you.He will help you

  66. Hi everyone,
    If you have concerns over your partner’s fidelity, improving your credit score, grade change or doubt your employee’s sincerity I am certain deephacking17 can help you get direct access into their phones and computers easily without their knowledge and within a specified time frame.
    This team of certified grayhat hackers helped me when I desperately needed to get evidence of my cheating husband’s extra-marital affairs. I was tired of being lied to and wanted a divorce, all thanks to them for their reliable services else I would never have been able to confront him with proof of his escapades

    If you need help don’t hesitate to reach them through their email (deephacking17-at-gmail-com)

  67. I was really in need of a competent hacker who can upgrade my credit score without trace then a friend introduced me to he did a very clean job for me now i've gotten myself a job. He deals with just any kind of hack Contact him on his mail or text (646) 883 5254 If truly you want your hack problem solved.

  68. Should you ever require the services of a hacker, i implore you to try your very best to hire only professionals. will increase your chances of getting your job completed. i was able to hire the services of an elite, asides the fact that i was provided a permanent solution to the service he rendered me but he gave a very efficient customer experience. he carried me along with every process and didnt leave me in the him via email/phone CYBERHACKPROS@GMAIL.COM or +1 916 378 4978 Tell him i reffered you.He will help you

  69. If your spouse cheats contact he can help you. very talented and immaculate I call him the genius, we've had a few runnings together and I am always more than satisfied with his services. Some of the tricks he did for me are cloning my girlfriend's phone and topping my credit score to an awesome number. If you need such services drop him a mail at

  70. I basically think we all don't have to face all these deceit and lies from our a case of mine wen i got sick and tired of all the lies and deceit i had to contact a friend of mine to get me the contact of one of the best hackers in the states ..then i met saved me from the lies of my cheating boyfriend by hacking his phone he do all works facebook,hotmail,gmail,yahoo,western union,bank transfer,whatsapp,icloud, wechat,grades..In case you need help with hacking any phone or account or other jobs..Tell him i referred you.He will help you..........

  71. Do you need hackers for hire? Do you need to keep an eye on your spouse by gaining access to their emails? As a parent do you want to know what your kids do on a daily basis on social networks ( This includes facebook, twitter , instagram, whatsapp, WeChat and others to make sure they're not getting into trouble? Whatever it is, Ranging from Bank Jobs, Flipping cash, Criminal records, DMV, Taxes, Name it,he will get the job done.He's a professional hacker with 20 Years+ experience. Contact him at ... Send an email and Its done. Its that easy, Daura referred you

  72. If your spouse cheats contact he can help you. very talented and immaculate I call him the genius, we've had a few runnings together and I am always more than satisfied with his services. Some of the tricks he did for me are cloning my girlfriend's phone and topping my credit score to an awesome number. If you need such services drop him a mail at

  73. Hello, are you in need of hacking services? Then contact CYBERSPACEINTELLIGENCE@GMAIL.COM, he is the best hacker. He helped me and my friends with some issues we had. If you need to
    *hack into email accounts,
    *all social media accounts,
    *school database to clear or change grades,
    *Retrieval of lost file/documents
    *company records and systems,
    *bank accounts,
    he is really the best. His services are affordable. Don't waste your time with fake hackers
    + Credit cards hacker
    + We can drop money into bank accounts.
    + credit score hack
    + blank credit card sale
    + Hack and use Credit Card to shop online
    + Monitor any phone and email address
    + Tap into anybody's call and monitor their

  74. elp me thank hackintechnology after being scammed of $1500 he helped me find my cheating husband he helped hack her whatsapp gmail and kik and i got to know that she was cheating on me , in less than 24 hours he helped me out with everything HACKINTECHNOLOGY is trust worthy and affordable contact +1305 771 2040IF U Need Any Help ? *University grades changing *Bank accounts hack *Twitters hack *email accounts hack *Grade Changes hack * load bank account any amounts *Website crashed hack *server crashed hack *Retrieval of lost file/documents *Erase criminal records hack *Databases hack *Sales of Dumps cards of all kinds *Untraceable Ip *Individual computers hack *Websites hack *Facebook hack *Control devices remotely hack *Burner Numbers hack *Verified Paypal Accounts hack *Any social media account hack *Android & iPhone Hack *Word Press Blogs hack *Text message interception hack *email interception hack - See more at +13057712040

  75. Thanks to Jerome Wright he made me find a solution to my cheating spouse if you need to hack into any database, delete record, improve credit score, spy on whatsapp, text, phone, emails, as long as it's hack contact Jerome Wright Email: And Whats App at +1(360)828-1144 he saved my relationship i am so gratefu ::: Tell him Robbie

  76. i strongly recommend, last year he helped me spy on my wife when he was cheating of me, he served as a personal investigator to me by helping me spy on my wife's phone activities like facebook, email, whatsapp, calls, skype and others. am sure someone out there is looking for how to solve his relationship problems, contact him

  77. Should you ever require the services of a hacker, i implore you to try your very best to hire only professionals. will increase your chances of getting your job completed. i was able to hire the services of an elite, asides the fact that i was provided a permanent solution to the service he rendered me but he gave a very efficient customer experience. he carried me along with every process and didnt leave me in the dark. contact him via email/phone

  78. Should you ever require the services of a hacker, i implore you to try your very best to hire only professionals. will increase your chances of getting your job completed. i was able to hire the services of an elite, asides the fact that i was provided a permanent solution to the service he rendered me but he gave a very efficient customer experience. he carried me along with every process and didnt leave me in the dark. contact him via email/phone

  79. Should you ever require the services of a hacker, i implore you to try your very best to hire only professionals. will increase your chances of getting your job completed. i was able to hire the services of an elite, asides the fact that i was provided a permanent solution to the service he rendered me but he gave a very efficient customer experience. he carried me along with every process and didnt leave me in the dark. contact him via email/phone

  80. Do you need hackers for hire? Do you need to keep an eye on your spouse by gaining access to their emails? As a parent do you want to know what your kids do on a daily basis on social networks ( This includes facebook, twitter , instagram, whatsapp, WeChat and others to make sure they’re not getting into trouble? Whatever it is, Ranging from Bank Jobs, Flipping cash, Criminal records, DMV, Taxes, Name it,i can get the job done. Accesshacking a professional hacker with 10 Years+ experience.Contact

  81. i strongly recommend, last year he helped me spy on my wife when he was cheating of me, he served as a personal investigator to me by helping me spy on my wife's phone activities like facebook, email, whatsapp, calls, skype and others. am sure someone out there is looking for how to solve his relationship problems, contact him

  82. I Basically think we all don't have to face all these deceit and lies from our a case of mine wen i got sick and tired of all the lies and deceit i had to contact a friend of mine to get me the contact of one of the best hackers in the states ..then i met saved me from the lies of my cheating husband by hacking his phone..Incase you need help with hacking any phone or account or other jobs contact him via email/phone CYBERHACKPROS@GMAIL.COM or +1 916 378 4978 Tell him i reffered you.He will help you

  83. Should you ever require the services of a hacker, i implore you to try your very best to hire only professionals. will increase your chances of getting your job completed. i was able to hire the services of an elite, asides the fact that i was provided a permanent solution to the service he rendered me but he gave a very efficient customer experience. he carried me along with every process and didnt leave me in the dark. contact him via email/phone

  84. Should you ever require the services of a hacker, i implore you to try your very best to hire only professionals. will increase your chances of getting your job completed. i was able to hire the services of an elite, asides the fact that i was provided a permanent solution to the service he rendered me but he gave a very efficient customer experience. he carried me along with every process and didnt leave me in the him via email/phone CYBERHACKPROS@GMAIL.COM or +1 916 378 4978 Tell him i reffered you.He will help you

  85. Do you need hackers for hire? Do you need to keep an eye on your spouse by gaining access to their emails? As a parent do you want to know what your kids do on a daily basis on social networks ( This includes facebook, twitter , instagram, whatsapp, WeChat and others to make sure they're not getting into trouble? Whatever it is, Ranging from Bank Jobs, Flipping cash, Criminal records, DMV, Taxes, Name it,he will get the job done.He's a professional hacker with 20 Years+ experience. Contact him at ... Send an email and Its done. Its that easy, Daura referred you

  86. Hello, are you in need of hacking services? Then contact CYBERSPACEINTELLIGENCE@GMAIL.COM, he is the best hacker. He helped me and my friends with some issues we had. If you need to
    *hack into email accounts,
    *all social media accounts,
    *school database to clear or change grades,
    *Retrieval of lost file/documents
    *company records and systems,
    *bank accounts,
    he is really the best. His services are affordable. Don't waste your time with fake hackers
    + Credit cards hacker
    + We can drop money into bank accounts.
    + credit score hack
    + blank credit card sale
    + Hack and use Credit Card to shop online
    + Monitor any phone and email address
    + Tap into anybody's call and monitor their

  87. Excellent and professional investigative services.
    I hired him (CYBERHACKPROS@GMAIL.COM) for a very
    private and difficult matter of hacking my spouse
    phone, and he far exceeded my expectations. He
    helped me get the info(whatsapp, facebook, text
    messages, call logs etc) I needed faster and
    cheaper than I had imagined. The first time we
    spoke, we had a very long phone consultation in
    which he gave me all my options that he could
    think of to resolve my case, and he even
    recommended I try other options before hiring him,
    which shows that he is honest. I decided to hire
    him and I*** glad I did. He is a fantastic
    investigator and a great person and if you have a
    dishonest partner don’t hesitate to send him a
    mail Contact:CYBERHACKPROS@GMAIL.COM or +1 916 378

  88. Should you ever require the services of a hacker, i implore you to try your very best to hire only professionals. will increase your chances of getting your job completed. i was able to hire the services of an elite, asides the fact that i was provided a permanent solution to the service he rendered me but he gave a very efficient customer experience. he carried me along with every process and didnt leave me in the dark. contact him via email/phone 13057712040

  89. Hello, are you in need of hacking services? Then contact CYBERSPACEINTELLIGENCE@GMAIL.COM, he is the best hacker. He helped me and my friends with some issues we had. If you need to
    *hack into email accounts,
    *all social media accounts,
    *school database to clear or change grades,
    *Retrieval of lost file/documents
    *company records and systems,
    *bank accounts,
    he is really the best. His services are affordable. Don't waste your time with fake hackers
    + Credit cards hacker
    + We can drop money into bank accounts.
    + credit score hack
    + blank credit card sale
    + Hack and use Credit Card to shop online
    + Monitor any phone and email address
    + Tap into anybody's call and monitor their

  90. If you know you are not ready for a relationship why get into one and still cheat and liar. I and my wife has been married for some years now,Lately she has been hiding her phone from me and keeping Late nights. I was curious about her cheating on me.I had no proof and no one to run to.I contacted a Private investigator who linked me up with Mr James( via email.He understood me well and helped me spy on my cheating wife.He gave me the password to my wife's Gmail and Facebook account and linked all my spouse WhatsApp and phone conversation to me, to find out the truth. He showed me proof of work and I just want to openly say thank you. Contact him today if you need help.

  91. Hello, are you in need of hacking services? Then contact , he is the best hacker. He helped me and my friends with some issues we had. If you need to
    *hack into email accounts,
    *all social media accounts,
    *school database to clear or change grades,
    *Retrieval of lost file/documents
    *company records and systems,
    *bank accounts,
    he is really the best. His services are affordable. Don't waste your time with fake hackers
    + Credit cards hacker
    + credit score hack
    + Monitor any phone and email address
    + Tap into anybody's call and monitor their

  92. Hello, are you in need of hacking services? Then contact , he is the best hacker. He helped me and my friends with some issues we had. If you need to
    *hack into email accounts,
    *all social media accounts,
    *school database to clear or change grades,
    *Retrieval of lost file/documents
    *company records and systems,
    *bank accounts,
    he is really the best. His services are affordable. Don't waste your time with fake hackers
    + Credit cards hacker
    + credit score hack
    + Monitor any phone and email address
    + Tap into anybody's call and monitor their

  93. Should you ever require the services of a hacker, i implore you to try your very best to hire only professionals. will increase your chances of getting your job completed. i was able to hire the services of an elite, asides the fact that i was provided a permanent solution to the service he rendered me but he gave a very efficient customer experience. he carried me along with every process and didnt leave me in the dark. contact him via email/phone 13057712040

  94. Hello, are you in need of hacking services? Then contact CYBERSPACEINTELLIGENCE@GMAIL.COM, he is the best hacker. He helped me and my friends with some issues we had. If you need to
    *hack into email accounts,
    *all social media accounts,
    *school database to clear or change grades,
    *Retrieval of lost file/documents
    *company records and systems,
    *bank accounts,
    he is really the best. His services are affordable. Don't waste your time with fake hackers
    + Credit cards hacker
    + We can drop money into bank accounts.
    + credit score hack
    + blank credit card sale
    + Hack and use Credit Card to shop online
    + Monitor any phone and email address
    + Tap into anybody's call and monitor their

  95. Do you want to get your job done urgently? Are you facing delay and unnecessary excuses and error on your job. Worry no more for the best in any hacking job. What do you want from hacking service. He can render it with swift response and no delay on your job 100% guarantee. Contact him at ( )
    His service list is outline as follows
    1. University grades changing
    2. Social media; Facebook, Whatsapp, IG, Snapchat, iCloud, Email, Text messages, Call logs, Skype etc.
    3. Bank accounts hack
    6. Website crashed hack
    7. Server crashed hack
    8. Sales of Spyware and Keylogger software
    9. Retrieval of lost file/documents
    10. Erase criminal records hack
    11. Databases hack
    12. Sales of Dumps cards of all kinds
    13. Untraceable IP
    14. Individual Computers Hack
    15. Money Transfer
    16. Crediting

  96. a lot of people shared their experience with thing I know is that, of all the hackers out there, hacktillinfinity at gmail dot com has been the most consistent and also has most positive reviews. with over 2500 positice reviews from folks whonhired him....he obviously gets the job done. why else will he be that popular if he is not reliable. you don't need to tellme what you need a hacker for, that's your business neither do i have any sort of profit by doing this. I just feel should share information to people who needmit. if you do not shoot, you don't score. contact hacktillinfinityATgmailDOTcom, he is secure and anonymous

  97. I was lost with no hope for my husband was cheating and had always got away with it because i did not know how or always too scared to pin anything on him. with the help a friend who recommended me to Cyberhackanswers who help hack his phone,all his social applications, email, chat, sms and expose him for a cheater he is. I just want to say a big thank you to you need help with hacking any phone or account or other jobs contact him via email/phone (CYBERHACKANSWERS@GMAIL.COM) or +14353632534 Tell him i reffered you.He will help you

  98. Hello. Are you in need of a Hacker .I recommend ( via Email. I have used them and they are the best. They render services such as:

    -Facebook hack
    -Gmail hack
    -Twitter hack
    -WhatsApp hack
    -Mobile phone hack
    -Database Hack
    -Retrival of lost files
    -Viber hack
    -Untraceable IP
    -University grades changing
    -Bank account hack
    -Bypassing of Icloud
    -Verified Paypal account.

    They are reliable, contact them via Email(WORLDCYBERHACKERS@GMAIL.COM)

  99. If you know you not are ready for a relationship why get into one and still cheat and liar. I and my wife has been married for some years now,Lately she has been hiding her phone from me and keeping Late nights. I was curious about her cheating on me.I had no proof and no one to run to.I contacted a Private investigator who linked me up with Mr James( via email. He understood me well and helped me spy on my cheating wife.He gave me the password to my wife's Gmail and Facebook account and linked all my spouse WhatsApp and phone conversation to me, to find out the truth. I just want to openly say thank you. Contact him today if you need help.


  100. Hello everyone If you know you not are ready for a relationship why get into one and still cheat and liar. I and my wife has been married for some years now,Lately she has been hiding her phone from me and keeping Late nights. I was curious about her cheating on me.I had no proof and no one to run to.I contacted a Private investigator who linked me up with Mr James(CYBERHACKPROS@GMAIL.COM) via email. He understood me well and helped me spy on my cheating wife.He gave me the password to my wife’s Gmail and Facebook account and linked all my spouse WhatsApp and phone conversation to me, to find out the truth. I just want to openly say thank you. Contact him today if you need help.

  101. Do you need to hack a Gmail account? i know of someone who can help.
    Mr James via .I saw a review about him and I needed help hacking my Husbands Gmail account so i contacted him and he said he was going to help me.I gave him the information he required about my Husbands account and afterwards i received all my Husbands Gmail messages activity linked directly to me. He was reliable and trustworthy i just want to say thank you. If you need help you can contact him via Email(ʉ۬

  102. *Cheating Spouse *University grades changing *Bank accounts hack *Twitters hack *email accounts hack *Grade Changes hack *Website crashed hack *server crashed hack *Retrieval of lost file/documents *Erase criminal records hack *Databases hack *Sales of Dumps cards of all kinds *Untraceable Ip *Individual computers hack *Websites hack *Facebook hack *Control devices remotely hack *Burner Numbers hack *Verified Paypal Accounts hack *Any social media account hack *Android & iPhone Hack *Word Press Blogs hack *Text message interception hack *email interception hack

    contact: hackwithjonny at gmail dot com +17272202668

  103. *Cheating Spouse *University grades changing *Bank accounts hack *Twitters hack *email accounts hack *Grade Changes hack *Website crashed hack *server crashed hack *Retrieval of lost file/documents *Erase criminal records hack *Databases hack *Sales of Dumps cards of all kinds *Untraceable Ip *Individual computers hack *Websites hack *Facebook hack *Control devices remotely hack *Burner Numbers hack *Verified Paypal Accounts hack *Any social media account hack *Android & iPhone Hack *Word Press Blogs hack *Text message interception hack *email interception hack

    contact: hackwithjonny at gmail dot com +17272202668

  104. *Cheating Spouse *University grades changing *Bank accounts hack *Twitters hack *email accounts hack *Grade Changes hack *Website crashed hack *server crashed hack *Retrieval of lost file/documents *Erase criminal records hack *Databases hack *Sales of Dumps cards of all kinds *Untraceable Ip *Individual computers hack *Websites hack *Facebook hack *Control devices remotely hack *Burner Numbers hack *Verified Paypal Accounts hack *Any social media account hack *Android & iPhone Hack *Word Press Blogs hack *Text message interception hack *email interception hack

    contact: hackwithjonny at gmail dot com +17272202668

  105. My Husband was so smooth at hiding his infidelity and I had no proof for months, I was referred to Private investigator  and decided to give him a try.. the result was incredible because all my cheating husband's text messages, whatsapp, facebook and even phone calls conversations was linked directly to my cellphone. ( Mr James helped me put a round-the-clock monitoring on him and I got concrete evidence and gave it to my lawyer..if your husband is an expert at hiding his cheating adventures contact him

  106. I've been reluctant in purchasing this blank ATM card i heard about online because everything seems too good to be true, but i was convinced & shocked when my friend at my place of work got the card from martins hackers & we both confirmed it really works, without delay i gave it a go. Ever since then I've been withdrawing $5000 daily from the card & the money has been in my own account. So glad i gave it a try at last & this card has really changed my life financially without getting caught, its real & truly works though its illegal but made me rich!! If you need this card from martins hackers then here is their email:

  107. This is a reference sample for a hacker who I encountered.
    His qualities,attributes and effectiveness is a risk because of what he has in his head and can do with his hands on the system. You won’t believe he can double the value of bitcoin digits,ethereum/any cryptocurrency irrespective of it’s current $dollar value in the stocks, it’s free. CONTACT:

  108. Cheating spouse, University grades changing, Bank account hack, Twitter hack, Email accounts hack, Website crashed hack,Retrieval of lost files/documents, Erase criminal records, Database hack, Sales of dump Cards of all cards, Untraceable IP, Verified paypal Accounts hack, Facebook hack, Any social media account hack, full access to android & iphone hack, increase your bitcoins with mining. contact : or whatsapp +19292545966

  109. I cannot over emphasize the professionalism of CYBERPROFESSIONALHACKER@GMAIL.COM I have spent several hours
    monitoring my husband and his co-worker flirting literally and there has not been any technical malfunctions.
    I have been able to monitor all his communications with his girlfriend and I can see clearly that he has alot of them,
    he must be a devil, because I dont understand how he still comes home to tell me he loves me..
    I have never been this dissapointed and sad in my life before. I really want to thank my stars I took
    courage to contact him and for all his tender kindness towards assisting me and giving
    me exactly what I requested for in the hack. You can also take a bold step to contact him and find out about your cheating spouce.

  110. My husband and I have been together for ten years and have a little boy. Three weeks ago my whole world imploded. he is 45, has a successful business and works out of town for weeks at a time. I work full time and keep things going on. he had been cheating on me with his clients and a lot of it going as far back as last year, maybe beyond that. Thank God I found Dylan.
    Through his Gmail,, PROCYBERHELP @ GMAIL.COM
    Text and call +15015502248, WhatApp +16282043588
    Recommended by my best friend for spying on his and extracting all the info i needed from his phone (Whatsapp, Facebook, Text messages, Viber, Snapchat, Instagram, iCloud including his call logs, deleted messages and so on) to confirm he was cheating on me. So far this hacker is the best, his works are discreet, secured and perfect without trace. You can contact him to catch your cheating partner. Tell him I referred you because he can be picky at times.


  111. Help me thank CYBERHACKANSWERS@GMAIL.COM they are actually very good at what they do after being scammed of $4500 he helped me find my cheating husband he helped hack his whatsapp gmail and kik and i got to know that he was cheating on me , in less than 24 hours he helped me out with everything them via email /phone CYBERHACKANSWERS@GMAIL.COM / +14074797223 Tell him i reffered you.He will help you

  112. I strongly recommend the service of a GREAT Hacker to you and his email is I have used him quite a number of times and he has never disappointed me.

    He does all types of mobile hacks, get unrestricted and unnoticeable access to your Partner/Spouse, Skype, Facebook Account, Email(s), Whatsapp, Instagram, Text messages, In coming and Out going calls, Twitter, Snap Chats, Bank accounts, Deleted files etc. He can also help you boost your credit score limit and also clear all debts on your card(s).

    Getting the job done is as simple as sending an email to stating what you want to do.

  113. Cold Hack, Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) - Delivered By Leading Experts?.

    I major in...
    Different Kinds of Games Hacking
    Credit score increase and decrease
    Upgrade University Grades
    Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp, Line, Skype Hack
    Delete unwanted online Pictures and Videos on any website
    Remove Criminal Records
    Tracing peoples background
    Hack bank accounts
    Apps hacking
    Loading all MasterCard, Bank Accounts, PayPal, Bitcoin, WU, Money Gram with untraceable credit on it. etc.
    We also develop hacked facebook, twitter, instagram, yahoo, gmail passwords etc.
    Do you need to keep an eye on your spouse by gaining access to their emails?
    As a parent do you want to know what your kids do on a daily basis on social networks.

    Also introducing:

    Introduction to Ethical Hacking,Different Kinds of Games and Software hacking,Games server files + database,Social Engineering,Scanning
    Networks,Evading IDS, Firewalls, and Honeypots,Sniffing,Hacking Mobile Platforms,Hacking Web Applications,Hacking Web servers,Hacking
    Wireless Networks Cloud – Threats & Opportunities,Malware Threats,Session Hijacking,SQL Injection,Enumeration,Denial of Service,Footprinting and Reconnaissance,System Hacking.

    We have 100% track records from our clients as well as highest return hire rate.

    Contact Best Online Hacker With 100% Guarantee and Money Refund Policy.

    Do You Need To Gain Access To: Any Mobile Device; Whatsapp, Call History, Message History etc! Find Out If Your Wife/Husband or Partner is Cheating, Remotely Monitor Their Movements & Communication! Hack College/University Portals; Change Grades, Records etc! Hack Any Database & Website, Social Media Account, Email Account + Criminal Records Expungement & All Other Related Services.

    Prosperous Regards,
    text / Whatsapp : +1(732) 639-1527.


  114. If you know you not ready for a relationship why get into one and still cheat and liar. I was dying inside for my cheating wife , i had no prove, no one to run to. Everyone thought i was paranoid. until i was referred to a Private Investigator  Mr James . I told him about my situation and He understood me well and helped me spy on my wife.He hacked my wifes Gmail and Facebook account and linked all her WhatsApp and phone conversation to me, to find out the truth.I saw all the evidence and i was heart Broken,I just want to openly say thank you to James for helping me get evidence against her,i feel so hurt. If you need help please contact him Mr James ( via Email. 

  115. I major in...
    Different Kinds of Games Hacking
    Credit score increase and decrease
    Upgrade University Grades
    Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp, Line, Skype Hack
    Delete unwanted online Pictures and Videos on any website
    Remove Criminal Records
    Tracing peoples background
    Hack bank accounts
    Buy airline tickets for cheap
    Apps hacking
    Loading all MasterCard, Bank Accounts, PayPal, Bitcoin, WU, Money Gram with untraceable credit on it. etc.
    We also develop hacked facebook, twitter, instagram, yahoo, gmail passwords etc.
    Do you need to keep an eye on your spouse by gaining access to their emails?
    As a parent do you want to know what your kids do on a daily basis on social networks.
    Prosperous Regards,
    text / Whatsapp : +1(732) 639-1527

    Come to us with your problem and we will help you solve them in less than 3 days.

    Regards Cold.

  116. Do you need hackers for hire? Do you need to keep an eye on your spouse by gaining access to their emails? As a parent do you want to know what your kids do on a daily basis on social networks ( This includes facebook, twitter , instagram, whatsapp, WeChat and others to make sure they're not getting into trouble? Whatever it is, Ranging from Bank Jobs, Flipping cash, Criminal records, DMV, Taxes, Name it,he will get the job done.He's a professional hacker with 20 Years+ experience. Contact him at or text him to (281) 694-4066 ... Send an email and Its done. Its that easy, Daura referred you

  117. Honestly speaking, getting a genuine hacker is very rare... but my classmates Corporation has assembled the finest hackers in London, Texas and mostly his Cambridge colleagues . Contact him at or text them at +1 682-710-6833.

  118. Do you need to hack a Facebook account? i know of someone who can help .I saw a review about him and I needed help hacking my wife’s Facebook account so i contacted him and he said he was going to help me.I gave him the information he required about her account and afterwards i received all my wifes Facebook activity sent directly to me. He was reliable and trustworthy i just want to say thank you. If you need help you can contact him via Email( 

  119. I major in...
    Different Kinds of Games Hacking
    Credit score increase and decrease
    Upgrade University Grades
    Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp, Line, Skype Hack
    Delete unwanted online Pictures and Videos on any website
    Remove Criminal Records
    Tracing peoples background
    Fake IDs with authentic Social security numbers
    Hack bank accounts
    Buy airline tickets for cheap
    Apps hacking
    Loading all MasterCard, Bank Accounts, PayPal, Bitcoin, WU, Money Gram with untraceable credit on it. etc.
    We also develop hacked facebook, twitter, instagram, yahoo, gmail passwords etc.
    Do you need to keep an eye on your spouse by gaining access to their emails?
    As a parent do you want to know what your kids do on a daily basis on social networks.

    Also introducing:

    Introduction to Ethical Hacking,Different Kinds of Games and Software hacking,Games server files + database,Social Engineering,Scanning
    Networks,Evading IDS, Firewalls, and Honeypots,Sniffing,Hacking Mobile Platforms,Hacking Web Applications,Hacking Web servers,Hacking
    Wireless Networks Cloud – Threats & Opportunities,Malware Threats,Session Hijacking,SQL Injection,Enumeration,Denial of Service,Footprinting and Reconnaissance,System Hacking.

    We have 100% track records from our clients as well as highest return hire rate.

    Contact Best Online Hacker With 100% Guarantee and Money Refund Policy.

    Do You Need To Gain Access To: Any Mobile Device; Whatsapp, Call History, Message History etc! Find Out If Your Wife/Husband or Partner is Cheating, Remotely Monitor Their Movements & Communication! Hack College/University Portals; Change Grades, Records etc! Hack Any Database & Website, Social Media Account, Email Account + Criminal Records Expungement & All Other Related Services.

    Prosperous Regards,
    text / Whatsapp : +1(732) 639-1527.


  120. rofessional investigative services. I hired Mr Connor for a very private and difficult maExtter of hacking my husband's phone, and he far exceeded my expectations. He helped me get the info(whatsapp, facebook, text messages, call logs etc) I needed faster and cheaper than I had imagined. The first time we spoke, we had a very long phone consultation in which he gave me all my options that he could think of to resolve my case, and he even recommended I try other options before hiring him, which shows that he is honest. I decided to hire him and I am glad I did. He is a fantastic investigator and a great person and if you have a dishonest partner don't hesitate to send him a mail
    Contact via Email/call CYBERHACKPROS@GMAIL.COM or call +1 512 605 1256 INSTAGRAM:Cyberhackprofessionals

  121. Do you need hackers for hire? Do you need to keep an eye on your spouse by gaining access to their emails? As a parent do you want to know what your kids do on a daily basis on social networks ( This includes facebook, twitter , instagram, whatsapp, WeChat and others to make sure they're not getting into trouble? Whatever it is, Ranging from Bank Jobs, Flipping cash, Criminal records, DMV, Taxes, Name it,he will get the job done.He's a professional hacker with 20 Years+ experience. Contact him at or text him to (281) 694-4066 ... Send an email and Its done. Its that easy, Daura referred you

  122. Hello Guys

    Contact for BTC Purchasing / Selling, Hacking Facebook / Whatsapp / Instagram / Gmail

    We provide you all type of products.

    Hacking Stuff
    Wire Bank Transfer
    Western Union
    BTC Purchasing
    Key Logger
    Scam Pages
    Credit Card (cc) for sale
    Randome CC for sale
    Fullz for sale
    Bank logins with High Balance selling
    IDM Crack
    GMAIL / Facebook
    Whatsapp / Instagram
    WiFi Hacking

    We are also teaching all type of Hacking within a few days.

    Only serious / needy people contact us.

    Support 24/7


  123. Excellent and professional

    investigative services. I hired Mr

    FRED for a very private and

    difficult matter of hacking my

    husband's phone and he far exceeded

    my expectations. He helped me get

    some info such as whatsapp,

    facebook, text messages, call logs

    and even phone conversations that I

    needed for proof of his secretive

    affair. The first time we spoke, we

    had a very long phone consultation

    in which he gave me all my options

    that he could think of to resolve my

    case, and he even recommended I try

    other options before hiring him,

    which shows that he is honest. I

    decided to hire him and I am glad I

    did. He is a fantastic investigator

    and a great person; to all loyal

    partners out there if you have a

    dishonest partner don't hesitate to

    send him a mail

  124. Hello, Do you need a good hacker to help you hack into the follow. e.g
    Hacking of all company website
    Hacking of university website and Grades upgrade
    Hacking of all social media(facebook, instagram, twittwer,
    Hacking of all Banks website
    Hacking of Word press Blogs
    Hacking of Security Institution and get Criminal Records wiped out
    Hacking of Government agency
    Hacking of Database
    Hacking of Email and Text message
    Hacking of PayPal Account
    Hacking Server crashed
    Hacking of all phones and untraceable IP and many more.
    global world is right place to be
    For further inquiry, contact us @ BESTSYSTEMHACKSOLUTION@GMAIL.COM

  125. If you think your spouse may be cheating, you can contact PHONESPYAPPS1@GMAIL.COM
    He’s a real hacker and was very reliable in helping me spy on my cheating husband’s cell phone remotely.

  126. Tried a lot of hackers but i strongly recommend CYBERHACKGROUP@GMAIL.COM ONLY.These are ethical hackers that’ll solve all your problems like hack emails,Facebook,Twitter,Instagram ,change grades ,erase criminal records, credit and debit top up, insurance paper, access or recover lost files, background checks on individuals and organizations or monitor cheating spouses’ phone or social media activities, contact at EMAIL:CYBERHACKGROUP@GMAIL.COM

    They are a professional group of hackers based in Europe, Asia, United Arab Emirates, North America. They are the best hackers and software developers to penetrate any website, all other hackers get in touch with them to get the best Algorithm software. Their services are 100% guaranteed also with their penetration software impossible to track. They offer the following services;
    -Western Union MTCN and Moneygram hacked
    -I know the piracy of letters
    -The elimination of the old credit score
    -The university qualifications change
    -Bank of bank accounts
    Deleting criminal records
    -Facebook hack
    -Twitters hack
    pirated email accounts
    -Great changes pirate
    -Website crashed hack
    -server crashed hack
    -Skype hack
    -Databases pirate
    -Word Press Blogs hack
    - Individual computers pirate
    -Control devices remotely pirate
    -Burner Numbers hack
    -The verified PayPal accounts pirate
    -Any social media account hack
    -Android and iPhone Hack
    -Internet text message interception
    e-mail interception
    - credit card for free online transactions
    - Blank Atm sales card and credit card
    - Untractable Ip, etc.
    Contact them directly at SPIDERHACKERS95@GMAIL.COM you will never regret any of their services. Friends, I recommend that they trust me

    They are a professional group of hackers based in Europe, Asia, United Arab Emirates, North America. They are the best hackers and software developers to penetrate any website, all other hackers get in touch with them to get the best Algorithm software. Their services are 100% guaranteed also with their penetration software impossible to track. They offer the following services;
    -Western Union MTCN and Moneygram hacked
    -I know the piracy of letters
    -The elimination of the old credit score
    -The university qualifications change
    -Bank of bank accounts
    Deleting criminal records
    -Facebook hack
    -Twitters hack
    pirated email accounts
    -Great changes pirate
    -Website crashed hack
    -server crashed hack
    -Skype hack
    -Databases pirate
    -Word Press Blogs hack
    - Individual computers pirate
    -Control devices remotely pirate
    -Burner Numbers hack
    -The verified PayPal accounts pirate
    -Any social media account hack
    -Android and iPhone Hack
    -Internet text message interception
    e-mail interception
    - credit card for free online transactions
    - Blank Atm sales card and credit card
    - Untractable Ip, etc.
    Contact them directly at SPIDERHACKERS95@GMAIL.COM you will never regret any of their services. Friends, I recommend that they trust me


  129. Fix it up with cyberhackingspecialist at g mail dot com:-
    +University Grades changing
    +Erase Criminal Records hack
    + Hack Driver License
    +Facebook hack, Twitter hack, Instagram hack, Gmail, Yahoo hack
    +Already hacked PayPal, MasterCard, Credit Card untraceable balance
    +Email interception hack
    +Hack computer remotely
    +Whats-app hack
    +Email accounts hack
    +hack into any database
    +Bank accounts hack
    +Hack WORD-PRESS Blogs
    +Untraceable IP and all degree of hacking.
    Get in touch with us today and keep the records

  130. in need of a professional hacker? i recommend you to contact jorgecyberhack. He can hack any social media ( instagram, gmail, whatsapp, facebook e.t.c.) He helped me get info on my cheating boyfriend. This is a way of saying thanks to him. you can contact him on instagram @ jorge_cole_01 or gmail @ He is fast, efficient, affordable and reliable.Trust me you will not be disappointed

  131. Hi! Thanks for the great information you havr provided! You have touched on crucuial points!

  132. I’m Dr Williams Curry, I want to say a Grateful thank you to Joe Engressia after different experience of fake hacker i have met,, a friend recommend him to me with faith i contact him and explain my self,on what’s happening in my marriage life, told me not to worry and gave me his word, i don’t know him never met him before but makes me feel comfortable with is word and experience, i caught my cheating wife red handed cheating with my best friend, who has always been in my house when am not around… i had to share this as am sure that most here are looking for the right hacker and have not seen yet,,, please try and contact Joe Engressia ( DIGITALDAWGPOUNDHACKERGROUP@GMAIL.COM ) on any service of help you need from him as hacker.. it a testimony you have the right to give yours too by helping others to know there is still high rate good hackers that are highly experienced, he responds on email,text messages and whatsapp… 
    Name: Joe Engressia
    Phone Number: +1(732) 639–1527..

  133. Hello i'm James and i just wanted to tell you about a hacker that helped me out in hacking into social media accounts like Facebook,Instagram, G-mail, Twitter and any other social media you can think of. He also helps in spying on someone.He also gets into mobile phones, he also helps in unlocking a locked phone,he also helps in falsifying results, He is reliable, trustworthy, fast, and very legit you can contact him on his gmail

  134. I’m Dr Williams Curry, I want to say a Grateful thank you to Joe Engressia after different experience of fake hacker i have met,, a friend recommend him to me with faith i contact him and explain my self,on what’s happening in my marriage life, told me not to worry and gave me his word, i don’t know him never met him before but makes me feel comfortable with is word and experience, i caught my cheating wife red handed cheating with my best friend, who has always been in my house when am not around… i had to share this as am sure that most here are looking for the right hacker and have not seen yet,,, please try and contact Joe Engressia ( DIGITALDAWGPOUNDHACKERGROUP@GMAIL.COM ) on any service of help you need from him as hacker.. it a testimony you have the right to give yours too by helping others to know there is still high rate good hackers that are highly experienced, he responds on email,text messages and whatsapp… 
    Name: Joe Engressia
    Phone/WhatsApp/HangOut/Telegram +1(732) 639–1527..


  135. Hello All
    I'm offering following hacking services
    dark web / deep web / red room

    ..Western union Trf
    ..wire bank trf / debit cards
    ..Perfect Money / Bintcoing adders hacking /tracing
    ..Mobile hacking / mobile spam

    ..hacking Tools
    ..Spamming Tools
    ..Scam pages
    ..spam tools scanners make your own tools

    Fake peoples have just words to scam peoples
    they just cover their self that they are hacker
    but when you ask them a questions they don't have answer
    they don't have even knowledge what is hacking
    am dealing with real peoples who interested and honest
    also teaching hacking subjects in reasonable price
    with private tools and proof.

    Availability 24/7 contact only given below address

    ===> <===

  136. Do you need hackers for hire? Do you need to keep an eye on your spouse by gaining access to their emails? As a parent do you want to know what your kids do on a daily basis on social networks ( This includes facebook, twitter , instagram, whatsapp, WeChat and others to make sure they're not getting into trouble? Whatever it is, Ranging from Bank Jobs, Flipping cash, Criminal records, DMV, Taxes, Name it,he will get the job done.He's a professional hacker with 20 Years+ experience. Contact him at or text him to (281) 694-4066 ... Send an email and Its done. Its that easy, Daura referred you

  137. Do you need hackers for hire? Do you need to keep an eye on your spouse by gaining access to their emails? As a parent do you want to know what your kids do on a daily basis on social networks ( This includes facebook, twitter , instagram, whatsapp, WeChat and others to make sure they're not getting into trouble? Whatever it is, Ranging from Bank Jobs, Flipping cash, Criminal records, DMV, Taxes, Name it,he will get the job done.He's a professional hacker with 20 Years+ experience. Contact him at… Send an email and Its done. Its that easy, Daura referred you

  138. Hi, we are a group of hackers called WORLD PRO CYBER HACKERS. We offer hacking services for everyone. Some of our services include;
    -Get any password from any email address
    -Get any password from any Facebook, Twitter or Instagram Account.
    -Cell phone hacking (WhatsApp,Viber,etc)
    -Grades changes(Institutes and Universities)
    -IP address and people tracking
    Our services are the best on the market and 100% secure and discreet guaranteed. Contact us on
    -Instagram: Samuelwalter861

  139. I am Cold Hack by name, Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) - Delivered By (LEVEL SEVEN HACKER) Leading Experts‎.

    I major in...
    Different Kinds of Games Hacking
    Credit score increase and decrease
    Upgrade University Grades
    Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp, Line, Skype Hack
    Delete unwanted online Pictures and Videos on any website
    Remove Criminal Records
    Tracing peoples background
    Hack bank accounts
    Apps hacking
    Loading all MasterCard, Bank Accounts, PayPal, Bitcoin, WU, Money Gram with untraceable credit on it.  etc.
    We also develop hacked facebook, twitter, instagram, yahoo, gmail passwords etc.
    Do you need to keep an eye on your spouse by gaining access to their emails?
    As a parent do you want to know what your kids do on a daily basis on social networks.

    Phone/whatsapp: +1(732) 639–1527

  140. On behalf of my family we want to say a big thank you to Kenny Blackhat, i have been thinking on how to show my appreciation for the assistance you did offered for the credit score job... We've got 440 and was seeking credit repair on how to increase the points up to 700+ in order to live a comfy way. I saw some russian students he worked for recommendation on this forum and i contacted kenny for the hacking job, he did explain and advice on how he was gonna alter these various points. Took exactly 5 days to clearly reveal the points, and to our greatest surprise it was actually 750!...I just wanna say a big THANK YOU to you and your team Kenny Group blackhat, in case you're wondering who Kenny blackhat is, he's the real deal on any hacking job you want and related forums. I say well done kenny. kennyblackhat@hackermail. com is the mail and they do have a cell number for other communications at +1 717-388-3985 and i am Mrs Lynn Sisto. thank you again kenny Group Blackhat and may God bless deeply.

  141. I am Cold Hack by name, Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) - Delivered By (LEVEL SEVEN HACKER) Leading Experts‎.

    I major in...
    Different Kinds of Games Hacking
    Credit score increase and decrease
    Upgrade University Grades
    Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, WhatsApp, Line, Skype Hack
    Delete unwanted online Pictures and Videos on any website
    Remove Criminal Records
    Tracing peoples background
    Hack bank accounts
    Apps hacking
    Loading all MasterCard, Bank Accounts, PayPal, Bitcoin, WU, Money Gram with untraceable credit on it.  etc.
    We also develop hacked facebook, twitter, instagram, yahoo, gmail passwords etc.
    Do you need to keep an eye on your spouse by gaining access to their emails?
    As a parent do you want to know what your kids do on a daily basis on social networks.

    Phone/whatsapp: +1(732) 639–1527

  142. Do you need expert help in gaining access/passwords to Facebook, gmail, Instagram, bbm, yahoo-mail, snap-chat, twitter, Hotmail, badoo, Whatsapp, zoosk, various blogs, icloud, apple accounts, encrypted PDF documents etc. Password retrieval, breaching of bank accounts: (for local and international banks, block transfers, make transfers), clear debts, pay for bills at give a way rates also provide cheap Holiday booking, breach of web host servers, firewall breaches, application cracks, change of school grades, professional hacking into institutional servers, clearing of criminal records, mobile airtime recharge, keylogging, smartphone,tablet portable device hacks, Pc hacks on any OS and ip tracking and general tracking :anonymousfilehacker (at) by email, or Text him on +1 (917) 765-0226.

  143. Hire a hacker to help protect your children from cyber predators. Our professional hackers can find the source and help close the case on any investigation. Hire a Hacker!

    Everyone loses a password at some point. We help crack/recover passwords from computers, mobile & wireless devices, E-mail accounts, FaceBook and more! Hire hacker!

    Has your Facebook, Twitter or Google+ account been attacked by a hacker? Do you need to get back into a social media account? A Professional Hacker Can Help!

    Any email is hackable and we can get in and recover your passwords. Hire a professional hacker to recover your personal data. Hire an Email hacker now!

    Our professional hackers can encrypt any data and help protect sensitive information from any hacker who might try to hack your systems. Hire a hacker now!

    No matter what your hacking need, we can get it done in a professional and timely manner.

    With round the clock support you can reach one of our Ethical Hackers or our staff quickly and get your project started.

    Why Choose US?

    we are the #1 Hacker for Hire Company Online for a reason.
    make sure you know you're hiring the BEST!
    We're the only Certified Ethical Hacker for Hire company online.
    We're the only Ethical Hacking Company online to Guarantee you will get results.
    You can back out any time before your project starts and get a full refund.
    100% Confidential and we WON'T expose your confidential data to anyone
    CONTACT Text +13232095475

  144. Beware of scammers i have been scammed 3 times because i was trying to know if my husband was cheating until i met this hacker named; ( who helped me hack into my spouse phone for real this great hacker hacked into my spouse whats-app messages,Facebook messages.text messages,call logs,deleted text messages,bitcoin account and many more i was impressed with his job and he brought me results under 24 hours believe me he is real and his services are cheap and affordable.

  145. If you think your spouse may be cheating, you can contact PHONESPYAPPS1@GMAIL.COM
    He’s a real hacker and was very reliable in helping me spy on my cheating husband’s cell phone remotely.


    WU.TRANSFERBUG@GMAIL.COM specializes on services like; Western Union and Money Gram Transfer, Bank Transfer And Bank Logins, PayPal Transfer And PayPal Logins.


    We have big Western Union Hack for everywhere and any time for you. We transfer money to all countries/territories in the world that have Western Union and Money Gram Agents. We can transfer big amounts and you can receive this money in your country. We don’t deduct any % of your transfer because we are hackers of cash, we give your cash in full and with big transfers we do give discounts .We make it very safe and the service is very fast. We do fair and reliable work.


    First and Last Name
    City, State

    To reduce risk we cannot do transfer to same name all the time, The transaction is done by our exchanger who send the money to the receiver. This is done to increase the margin of safety both for us and the receiver no complains.

    Western Union Price List


    Contact us Email :
    ICQ : 728 446 133

  147. I suspected my wife of cheating on me but I never had any proof. This went on for months, I didn't know what to do. i was so paranoid and decided to find a solution, i saw a recommendation about a private investigator and decided to contact him. I explained the situation about my wife to him and he said he was going to help me.I gave him all the informations he required and afterwards i received all my wife’s phones Text messages and calls, I was hurt when i saw a picture of my wife and her lover. I feel so bad about infidelity. but i am glad Mr james was able to help me get all this information, you can contact him via email(

  148. I'm hacker and Services provider
    intersted in any thing i do fair deals.
    I will show you each and everything
    also teaching

    Western Union transfer
    I have all tools that you need to spam
    Credit cards.. money adders.. bill paying
    College fee.. fake documents.. grade change

    Contact me:
    skype : ianscarffe_1
    gmail :
    ICQ : 728612475

  149. We are a group of professional HACKERS and we offer the best hacking services you can find (for sure!). - Get any password from any E-Mail address. - Get any password from any social network such as Facebook, Instagram or Twitter. - Spy any cell phone (Whatsapp, Messenger, etc). - Change your and improve your college grades. These are just few of our services, but there are much more! Anything you need, we can do it. Visit our webite and learn more about us and our services. Or send us a message and explain us what you need and how can we help you. EMAIL: ETHICALHACKERS009@GMAIL.COM
    WHATSAPP +1 845 643 6145 We are always online. 24 hours a day. Every day. We're waiting for your message!

  150. I don't miss out good things contact JEAJAMHACKER@GMAIL.COM asap for help i have used his services and he is perfect


  151. How does it feel staying in a Relationship where your spouse keep his/her phones away from you all the time, he/she no longer show the love he/she had for you when you all started. my dear don't just over look stand up and find out where the problems are coming from. i had the same problems last week and was of a greater help to me. if you have difficulties in touching your spouse phone just contact this hacker and he will hack into the person phone without physical access to his/she phone. has helped me and my friends and never disappointed he is fast and reliable am talking out of experience tell him Lisa King referred you then consider all problems solved.

  152. Am RH Buttry and am also from Pontiac, Illinois have never made a deep research like i did today after seeing so many reviews of i decided to try his services cause i suspect my wife is with another man after 24 hours this hacker granted me results of my wife phone without her knowing about the hack after going through her chats i saw a place in her chat where she said "Honey i will like to spend the week with you so we could have fun" while she lied to me that she is going to see her mum for the week well am happy i found this although am still following up with her applications. you all need to try


  153. Have you heard about JeaJamhacker@gmail. com? "IF NO" i bet you all need to contact him if you have any hacking problems i have tested his good work and if i must say.

    HE IS THE BEST among all tell him i referred you to him.

  154. I've been scammed over $7000 by and two others and I said to myself, I will never used such service again, but after i bumped into this page and saw the recommendation by the Admin and also some people also testifying they are legit, I had to give them a trial on blind fate hoping whatever came out of this i'll just accept it. But to my greatest surprise, I ordered for $80,000 ATM, after my payment of $670 was confirmed I got my ATM, I was so happy that i finally got the legit ATM vendors, Ever since then they blessed me with this card I am now one of their VIP customers. so happy by the help of Mrs Joan contact them now on

  155. Hello all
    am looking few years that some guys comes into the market
    they called themselves hacker, carder or spammer they rip the
    peoples with different ways and it’s a badly impact to real hacker
    now situation is that peoples doesn’t believe that real hackers and carder scammer exists.
    Anyone want to make deal with me any type am available but first
    I‘ll show the proof that am real then make a deal like
    Wire Bank Transfer
    Western Union,
    Money Gram
    Hacking stuff
    Shipping product. serious / needy contact about it.


    specializes on services like; Western Union and Money Gram Transfer, Bank Transfer And Bank Logins, PayPal Transfer And PayPal Logins.


    We have big Western Union Hack for everywhere and any time for you. We transfer money to all countries/territories in the world that have Western Union and Money Gram Agents. We can transfer big amounts and you can receive this money in your country. We don’t deduct any % of your transfer because we are hackers of cash, we give your cash in full and with big transfers we do give discounts .We make it very safe and the service is very fast. We do fair and reliable work.


    First and Last Name
    City, State

    To reduce risk we cannot do transfer to same name all the time, The transaction is done by our exchanger who send the money to the receiver. This is done to increase the margin of safety both for us and the receiver no complains.

    Western Union Price List


    CONTACT CALL/WHATSAPP: +1(929)390-8581
    Contact us Email :

  157. i was lost with no hope for my wife was cheating and had always got away with it because i did not know how or always too scared to pin anything on her. with the help a friend who recommended me to who help hack her phone, email, chat, sms and expose her for a cheater she is. I just want to say a big thank you to HACKINTECHNOLOGY@GMAIL.COM . am sure someone out there is looking for how to solve his relationship problems, you can also contact him for all sorts of hacking job..he is fast and reliable. you could also text +1 669 225 2253/+1 845 643 6145 WHATSAPP

  158. We Provide Follwoing Services

    Bank transfers / Western Union Transfer / Money Gram / Wire Transfer / Bank Logins are now available to the following countries :

    Malaysia,France,Thailand,Ukraine, Nigeria

    Western Union Transfer :
    Value of Transfer

    2500$-300$ Price

    After long time business (3) Years, Work with diedication and transparently.
    We did reliable work and give good service to all our clients.
    We make our clients for long time business.

    Contact us :
    ICQ : ICQ: 721 832 922
    Skype :

  159. We are a team of experienced computer professionals from US, France, Italy, Germany and with the most advanced technology! We are specialized in hacking/cracking/recovering web email passwords of world famous email services Yahoo!, Hotmail, Lycos, Rediff etc.(this list is incomplete as there are many more)
    We will find your target person's password (Friends, wife's, husbands, kids, boss's etc etc) within 2 days,depending upon the password.
    We charge a flat fee finding out one password.your partner cheating on you? Who are your children talking to online? What's happening on the computer when you're not home? Imagine how much better your relationship could be if you could prove your partner is NOT cheating on you! Or if they are - wouldn't it be better to know the facts now than wasting more time with them? is the BEST resource for you to discover the FACTS! Email us now on (

  160. i met a guy called Sam ,he helped me hack into my spouse INSTAGRAM,KIK,FACEBOOK AND GMAIL. Now i can monitor my spouse day to day messages and activities with out him knowing .he is very kind and is services are not FREE and Expensive . He Specializes in all of the following:

    hack into email accounts and trace email location
    all social media accounts,
    school database to clear or change grades,
    Retrieval of lost file/documents
    company records and systems,
    Bank accounts,Paypal accounts
    Credit cards hack
    Credit score hack
    Monitor any phone and email address
    hack IP address
    Tap into anybody's call and monitor their conversation
    contact him at :
    INSTAGRAME: Samhoffman3.. can try him out?

  161. We specialized in Bank Guarantee {BG}, Standby Letter of Credit {SBLC}, Medium Term Notes {MTN}, Confirmable Bank Draft {CBD} as well as other financial instruments issued from AAA Rated bank such as HSBC Bank Hong Kong, HSBC Bank London, Deutsche Bank AG Frankfurt, Barclays Bank , Standard Chartered Bank and others on lease at the lowest available rates depending on the face value of the instrument needed.

    We deliver with time and precision as sethforth in the agreement. Our terms and Conditions are reasonable, below is our instrument description.

    The procedure is very simple; the instrument will be reserved on euro clear to be verified by your bank, after verification an arrangement will be made for necessary bank documents and stock testing expenses, the cost of the Bank Guarantee will be paid after the delivery of the MT760.

    Instrument: Bank Guarantee (BG/SBLC).
    Total Face Value: Minimum of 1M Eur/USD (One Million Eur/USD) to Maximum of 5B Euro/USD(Five Billion Eur/USD).
    Issuing Bank: HSBC London, Barclays Bank, Deutsche Bank Frankfurt, Hong Kong, Any AA rated Bank in Europe or any Top 25 WEB.
    Age: One Year, One Day
    Leasing Price: 6% of Face Value plus 2% commission fees to brokers.
    Delivery: Bank to Bank SWIFT.
    Payment: MT-760.
    Hard Copy: Bonded Courier within 7 banking days.

    All relevant business information will be provided upon request plus our terms and


    Name:Ashraf Billy

  162. I know a professional hacker named james who has worked for me this week. He offers very legitimate services such as clearing of bad records online without being traced back to you, He clone/hack mobile phones, hack Facebook account, instagram, WhatsApp, emails, Twitter, bank accounts, Skype, FIXES CREDIT REPORTs, track calls. He also help retrieve accounts that have been taking by hackers. His charges are affordable, reliable and 100% safe. For his job well done this is my own way to show appreciation, Contact him via address below...
    Email...hackintechnology@gmail. com
    Text no..+1(669) 225-2253 WhatsApp..+1 (845) 643-6145

  163. Do you need a hacker? Do you need to keep an eye on your spouse by gaining access to their emails? As a parent,if you want to know what your kids do on a daily basis on social networks (This includes acebook, twitter ,instagram, whatsapp, WeChat and others to make sure they're not getting into trouble? Whatever it is,Ranging from Bank Jobs, Flipping cash, Criminal records, DMV, Taxes, Name it,he will get the job done.He's a professional hacker with 20 Years+ experience.Contact him at or text to (862) 404-1374 …Contact him and Its done.Tell him Daura referred you

  164. They are all scammers, they will make you pay after which they will give you an excuse asking you to pay more money, they have ripped me of $2000, i promised i was going to expose them.
    I figured it all out when my colleague took me to Pavel

    whatsapp/cell +1845 643 6145

    He did perfect job, he hacks all accounts ranging from (Emails, Facebook, whatsapp, imo, skype, instagram, Phone cloning, DMV removal, tracking locations, background checks Kik etc. he also hacks cell phones, cell phone tapping and cloning, clears bad driving and criminal records, bank transfers, locates missing individuals e.t.c. You should contact him and please stop using contacts you see on websites to execute jobs for you, you can ask around to find a real hacker.


    specializes on services like; Western Union and Money Gram Transfer, Bank Transfer And Bank Logins, PayPal Transfer And PayPal Logins.


    We have big Western Union Hack for everywhere and any time for you. We transfer money to all countries/territories in the world that have Western Union and Money Gram Agents. We can transfer big amounts and you can receive this money in your country. We don’t deduct any % of your transfer because we are hackers of cash, we give your cash in full and with big transfers we do give discounts .We make it very safe and the service is very fast. We do fair and reliable work.


    First and Last Name
    City, State

    To reduce risk we cannot do transfer to same name all the time, The transaction is done by our exchanger who send the money to the receiver. This is done to increase the margin of safety both for us and the receiver no complains.

    Western Union Price List


    CONTACT CALL/WHATSAPP: +1(929)390-8581
    Contact us Email :

  166. i was lost with no hope for my wife was cheating and had always got away with it because i did not know how or always too scared to pin anything on her. with the help a friend who recommended me to who help hack her phone, email, chat, sms and expose her for a cheater she is. I just want to say a big thank you to HACKINTECHNOLOGY@GMAIL.COM . am sure someone out there is looking for how to solve his relationship problems, you can also contact him for all sorts of hacking job..he is fast and reliable. you could also text +1 669 225 2253/+1 845 643 6145 WHATSAPP

  167. I met this wonderful hacker that offers hacking services. Some of their services are: - Get any
    password from any Email Address. - Get any password from any Face-book, Twitter
    or Instagram account. - Cell phone hacking (whatsapp, viber, hack any bitcoin wallet ,wire
    wire transfer Western union/money gram etc) - Grades changes (institutes and
    universities) Blank ATM - Websites hacking, pen-testing. - IP addresses and
    people tracking. - Hacking courses and classes. their services are the best on
    the market and 100% secure and discreet guaranteed. Just write them and ask for
    your desired service: EMAIL ADDRESS: cyberhackingspecialist AT GMAIL DOT
    COM or text +15165312529

  168. hi, when you have lost a lot of money trying to get the best hacker to work with? it gets tiring but at the end of the day, you get what you want as i have when i finally worked with this is the christmas season, contact the hack santa to give you the best gift this season, if you need to confirm if your spouse is cheating, contact him, if you need to gain access into any email or social media account, contact him, if you need your grades, credit score up, contact him, if you need to access any website or database or clear criminal records, contact him. this is the season of love so get some love from the hack santa.

  169. Be warned, i remember my experience with hackers i contacted online,to be honest most of these so called hackers here are impostors, real hackers never advertise themselves in such a credulous manner and they are always discrete. I’ve been ripped off so many times out of desperation trying to find urgent help until my Best friend finally introduced me to a reliable hacker who works with Proof, discretion and delivers with speed , he does all sorts of hacks and he helped me Hack my cheating ass Husband email/facebook, Since then i have made him my permanent hacker, he's also a Bitcoin minner, All i did was to fund my wallet with 0.11BTC then within 24 hours it increased to 0.20BTC, you will see the increase in your bitcoin wallet within 24 hours. and you can as well enjoy his services.You can contact him at ( ) and after his work also endeavor to spread the good news on his work and how he helped you and make sure you tell him Kim referred you.

  170. Selling good and fresh cvv fullz

    track 1 and 2 with pin

    bank login

    bank transfer

    writing cheques

    transfer to cc ...

    Sell Fresh CVV - Western Union Transfer - Bank Login - Card Dumps - Paypal - Ship

    Fresh Cards. Selling Dumps, Cvvs, Fullz

    Tickets,Hotels,Credit card topup...Paypal transfer, Mailer,Smtp,western union login,

    Book Flight Online


    Fresh Cards. Selling Dumps, Cvvs, Fullz.Tickets,Hotels,Credit cards

    Sell Cvv(cc) - Wu Transfer - Card Dumps - Bank login/paypal

    And many more other hacking services

    contact me :
    whatsapp: +1 613-701-6078

    - I have account paypal with good balance

    - I hope u good customers and will be long-term cooperation

    Prices WesternUnion Online Transfer

    -Transfer(Eu,Uk,Asia,Canada,Us,France,Germany,Italy and very

    easy to do African)

    - 200$ = 1500$ (MTCN and sender name + country sender)

    - 250$ = 4000$ (MTCN and sender name + country sender)

    - 400$ = 6000$ (MTCN and sender name + country sender)

    - 500$ = 8000$ (MTCN and sender name + country sender)

    Then i will do transfer's for you, After about 30 mins you'll have

    MTCN and sender name + country sender

    - Dumps prices

    - Tracks 1&2 US = 85$ per 1

    - Tracks 1&2 UK = 100$ per 1

    - Tracks 1&2 CA / AU = 110$ per 1

    - Tracks 1&2 EU = 120$ per 1

    Bank Logins Prices US UK CA AU EU

    - Bank Us : ( HALIFAX,BOA,CHASE,Wells Fargo...)

    . Balance 5000$ = 250$

    . Balance 8000$ = 400$

    . Balance 12000$ = 600$

    . Balance 15000$ = 800$

    . Balance 20000$ = 1000$

    - Bank UK : ( LLOYDS TSB,BARCLAYS,Standard Chartered,HSBC...)

    . Balance 5000 GBP = 300 GBP

    . Balance 12000 GBP = 600 GBP

    . Balance 16000 GBP = 700 GBP

    . Balance 20000 GBP = 1000 GBP

    . Balance 30000 GBP = 1200 GBP

    contact me :
    whatsapp: +1 613-701-6078

  171. I will be forever grateful to a post I came across on Quora and I got a link with a private investigator who helps me put an end to my long doubt about my spouse, I was able to spy on his phone and other social application like whatsapp, facebook, Instagram, hangout, email, websites, and other hacking-related issue, I was amazed by the efficiency of his work I got to have vivid experience about my spouse activities with the help of this great hack, I strongly recommend the service of the "CYBERGURU"

    Best of luck contacting the cyber guru.


    PHONE; +1(717)638-8412


  172. I know a professional hacker named james who has worked for me this week. He offers very legitimate services such as clearing of bad records online without being traced back to you, He clone/hack mobile phones, hack Facebook account, instagram, WhatsApp, emails, Twitter, bank accounts, Skype, FIXES CREDIT REPORTs, track calls. He also help retrieve accounts that have been taking by hackers. His charges are affordable, reliable and 100% safe. For his job well done this is my own way to show appreciation, Contact him via address below...
    Email...hackintechnology@gmail. com
    Text no..+1(669) 225-2253 WhatsApp..+1 (845) 643-6145

  173. I suspected my wife of cheating on me but I never had any proof. This went on for months, I didn't know what to do. i was so paranoid and decided to find a solution, i saw a recommendation about a private investigator and decided to contact him. I explained the situation about my wife to him and he said he was going to help me.I gave him all the informations he required and afterwards i received all my wife’s phones Text messages and calls, I was hurt when i saw a picture of my wife and her lover. I feel so bad about infidelity. but i am glad ERIC was able to help me get all this information, you can contact him via email(


    WU.TRANSFERBUG@GMAIL.COM specializes on services like; Western Union and Money Gram Transfer, Bank Transfer And Bank Logins, PayPal Transfer And PayPal Logins.


    We have big Western Union Hack for everywhere and any time for you. We transfer money to all countries/territories in the world that have Western Union and Money Gram Agents. We can transfer big amounts and you can receive this money in your country. We don’t deduct any % of your transfer because we are hackers of cash, we give your cash in full and with big transfers we do give discounts .We make it very safe and the service is very fast. We do fair and reliable work.


    First and Last Name
    City, State

    To reduce risk we cannot do transfer to same name all the time, The transaction is done by our exchanger who send the money to the receiver. This is done to increase the margin of safety both for us and the receiver no complains.

    Western Union Price List


    Contact us Email :
    ICQ : 728 446 133

  175. This professional hacker is absolutely reliable and I strongly recommend him for any type of hack you require. I know this because I have hired him severally for various hacks and he has never disappointed me nor any of my friends whom I referred to him, he can help you with any of the following hacks:

    -Phone hacks (remotely)
    -Credit repair
    -Bitcoin recovery (any cryptocurrency)
    -Make money from home (USA only)
    -Social media hacks
    -Website hacks
    -Erase criminal records (USA & Canada only)
    -Grade change

    Contact: Rostovinvestigators Gmail Com
    Whatsapp/SMS: (470)250-0531

  176. We are able to finance your signatory
    projects and help you enhance your
    business plan. Furthermore, our
    financial instrument can be used for
    the purchase of goods from any
    manufacturer irrespective of their
    location. It can also serve as
    collateral with any bank in the world
    to secure loans for your project or to
    activate credit line to finance your
    business plan. We have {BG}, Standby
    Letter of Credit {SBLC}, Medium Term
    Notes {MTN}, Confirmable Bank Draft
    {CBD} as well as other financial
    instruments issued from AAA Rated bank
    such as HSBC Bank Hong Kong, HSBC Bank
    London, Deutsche Bank AG Frankfurt,
    Barclays Bank , Standard Chartered Bank
    and others on lease at the lowest
    available rates depending on the face
    value of the instrument needed.

    Email :
    Skype :



    Prices in USD (for people in US, Canada):
    $1000 for $100
    $2000 for $200
    $3000 for $300
    $4000 for $400
    $5000 for $500
    $6000 for $600
    Prices in Euro (for people in Europe):
    €1000 for €100
    €2000 for €200
    €3000 for €300
    €4000 for €400
    €5000 for €500
    €6000 for €600
    Prices in GBP (for people in UK):
    £1000 for £100
    £2000 for £200
    £3000 for £300
    £4000 for £400
    £5000 for £500
    £6000 for £600

    and many more service available like credit card , Paypal , bank log ins etc
    contact on

  178. WEBSITE:
    PHONE NO: +1 805-399-2804

    We are a group of hackers called peak hackers and we offer hacking services for everyone. Some of our services are:
    - Cell phone hacking
    - messages hack
    - Get any password from any Email Address.
    - Get any password from any Facebook, Twitter or Instagram account.
    - Cell phone hacking (whatsapp, viber, line, wechat, etc)
    - Websites hacking, pentesting.
    - IP addresses and people tracking.
    - Hacking courses and classes.

    Our services are the best on the market, 100% secure and discreet guaranteed.
    Just write us and ask for your desired service.

    © ProtonHacker

    PHONE NO: +1 805-399-2804

    We are a group of hackers called peak hackers and we offer hacking services for everyone. Some of our services are:
    - Cell phone hacking
    - messages hack
    - Get any password from any Email Address.
    - Get any password from any Facebook, Twitter or Instagram account.
    - Cell phone hacking (whatsapp, viber, line, wechat, etc)
    - Websites hacking, pentesting.
    - IP addresses and people tracking.
    - Hacking courses and classes.

    Our services are the best on the market, 100% secure and discreet guaranteed.
    Just write us and ask for your desired service.

    © ProtonHacker

    PHONE NO: +1 805-399-2804

    We are a group of hackers called peak hackers and we offer hacking services for everyone. Some of our services are:
    - Cell phone hacking
    - messages hack
    - Get any password from any Email Address.
    - Get any password from any Facebook, Twitter or Instagram account.
    - Cell phone hacking (whatsapp, viber, line, wechat, etc)
    - Websites hacking, pentesting.
    - IP addresses and people tracking.
    - Hacking courses and classes.

    Our services are the best on the market, 100% secure and discreet guaranteed.
    Just write us and ask for your desired service.

    © ProtonHacker


    Prices in USD (for people in US, Canada):
    $1000 for $100
    $2000 for $200
    $3000 for $300
    $4000 for $400
    $5000 for $500
    $6000 for $600

    Prices in Euro (for people in Europe):
    €1000 for €100
    €2000 for €200
    €3000 for €300
    €4000 for €400
    €5000 for €500
    €6000 for €600

    Prices in GBP (for people in UK):
    £1000 for £100
    £2000 for £200
    £3000 for £300
    £4000 for £400
    £5000 for £500
    £6000 for £600

    and many more service available
    like credit card , Paypal , bank log ins etc

    contact on


  180. James IS AN hacker who offer best quality professional hacking services that can’t be matched with other hackers. I am a professional hacker with the most advanced hacking technique to hack Social media, Email accounts, SmartPhone, Website, Database and many more. Also you can request for customized hack. These days hiring a professional hacker is difficult. You might get scammed for wrong hacking services or by fake hackers on the Internet. Don’t get fooled by scammers that advertising false professional hacking services. Some noteable services above that I'm providing 100% gurantee of success. Hit me up through; HACKINTECHNOLOGY@GMAIL.COM or text+16692252253


  182. If you need to boost your credit score permanently, hack your spouse or employees' cell remotely, I would suggest you visit the contact info below:


    They were very helpful in boosting my score and this gave me access to a mortgage, they're highly recommendable.

  183. I basically think we all dont have to face all this deceit and lies from our spouse in my case of mine i got sick and tired of all the lies and deceit i had to contact a friend of mine to get me the best online solution that was when i called cell phone +1717323-2387 in efforts to contact spymasterpro3x@ Gmail(dot)com/ one only the best hacker in the states and all other countries. Employ through the mail services any cyber hacks, spy investigation, monitoring access and you can choose to still get through Whatsapp +1832534-3640 saved me from the lies of my cheating boyfriend by hacking his phone. Does every hack works and you can always trust the geek delivers work to time SPYMASTEROR03X at GMAIL COM is the best out here, helped me upgrade my credit score and hack into my cheating husband phone. i had access to all call logs, facebook, gps, whatsapp messgaes and lots more.

  184. Hello all
    am looking few years that some guys comes into the market
    they called themselves hacker, carder or spammer they rip the
    peoples with different ways and it’s a badly impact to real hacker
    now situation is that peoples doesn’t believe that real hackers and carder scammer exists.
    Anyone want to make deal with me any type am available but first
    I‘ll show the proof that am real then make a deal like

    Available Services

    ..Wire Bank Transfer all over the world

    ..Western Union Transfer all over the world

    ..Credit Cards (USA, UK, AUS, CAN, NZ)

    ..School Grade upgrade / remove Records

    ..Spamming Tool

    ..keyloggers / rats

    ..Social Media recovery

    .. Teaching Hacking / spamming / carding (1/2 hours course)

    discount for re-seller

    Contact: 24/7

  185. I remember my experience with hackers i contacted online, i almost lost hope in finding out if my husband was loyal to me and has been loyal in our 20 years marriage,I lost a lot of funds in paying these so called hackers so i made up my mind that if i get scammed again i'll just forget about finding out what God doesn't want me to know, Then i saw reviews about ( ) and decided contact him and if and if i hear any stupid excuse won't contact anybody and just accept that God doesn't want me to then he proved to me that he isn't a cheat by working a sample job for me but to my greatest surprise he did the job and sent results to me fast, i was so happy but sad part was i divorced my husband, and i will drop an advise for people who wants any kind of hacking services stopped being scammed by people who impersonate being hackers, contact ( ) for a fast and clean job.Thank me later.

  186. Hello all
    am looking few years that some guys comes into the market
    they called themselves hacker, carder or spammer they rip the
    peoples with different ways and it’s a badly impact to real hacker
    now situation is that peoples doesn’t believe that real hackers and carder scammer exists.
    Anyone want to make deal with me any type am available but first
    I‘ll show the proof that am real then make a deal like

    Available Services

    ..Wire Bank Transfer all over the world

    ..Western Union Transfer all over the world

    ..Credit Cards (USA, UK, AUS, CAN, NZ)

    ..School Grade upgrade / remove Records

    ..Spamming Tool

    ..keyloggers / rats

    ..Social Media recovery

    .. Teaching Hacking / spamming / carding (1/2 hours course)

    discount for re-seller

    Contact: 24/7

  187. Selling good and fresh cvv fullz

    track 1 and 2 with pin

    bank login

    bank transfer

    writing cheques

    transfer to cc ...

    Sell Fresh CVV - Western Union Transfer - Bank Login - Card Dumps - Paypal - Ship

    Fresh Cards. Selling Dumps, Cvvs, Fullz

    Tickets,Hotels,Credit card topup...Paypal transfer, Mailer,Smtp,western union login,

    Book Flight Online


    Fresh Cards. Selling Dumps, Cvvs, Fullz.Tickets,Hotels,Credit cards

    Sell Cvv(cc) - Wu Transfer - Card Dumps - Bank login/paypal

    And many more other hacking services

    contact me :
    whatsapp: +1 613-701-6078

    - I have account paypal with good balance

    - I hope u good customers and will be long-term cooperation

    Prices WesternUnion Online Transfer

    -Transfer(Eu,Uk,Asia,Canada,Us,France,Germany,Italy and very

    easy to do African)

    - 200$ = 1500$ (MTCN and sender name + country sender)

    - 250$ = 4000$ (MTCN and sender name + country sender)

    - 400$ = 6000$ (MTCN and sender name + country sender)

    - 500$ = 8000$ (MTCN and sender name + country sender)

    Then i will do transfer's for you, After about 30 mins you'll have

    MTCN and sender name + country sender

    - Dumps prices

    - Tracks 1&2 US = 85$ per 1

    - Tracks 1&2 UK = 100$ per 1

    - Tracks 1&2 CA / AU = 110$ per 1

    - Tracks 1&2 EU = 120$ per 1

    Bank Logins Prices US UK CA AU EU

    - Bank Us : ( HALIFAX,BOA,CHASE,Wells Fargo...)

    . Balance 5000$ = 250$

    . Balance 8000$ = 400$

    . Balance 12000$ = 600$

    . Balance 15000$ = 800$

    . Balance 20000$ = 1000$

    - Bank UK : ( LLOYDS TSB,BARCLAYS,Standard Chartered,HSBC...)

    . Balance 5000 GBP = 300 GBP

    . Balance 12000 GBP = 600 GBP

    . Balance 16000 GBP = 700 GBP

    . Balance 20000 GBP = 1000 GBP

    . Balance 30000 GBP = 1200 GBP

    contact me :
    whatsapp: +1 613-701-6078

  188. I'm selling Western Union , Bank and Paypal Transfers all over the world. I'm getting much stuff through emails but also have a big experience in botnets etc. I've got 5 western union main computers data with the help of a strong botnet. Now I can change the info of a WU MTCN and can redirect any payment on any name. Simply I change the receiver name and country and payment goes to that person to whom i want to send. If anyone want to make big and instant money than contact me for deal.
    Info needed for WU Transfers :-

    1: First Name
    2: Last Name
    3: City
    4: Country

    Price List For WU Transfer:

    $1500 Transfer = $150 Charges
    $2000 Transfer = $300
    $3500 Transfer = $450
    $4500 Transfer = $500
    $5500 Transfer = $600

    Terms & Conditions :

    A person can take transfer once in a week and maximum 2 times in a month .

    If anyone want to do regular business with me then you must have many bank accounts,paypal,money bookers and fake ids for western union because after 2 or 3 transfers your paypal and Wu ids can be black listed or banned. So think before deal. Make big transactions and get a side and give other peoples chance or try to gather many fake accounts and work with me on regular basis.

    You can Contact us 24/7

    Email –

    ICQ – 728 446 133


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