[alert title='Editors Note' icon='pencil'] Another example of virtual currency solving problems where they exists. Vape products are considered "high-risk" making it extremely difficult and expensive to obtain merchant accounts to accept traditional credit and debit cards for e-commerce. [/alert]
Leading E-Cigarette Site Vapecrypto.com, Now Accepting Bitcoin Cash, Litecoin, and DASH
Branchburg, NJ – BitByBitCrypto Inc, the parent company or leading e-cigarette/vaporizer ecommerce site vapecrypto.com announced that in addition to Bitcoin it now accepts Bitcoin Cash,
Litecoin, DASH and other crypto-currencies for all purchases made on the vapecrypto.com site.
BitByBitCrypto is making this change to try and alleviate the pressure customers are currently seeing in terms of the amount Bitcoin transaction fees are taking up as a percent of the total cost of each
purchase and the vapecrypto.com site.
The acceptance of more crypto-currencies will give Vapecrypto’s customers more flexibility in the manner in which they pay for purchases as well as the fees associated with such transactions.
The support of even more crypto currency types is expected to be announced in early 2018 as the
company continues to strive to be the number e-cigarette/vaporizer site catering to the Bitcoin and
Crypto Currency community.
About BitByBItCrypto Inc.
BitByBitCrypto Inc. was founding in early 2016 to try and promote and educate the public on the
advantages of holding, investing and purchasing Bitcoin and other crypto currencies.
BitByBitCrypto’s main goal is to continue to create web sites and seminars around the crypto
revolution in order to assist in the technologies reaching mainstream and to continue to grow in
About Vapecrypto
Vapecrypto.com is an e-cigarette/vaporizer e-commerce site that launched in January of 2017 and at
launched accepted both credit cards and Bitcoin for payment. The goal of the site was and is to merge
the two disruptive technologies to not only assist people worldwide to quit smoking analog cigarettes
but to also become familiar and confident in using Bitcoin to complete transactions.
Since it’s inception vapecrypto has offered 10% off all orders paid for in Bitcoin and will continue to make this discount available for all crypto currency purchases. To date, vapecrypto.com, has seen tremendous growth among vapors who prefer to purchase their gear and e-juices with Bitcoin and with the acceptance of new alt-currencies this trend is expected to continue well into 2018.
To learn more about this merger, please contactRobert Pisack, CEO
759 Vanessa Lane
Branchburg, NJ 08853
Office: (908) 255-7577
[email protected]
[accordion] [item title="Author and Credits"] Press Release: Vapecrypto.com
Image Credits: Banner Image by dinbits.com staff
[/item] [item title="Disclaimer"]Press release published as submitted. The opinions expressed in this press release do not necessarily reflect the opinions of dinbits.com, dinbits.com nor any of its affiliates endorse any products, services, or claims herein. All content and material is the responsibility of the submitting party. Please review our Terms of Use for more information regarding press release material and disclaimers. [/item] [/accordion]
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